The High Tech hoods Presents... THE NEC P3 WIRING DIAGRAMS Written By The Raven You will need to purchase the car adapter mount for the NEC P3 and from that you'll be able to follow the diagrams to build the cable. Bottom Of the NEC RS232 _____1_2_3_4_5_6___ 13 \------------------------/ 1 ! U U U U U U ! \ / ! O ! 25 \___________________ / 14 !____n_n_n_n_n_n__! 7 8 9 101112 P3 PRN -- PHONE ------------------- 13 TO 4 15 TO 5 25 TO 6 12 TO 10 Now to keep your phone from burning up you'll need to connect 2 diodes (1 N 4) to the following on the RS232. 13--diode--6 and 12--diode--3 If you have any problem with this or if you have any questions then just drop me a line on: The New York Hack Exchange BBS (718) 379-4702 Drop a line to The Raven or Bit Stream or any other H.T.H. Member THE RAVEN