ART DEPARTMENT PROFESSIONAL 2.5 PREVIEW --------------------------------------- "Image Processing Power Made Easy" Welcome to the Art Department Professional (ADPro) 2.5 preview pack. This archive contains the following: ReadMe.txt This file, which describes the contents of the preview pack, and some general information about ADPro 2.5. ADPro25PressRelease.txt The ADPro 2.5 press release. ADPro25Main.ilbm A screen shot of ADPro 2.5 running on a 16 color Workbench screen. ADPro is in its Button interface mode, with the floating ("tear-off") Loaders and Operators list windows open. Rendering is to a draggable, scrollable window on the Workbench screen. The Display menu's commands are shown. ADPro25FRED.ilbm ADPro running on the FRED public screen; notice ADPro in minimized mode on FRED's screen title bar. FRED is processing a sequence of images, performing the listed operations on it. At this point, the RenderAsDefined.fred script is asking for the render mode to use. The script is using the unique screen mode requester in ADPro to query the user for a render mode. ADPro's screen mode requester also lists display modes for EGS, FireCracker 24, OpalVision, Picasso, Retina, and windows on currently open public screens in the same form as normal Amiga display database modes. ADPro25Scale.ilbm ADPro (in List interface mode, with the User Commands tear-off open) running on a custom (public) screen using a proportional font. The revised Scale operator (also showing the font-sensitivity new to ADPro 2.5) is open. Notice how you can now enter a pixel aspect, switch to specific proportions with the 50%, 100%, and 200% preset buttons, and perform enlargement and reduction at the same time. The new Lock Aspect checkbox allows you to lock to a specific pixel aspect, change one dimension, and have the other dimension automatically update to preserve the locked aspect. ADPro25Comp.ilbm ADPro's new compositing control screen, a visual screen whose screen mode (along with the other visual modules' screen modes) can be customized. Notice that transparency can be selected as a range of RGB colors, in addition to a specific color. Also notice the centralized alpha channel blending controls. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- Minimum: - AmigaOS 2.04 or higher - 4MB of memory - Hard drive Recommended: - Accelerator (68020 or higher) - Additional memory CONTACT INFORMATION ------------------- ASDG, Incorporated 925 Stewart Street Madison, WI 53713 USA General Info: (608) 273-6585 Direct Sales: (608) 273-9240 Facsimile: (608) 271-1988 This ADPro 2.5 preview package and the ADPro 2.5 interface designs in these screenshots are Copyright © 1990-1994 ASDG, Incorporated. All rights reserved.