Flight Without Wings Copyright 1991 by Marvin Landis Hot Air Balloon Objects for use with Impulse Imagine Hot Air Balloons have always held a special fascination for me. The thrill of silent flight, being suspended in space and floating with the breeze is like nothing else in the world. Having grown up in Albuquerque, New Mexico I fondly remember many autumn mornings when colorful balloons dotted the sky. I still look forward to 10 days every October when Albuquerque hosts the International Balloon Fiesta. Mass ascensions, contests, and balloon glows send over 500 hot air balloons into the sky, creating beautiful views for balloonists, spectators and photographers. These hot air balloon objects have been designed because of the many hours of enjoyment I have received from watching and participating in the sport of hot air ballooning. This directory includes 8 different hot air balloons and a gondola. The gondola was created because the baskets included with the ballooons are not very detailed since most of the time the balloons will be viewed from a distance. The gondola is fairly detailed for close-up viewing and includes a nice brush map for the weave of the basket. These objects may be redistributed for any non-commercial use, but please include this text file with the distributed files. Happy Ballooning.