The following is a list of the pictures included in The pics are taken from Treasures of the Savage Frontier for use in Unlimited Adventures. gate01.lbm - small pic of stone arch with figures holding up the sides inn01.lbm - small pic of people resting in an inn keep01.lbm - small pic of a castle on a cliff keep02.lbm - small pic of a castle/tower on small island misc01.lbm - small pic of town offical reading a paper misc02.lbm - small pic of hand holding green gem over a piece of paper misc03.lbm - small pic of group standing around a campfire misc04.lbm - small pic of two men running through city gate; guards in pile misc05.lbm - small pic of man gagged and bound to post misc06.lbm - small pic of people standing next to dias with three gems misc07.lbm - small pic of group coming down from mountainside misc08.lbm - small pic of group celebrating in feast hall misc09.lbm - small pic of couple standing on hill overlooking a city misc10.lbm - small pic of twin women fighting misc11.lbm - small pic of festival in the woods (actually from Gateway) misc12.lbm - small pic of one person standing on hill overlooking a city misc13.lbm - small pic of mage in front of fireplace misc14.lbm - small pic of man with a pig in a wheelbarrow ship01.lbm - small pic of a damaged ship at the docks shop01.lbm - small pic of the inside of a trading store shop02.lbm - small pic of the inside of a rowdy tavern treas01.lbm - small pic of character opening a chest THESE PICS HAVE BEEN USED WITH THE CONSENT OF SSI. NO COPYRIGHTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED. Any questions or comments, I can be contacted at or J.SANDOVAL on GEnie. John Sandoval June 2, 1993