Contents of BIG&MAP1.ZIP Note: all these pics came from Gif files available at various FTP sites. If anyone wants to clean these pics up some more and reupload them, feel free. CHARGE PCX 63731 05-18-93 6:21p Charge to the Wild Coast KRONDOR PCX 70724 05-19-93 1:50a Map from Betrayal at Krondor Demo REDDRAG1 PCX 41875 05-20-93 1:40a Red Dragon Picture REDDRAG2 PCX 67035 05-20-93 2:04a Larry Elmore Red Dragon perched on a boulder TEMPLE1 PCX 56382 05-20-93 3:00a Greek Temple. (Note: a smaller version of the right half of this pic is in MISCPIC1.ZIP as TEMPLE2.PCX)