ATF Agility by Eric Schwartz This Aerotoon animation requires one megabyte of memory to run. It was created with the following programs. Disney Animation Studio - Animation, color, and preliminary production DeluxePaint III - Touch-up and Anim-standardizing Animation Station - final timing, color, and sound synching The History of ATF Agility: While attending my freshman year at the Columbus College of Art and Design, I came up with the idea for this animation, My father had recently purchased the Disney Animation studio, and, due to the nature of my animation idea, I chose the fast pageflipping Disney studio other than my usual workhorse, Moviesetter, which,from the nature of its animation system and Hardware/software limitations, can only do about 8-10 frames per second. ATF Agility was fully animated, with many more drawings per second than one of my Moviesetter works, which blits still and animated brushes around the screen. Disney worked wonderfully. Its onion skin feature greatly speeded up production. Disney also promises frame-synched sound, and timing and pallete changes in mid-animation, just like Moviesetter. All those features work beautifully, if you're willing to learn the language of the slightly-esoteric exposure sheet module, But these features are only available when you use Disney's proprietary CFAST animation file format. No biggie, I thought, I'm used to that (Moviesetter's proprietary too), and I would get a lot of benefits that a garden variety ANIM cant do. I colored the Animation in Disney's Ink'n'Paint module, which could use a LOT more capability, so I could keep with the beautiful, clever CFAST format, Right? HAH!! The final CFAST file saved out at 880K for a 22 second, 15 fps, 8-color animation - Just slightly bigger than a disk. because I had no Hard drive, I compressed the file and wrote a script to decompress upon running. Hardly a good solution; the overhead caused it to require 2.5 megs to run properly from a floppy, or 1.5 and an ASSIGN command to run from a hard drive. This was November of 1990. The situation didn't change for a while. June 1991. I purchased Progressive Peripherals' Animation Station, Which promised some of the abilites of the Disney program using standard ANIMs I resaved the CFAST file as an ANIM-5. 432k - Quite an improvement over 880k, Cfast files are just plain huge. Animation Station and its Animplayer allow Pallete changes during an animation, Timing changes for holds on frames without adding duplicate frames, and digitised sound synching via a script file that works exactly like a Sculpt/Movie sound script. It has its share of limitations and problems, (My Animation Station seems to know the GURU personally) but it works, The New ATF Agility runs nearly identically to the original version. Takes up only a bit more than half a disk including player program. only requires 1-meg, and can run from any directory. You can even load it into Dpaint and check it out, but youll probably lose the fringe benefits. Eric Schwartz E.S. Productions P.O. Box 292684 Kettering, OH 45429-0684