Program names: xdown.ttp xup.ttp Versions: 1.1 1.1 Last mod: 1/4/88 1/4/88 Author: Jason Blochowiak Docs author: Same Status: Public Domain Ok, the not-so-long awaited stand-alone xmodem utilities... xup.ttp is a program to upload (send from your computer to somewhere else) files. xdown.ttp is a program to download (receive files from another computer) files. Neither of them is, as far as I'm aware, the least bit buggy (doesn't mean that they really aren't...). Purpose in life: These programs are designed primarily for use with the Atari vt52 emulation desk accessory that people got with their STs, so that they can have xmodem transfers without paying for a terminal program. I won't wax philosophically on how great computer telecommunications are, there are enough other people doing that, but: I find this stuff interesting, and am trying (by releasing this stuff to PD) to make more accessable to an average person (without them having to spend as much). Or, it's great for when your "real" terminal program is being buggy, and you just gotta get some files transferred... How to use: First off, you have to be connected to another computer by some method (modem or null-modem, most likely), and have communications established (proper baud rate, parity, etc. I won't explain this; if you need it explained, there are lots of people out there who understand it). Then you must tell the other computer that you would like it to send a file to you by xmodem checksum (also called Standard Xmodem, Christiansen protocol, Xmodem CHK), or that you're going to send it a file via xmodem checksum. Exactly how you're supposed to tell the system of your intentions is pretty much up to the system that you're connected to, so get help from there (yeah, I know, I'm being _real_ helpful... I've gotta shower and get to a movie soon!). Once the other system knows what you're going to do, and says that it's ok in some way, shape, or form, exit from the VT52 emulator by pressing the Undo key. Once you're back to the GEM Desktop, double-click on the XUP.TTP icon (or text) if you're sending a file, or double-click on XDOWN.TTP if you're going to be recieving a file. When the Desktop asks you what parameters to give to the program, type in the name of the file that you want to send or recieve. Then the program should kick in... It should clear the screen, print my brag line, and then sit there for a few seconds, and then start doing something. Operation: xup and xdown (the "xprogs" for the rest of the docs) print something on the left side of the screen (S# for xup, R# for xdown. Short for Send and Recieve, respectively), and a number. The number shows where in the transfer the program is. To figure out how many characters have been sent/recieved, take the number there, and multiply it by 128. When it's done, it'll tell you either "successful send" (or "successful recieve"), or "too many errors." Don't worry about anything else that's printed; the file got transferred if it said it was successful, or it didn't get transferred if it said there were too many errors. For an explaination of the errors it does give (they are English, sort of...), find an experienced person... Source code: Yep, it's here, but this version isn't commented... I'll probably do that in the near future. It's C compiled under the Mark Williams C package (awesome compiler!!!), so there might be some library routines that I use that Alcyon or Megamax don't have... I think everything else is "clean" C, but then again, I haven't checked. There's also a routine called itoa() which converts ints to strings (it doesn't convert the #10 properly... I'll fix that sometime), which I included separately (I have it in my library). Jason Blochowiak, 1/4/88