BARDMAPS.lzh 8 maps for The Bards Tale in Degas PI1 format BWMAPS.lzh 3 maps for Bloodwych in Degas PI1 format CATCOMBS.lzh 6 maps of the for Catcombs PI1 CORRUPT.lzh 4 maps for Corruption in TN2 format EMPMAP06.lzh 9 maps for Empire in MAP format (?) EMPRMP.lzh 1 map for Emprire in MAP format (?) GOLDRUSH.lzh 8 maps for Gold Rush in TN2 format GUILD.lzh 9 maps for Guild of Theives in TN2 format INDY.lzh 12 maps for Indiana Jones in TN2 format JINXTER.lzh 5 maps for Jinxter LARRY.lzh 12 maps for Leisure Suit Larry in TN2 PAWN.lzh 5 maps for The Pawn in TN2 POLICE.lzh 4 maps for Police Quest in TN2 SPACE.lzh 5 maps for Space Quest 3 in TN2 kq2map.lzh A map for King Quest 2 in PI2