From: jnc4p@Virginia.EDU (Joseph Nicholas Colleran) Subject: Re: Unlimited Adventures...modules uploaded Date: Mon, 10 May 1993 21:01:45 GMT I downloaded the Unlimited Adventures modules and guess what, nine out of the ten were password encodeded! (Compliments to the author of Sins of our Fathers for NOT encoding his module) Can't have encoded modules, how can we learn anything, I said to my self. So here are the codes for the ten modules currently at Oh, a word on standards. I recommend that the only subdirectory structure included in the zip file be the \SAVE subdirectory. I had to copy all the files from two modules which unzipped (-d) into the GAMES\FRUA\(module name).DSN subdirectory last night to my own subdirectory, GAMES\UNLIMIT. Or as an alternative, you could include the (module name).DSN and the SAVE subdirectory. Just please state which you are using in a text file, and please don't have the whole \GAMES\FRUA structure. Also if you must encode your module, a nice touch might be to include a scroll or text statement at the end with the code, so that after you finish the module, you can get into it. Thank you. Codes: - "claw" - "swamp" - "slaver" - "geos" - "dude" - "sol station" - none! yeah! - "afrika" - "ydnar" - "bizmark" NOTE: In case I screwed up, or so that you can find out the password to future modules, here is how to do it. 1. Open the GAME01.DAT (or something simular) file in the (module name).DSN directory with Norton Editor. 2. Check the data that is offset 372 from the beginning. Easy, huh? Oh one more thing, while the password set device is case sensitive, (i.e. it will let you enter "Bizmark"), the checker is not (i.e. BIZMARK=bizmark=BIZmark, etc.). ---------------------------------------------------------- - Dead Ghost aka Joe Colleran - - - - sig files, We don't need no stinkin' sig files!! - ----------------------------------------------------------