Hi all, here is some new art for Unlimited Adventurers. They were all taken from the Treasures of the Savage Frontier game. All are pictures unless otherwise noted. abbacus.pcx Shopkeeper holding an abbacus carpnter.pcx Shopkeeper wearing overalls with tools in it cyclpskn.pcx Combat picture of a cyclopskin dwarf1.pcx Dwarven warrior holding an axe dwarf2.pcx Dwarven warrion with an axe, shield, and helm eskimo.pcx Eskimo warrior gategard.pcx Guard holding a polearm girlflow.pcx Female shopkeeper holding bouquet of flowers gnomsage.pcx Gnome sage harpy.pcx Combat picture of a harpy innkeepr.pcx Male innkeeper irnsmith.pcx Dwarf hammering a piece of hot iron mystic.pcx Human mystic dressed in green robes norman1.pcx Northman wearing a blue shirt resthome.pcx A camp picture for indoors sailor.pcx Human holding an oar shopkepr.pcx Shopkeeper surrounded by weapons and armor tavern2.pcx Picture of a rowdy tavern tavern2.pcx Picture of a more laid back tavern townsmn1.pcx Human townsman with a leather cap and green jerkin townsmn2.pcx Human townsman with small lather pouch around neck townsmn3.pcx Human townsman wearing a blue cloak townwom1.pcx Human townwoman with a staff trader.pcx Shopkeeper with a quill and ink and a map on wall trainer.pcx Shopkeerer for training grounds treas1.pcx Picture of adventurer opening a treasure chest treethng.pcx Combat picture of some sort of tree monster warflail.pcx Human male warrior holding a flail wildftr.pcx Human male warrior with unkept red hair and beard yeti.pcx A yeti If you find they arn't quite right, email me. Steve Hyatt shyatt@ra.uvic.ca