Date: May 28, 1993 File: FRIENDS.ZIP AUTHOR: Roy Osborn ( or EQUIPMENT: Same as for Unlimited Adventures NEEDS: An Unzipping Utility, SSI's Unlimited Adventures Type: Freely Distributed Synopsis: A friend has called to you for help. You have traved a great distance only to find things in worse conditions that you have imagined. A great evil is starting to take over the land. You will be required to find some artifacts of great power to rescue your friend. This is my first attempt at making a dungeon ... blah blah blah ... bottom line there may be some bugs or typos, I have tried to play test it but I knew where and what was going to happen so I had a slight advantage. The test party consisted of 2 rangers, 1 paladin, 2 clerics and 1 mage (all of whom where demi-gods -- 18 or better for all their attributes). There is alot of slash and gash but I hope to have thrown is some things that will make you think, at least a little. This was written just for the fun of it and should be played at a 5th to 7th level (or any level that you want to after all you have the power to make any changes you want). The editor was not locked for two reasons. The first being that it is already publisized how to find the passsword using any hex editor. The other being that I believe that it goes against the nature of the game. I believe that the idea of the game is to share ideas. To me UA would be very LIMITED if all you could do was play modules that you design. So if you play this module and like it, hate it, or are apathetic I would like to hear about it. I hope to hear from you. Roy NOTE: We guarantee that each module released will, when properly installed, load into Unlimited Adventures. We do NOT guarantee that these modules are completely bug-free. They are downloaded on an as-is basis. Comments to the author are always welcome.