B O O T . T T P Copyright 1988 Rainer Klute. All rights reserved Perform a cold or warm boot. Parameters: If BOOT.TTP is started without parameters a cold boot (see below) is performed. You may therefore rename BOOT.TTP to BOOT.PRG or BOOT.TOS if you want to get rid of that dialog box requesting the program's parameters. However, you cannot use the warm boot function then. -c A cold boot is performed. The whole memory is initialized with binary zeroes. The machine behaves as if a power cycle has been performed. Reset resident ramdisks etc. are killed thereby. -w A warm boot is performed. The machine behaves as if the reset button was pressed. Reset resident ramdisks etc. will survive. Rainer Klute ---- klute@trillian.irb.informatik.uni-dortmund.de Universitaet Dortmund, IRB |)|/ klute@unido.uucp, klute@unido.bitnet Postfach 500500 |\|\ ...uunet!mcvax!unido!klute D-4600 Dortmund 50 ---- Tel.: +49 231 7554663