$Id: README,v 2.3 89/09/20 17:01:20 mbp Exp $ GR ************************************************************************ * Copyright (C) 1989 by Mark B. Phillips * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and * * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * * supporting documentation, and that the name of Mark B. Phillips or * * the University of Maryland not be used in advertising or publicity * * pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written * * prior permission. This software is provided "as is" without express * * or implied warranty. * ************************************************************************ GENERAL INFORMATION This is GR, a graphics package for SunView. GR is a library of graphics procedures which provides an interface for C programs to SunView, Sun's windowing system. SunView is complicated and requires an enormous amount of overhead (both in terms of programming effort and in program size) to use. GR provides a simplified interface to the some of the vector graphics and user interaction capabilities of SunView. COMPILATION AND INSTALLATION Make the changes indicated at the top of the Makefile, and type 'make' to compile, or 'make install' to install (and compile). FILES README: This file Makefile: The makefile animate.c: \ confirmer.c: | gr.c: | gr.h: | source code files gr.help: | help.c: | (application programs also image_info.h: | use gr.h) images.h: | internal.h: | postscript.c: | print.c: | window.c: | window2.c: / images/: Subdirectory containing images used for panel buttons. These images are #included by the source code files. gr_header.ps: PostScript header file ] (Used when creating gr_trailer.ps: PostScript trailer file ] PostScript files) grintro.tpl: template for introductory manual page gr.tpl: template for detailed manual page grdemo.tpl: template for sample application program Author: Mark B. Phillips Department of Mathematics University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 mbp@lakisis.umd.edu