8-bit Music Construction Set to ST Music Studio Converter ========================================================= Beta-test version By Greg Ozbirn March 25, 1990 Plano, TX Thanks to Robert Lansdale for the Music Studio file format decoding. The files you should have after unarcing are: Combine.ttp - a program written in "C" that combines the MCS treble and bass staff files into one file called (filename).Tmp Convert.ttp - a program written in "C" that takes the (filename).Tmp file and converts it into ST Music Studio format Readme.txt - this file Preliminary info: A few months ago I became interested in converting some of my old Atari 8-bit Music Construction Set songs over to my ST's Music Studio format. I looked around on the online services such as Genie and Compuserve, but couldn't find any such program. So, I decided to write one myself. I would not have attempted this were it not for a file by Robert Lansdale which detailed the Music Studio file format. I figured this was half the battle. All that was left was to decipher the MCS file format and write a converter program. Well, the MCS format is a little strange, to say the least. It stores notes on the treble staff in a separate file from the notes in the bass staff. To make matters worse, the bass staff and treble staff overlap each other by eight notes. Still worse was the fact that MCS does not require notes in a vertical column to line up perfectly--Music Studio does. So, the first thing that must be done before converting a file is to go make sure that any notes that belong in the same vertical column are exactly in the same vertical column. This is no big deal, since you probably entered songs this way in the first place. However, the songs included on the MCS are not this way at all; they just seemed to put notes where ever they felt like it. I could have written a program that would have tried to line notes up in the same column as best as it could, but I figured that the human eye was a much better tool to do this without putting something in the wrong column. So, to convert a file, do this: 1. Somehow, get the file into the ST from the 8-bit. Probably one of Darek Mihocka's (St Xformer) tools is the best way to do this. Note that two files are needed. For example, with the "Turkey in the Straw" song, the files were: Turkey - the bass staff notes Turkey.mus - the treble staff notes The treble staff file is always the same filename as the bass staff, with .mus as an extension. 2. Execute file "Combine.ttp". Give it the filename (including the path) of the file to convert (without the extension, it will know to look for the other file). It will produce a file by the same filename with .Tmp as an extension. 3. Execute file "Convert.ttp". Give it the file produced in the prior step (including path but without extension). It will produce a Music Studio file by the same name (with .sng as an extension). 4. Boot up Music Studio and try it out on the converted song. 5. If some of the notes were in the wrong place, go look at the MCS file on the 8-bit, and make sure all notes belonging in a single vertical column are exactly in the same column. (The notes should line up, not the sharps, flats, etc.) If you encounter problems, I can be reached on Genie and Compuserve. My Compuserve ID is 75006,3016. The only testing that I've performed is to convert the "Turkey in the Straw" song included on the 8-bit MCS disk. If in converting something you find a conversion error not involving "wrong column" problems, let me know and I will attempt to correct the converter software. Also, feel free to send me email if you have benefitted from this software. Used properly, it sure beats converting the songs by hand! Note: This is freeware and may be uploaded anywhere--Enjoy!! Regards, Greg Ozbirn Disclaimer: As far as I know, this software is safe, but I assume no responsibility for any damage that may result from the use of this software.