Want to turn your boring ST desktop into a NeXT desktop? You can ... more or less. You need to own NeoDesk, and you need some ZeST. This file contains an example. This is a NeoDesk desktop I set up using ZeST by David Becker. While ZeST can actually produce a NeXT-style interface for BASIC programs, I used it simply to create a background Degas high-res image that would load automatically when NeoDesk 3 runs. (Any Degas image named NEOPIC-H.PI3 and located in the NeoDesk folder will be automatically placed as a background when NeoDesk loads.) I have included the ZeST screen shot itself along with a screen shot of my desktop. Notice the dramatic 3D effect. And, yes, the "Erase" button actually works. (I placed an invisible trash can icon on top of the "Erase" button.) If you have any questions, you can reach me on BIX as "afasoldt" or on GEnie as "a.fasoldt." Or write to: Al Fasoldt Technology Editor Herald-Journal Syracuse, NY 13221 Al Fasoldt Sept. 29, 1991