Current as of: July 1993 International Availability PDN Outside the USA, GEnie is available through direct access in Canada, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. GEnie is available through PDN (public data network) access in an additional 20 countries. To gain access to GEnie in countries with no direct GEnie access, you must contact the local PTT (equivalent of US Postal Service and FCC combined) or look in the telephone book for data service providers. In each country the pricing, terms, support and service will be different. Unfortunately, GEnie does not have any information to assist in obtaining local PDN access. Contact, pricing and access information changes so frequently that the only reliable source of information is the local PDN itself. GEnie is available via PDN in the following countries: Austrialia New Zealand Belgium Norway Denmark Philippines Finland Portugal France South Africa Hong Kong South Korea Ireland Spain Italy Taiwan Mexico Turkey Netherlands United Kingdom To gain access to GEnie, (after obtaining local PDN access): 1. Connect to the local PDN using PDN access instructions. 2. Enter the following information all on one line: 3136 (GE Information Services' DNIC) 9 (Indicates PAD Service) 00 (Indicates Asynchronous Service) Example: 3136900 OR... 31369000000000 (If the PDN requires the full X.121 address.) Contact the local PDN representative for help with addressing if you have trouble. The GE Information Services network, GEnie's network, will distinguish the access speed automatically. 3. At the prompt: U#= Enter: XJM11997,PDN You will be given an electronic form to fill out, including name, mailing and billing addresses, and international credit card. Please fill out this form to sign up for GEnie access. 4. After filling out the signup form, a startup package will be mailed to your mailing address. This includes a contract, which must be returned before the account can be validated. To save time, the contract may also be faxed to GEnie; the fax number will appear on the contract. Non-Prime Prime The rates for PDN usage are: 300/1200/2400 $8.00 $20.00 There is no signup fee. A manual is not included, but may be ordered for $28.95 (which includes shipping and handling). GEnie rates are in addition to your local PDN access rates and fees. Prime time is in effect from 8 AM to 6PM EST (EASTERN time, U.S.A.) weekdays (Monday through Friday). Non-prime time is all other hours and includes GEnie holidays.