Title of Game : Descent 2 Interactive Demo v1.0 Type of Game : 3D action Operating Sys : DOS, works with Windows 3.11 and Win95 Uploader Email : fourierj@pxsoftware.com Date Uploaded : 12/15/95 Short Descrip. : Earthshaking 3-level playable demo brought to you by Parallax Software & Interplay Productions! Long Desc : This is a playable demo of the long-awaited sequel to the smash-hit game Descent! Features (some only available in full version): 30+ new robots, including new bosses 10+ new weapons/powerups afterburner full-map powerup ammo rack powerup energy->shield transfers flash/stun missiles guided missiles smart mines headlight powerup more! Redbook CD soundtrack featuring Ogre from Skinny Puppy full motion, high-resolution cinematics new anarchy levels flowing water, lava, and seismic disturbances advanced AI including thieves, snipers, and escort robots 640x480 support with high resolution cockpit, as well as other hi-res modes enhanced lighting effects (blastable lights!) new multiplayer features: option to disallow any weapon play by kills or time limit player handicapping flexible player limits improved slow-packet handling restricted game mode