The following is a list of the pictures included in The pics are taken from Treasures of the Savage Frontier for use in Unlimited Adventures. chimra01.lbm - small pic of frost chimera displa01.lbm - small pic of displacer beast giant01.lbm - small pic of a fire giant giant02.lbm - small pic of a hill giant grifon01.lbm - small pic of a griffon harpy01.lbm - small pic of a harpy lizard01.lbm - small pic of a rock lizard manti01.lbm - small pic of a manticore orc01.lbm - small pic of an orc owlber01.lbm - small pic of an owlbear rock01.lbm - small pic of a rock monster seaelf01.lbm - small pic of a merman (not actually sea elf...) stirge01.lbm - small pic of a stirge yeti01.lbm - small pic of a yeti THESE PICS HAVE BEEN USED WITH THE CONSENT OF SSI. NO COPYRIGHTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED. Any questions or comments, I can be contacted at or J.SANDOVAL on GEnie. John Sandoval June 2, 1993