The following is a list of the pictures included in for Unlimited Adventures. The pics are from Treasures of the Savage Frontier. human01.lbm - man with a beard, in a purple turban human02.lbm - man wearing a light blue toga and leather cap human03.lbm - Older man dressed in brown, with floppy hat human04.lbm - man with greying hair, and green tunic human05.lbm - man with brown hair and mustache, with leather armor human06.lbm - man wearing blue beret and tunic human07.lbm - man similar to human05, but with black hair human08.lbm - man with fur cap, yellow gotee and blue coat human09.lbm - man with helmet in Uncle Sam pose human10.lbm - man with face paint carrying a tragedy mask human11.lbm - man with grey hair and pouch around neck human12.lbm - man with helm similar to human09 human13.lbm - man with scraggly hair and beard human14.lbm - man with short black hair, dressed as a noble human15.lbm - man similar to human05, but this time with blonde hair human16.lbm - man with grey hair, white tunic, and green pouch around neck THESE PICS HAVE BEEN USED WITH THE CONSENT OF SSI. NO COPYRIGHTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED. Any questions or comments, I can be contacted at or J.SANDOVAL on GEnie. John Sandoval June 2, 1993