NOTICE: See the nootropics-fda file for the latest info on the legality of nootropic chemicals. ============================================================================= for all those interested in addresses for nootropics, here they are: InHome Health Services box 3112 CH-2800 Delemont Switzerland INTERLAB BCM Box 5890 London, WC1N 3XX England and..... WRN Research POB 839 Station A Montreal, Canada H3C 2V5 [...this company is apparently no longer in existance or has moved, or the address is just f*cked up. If anyone knows anything about this, e-mail] This companies may supply one or more of the following: Piracetam pyrogluamate Vinpocetine Acetyl-L-carnitine Centrophenoxine (lucidril) Choline AL721 (egg lecithin) DHEA (alliance 7 San diego 619-291-5360, HAF San fran 415-626-2316 & PDA New York 212-532-0363 ) Deaner (DMAE) GEROVITAL (GH-3) Hydergine Phenytoin (Dilantin) Propranolol Hydrochloride (Inderal) Vasopressin (Diapid) nasal spray only Vincamine Xanthinol Nicotinate L-tryptophan L-Phenylalanine And a host of Aminos, Vitamins and assorted goodies. GOOD LUCK!! PS - new book, "Smart drugs & nutrients" Ward Dean, M.D. & john Morgenthaler Addr - B&J Publication, P.O. Box 483, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-0483 IF YOU SEND A SASE, THEY WILL SEND YOU A LIST OF PHYSICIANS KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT SMART DRUGS & NUTRIENTS !! PLUS THEY HAVE A NEWLETTER FOR FREE!!! ============================================================================= Earlier, there were some questions about amino acids on alt.drugs. I posted a scanty summary of some of aminos I was interested in. More questions appeared after that, posted and in my mail box. This file is quite a bit more complete but still doesn't list many of the 22 or so AAs. (eg. alanine, histidine, idoleucine, proline, serine, threonine, valine... these are all common, but i haven't found much info on them). Documentation and sources are missing, so please don't take this file too seriously. I probably won't create another version of this for a while. ============================= AMINO ACIDS AND THEIR EFFECTS ============================= Version 1.1 Compiled by: Bj Krawchuk ( Several sources have been used and may be requested from above. (*@/// Phenylalanine *) (*@/// L-phenylalanine *) L-phenylalanine - converted into tyrosine which is precursor to noradrenaline (NE) and dopamine - like all amino acids best taken on empty stomach since it competes with proteins to cross the blood brain barrier. - requires vitamins C and B-6 for the conversion to NE. - Dosage: 500 - 1000mg along with 1g C, 30-50mg B-6 - phenylalanine also stimulates the release of cholecystokinin, which is the body's own appetite-suppressant, - can increase sexual interest - improves memory and mental alertness - antidepressant - do not use L-phenylalanine or L-tyrosine if you are using MAO inhibitors for depression (it can cause a major elevation in blood pressure). (*@\\\*) (*@/// DL-phenylalanine *) DL-phenylalanine - combination of synthetic (D) and natural (L) phenylalanine - produces endorphins and stimulates their use - thus, effective painkiller, often better than the opiate derivatives such as morphine. - nonaddictive, nontoxic - reverse-tolerance effect (pain relief gets better) - strong anti-depressant effect - can be combined with other pain-killers with few bad interactions (*@\\\*) (*@\\\*) (*@/// Tyrosine *) L-tyrosine - precursor to norepinephrine and dopamine - non-essential amino acid (since PA is converted into it first) - has been studied as an effective aid to cocaine withdrawal - (see L-phenylalanine) (*@\\\*) (*@/// Tryptophan *) L-tryptophan - precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin along with B6, niacin, and magnesium. - (actually immediate precursor to 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP) which is the precursor to serotonin (5HT)) - prolongs slow-wave sleep - reduces pain sensitivity - no effect or increases REMS - has some hypnotic effects - useful for some types of endogenous depression (has been found as useful as imipramine and amitriptyline) - aids in reducing anxiety and tension - an appetite supressant - dosages have been studied up to 15g - Major Food Sources: Cottage cheese, milk, meat, fish, turkey, bananas, dried dates, peanuts, all protein-rich foods. (*@\\\*) (*@/// Lysine *) L-lysine - needed for growth and enzyme, hormone, antibody production - aids concentration - treatment for some sterility problems - treatment and prevention for herpes infections - aids fatty acid -> energy conversion (*@\\\*) (*@/// Arginine *) L-arginine - used to increase sperm counts (semen contains up to 80% of arginine) - aids immune response and healing of wounds - helps stored fat metabolism - helps to tone muscle tissue - used for weight-loss in combination with L-ornithine - one amino acid required for production of growth hormone (*@\\\*) (*@/// Ornithine *) L-ornithine - similar to arginine - growth hormone (which acts as a fat metabolizer) is stimulated to be released by ornithine and arginine. - can be used as a slimming technique (while you sleep - GH is released by the pituitary gland then) (*@\\\*) (*@/// Glutamine *) L-glutamine - converted to glutamic acid, the brain's emergency source of energy when glucose is in short supply. - precursor to the neurotransmitter GABA - neutralizes excess ammonia (which can inhibit proper brain function) - improves intelligence - helps to control alcoholism - helps to speed ulcer healing - alleviates fatigue, depression, impotence, schizophrenia, senility (*@\\\*) (*@/// Aspartic Acid *) L-aspartic acid - ammonia neutralizer - a study showed improved stamina and endurance in atheletes (*@\\\*) (*@/// Cysteine *) L-cysteine - cystine is its stable form - antioxidant - contains sulfur - protects cellular membranes from "free radical damage" - prevents alcohol and cigarette smoke damage to the brain - stimulant to immune system - believed to be good for antiaging - effective against copper toxicity (eg. Wilson's disease) - protects against X-ray and nuclear radiation - warning: may affect insulin effectiveness (*@\\\*) (*@/// Methionine *) L-methionine - antioxidant - contains sulfur - prevents damage of brain cells from toxic heavy metals - important in producing neurotransmitters and energy - lowers blood level of histamine (this may help some types of schizophrenia) - combined with choline and folic acid, can prevent some types of tumors - deficiencies: hair loss, atherosclerosis, cholestorol deposits, edema, poor urine processing (*@\\\*) (*@/// Glycine *) L-glycine - treatment for poor pituitary functioning - supplies creatine which is essential for muscle function (effective against muscular dystrophy) - treatment for hypoglycemia - stimulates glucagon which metabolizes glycogen into glucose - antacid - treatment for low blood pH - treatment for leucine imbalance-causing body odor and halitosis (*@\\\*) (*@/// Leucine *) L-taurine - nonessential amino acid - aids efficient conduction of electrical impulses along nerve pathways - anticonvulsant (esp in combo with glutamic, aspartic acids) (*@\\\*) (*@/// Glutathione *) L-Glutathione - tripeptide amino acid made of cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine - "triple threat" antiaging - antioxidant - anti-tumor agent - respiratory accelerator in the brain - used in the treatment of: allergies, cataracts, diabetes, hypoglycemia, arthritis - prevents some side effects of chemotherapy and X-ray radiation - protects against some harmful side-effects of cigarrette smoke and alcohol (*@\\\*) (*@/// Carnatine *) L-carnatine - newly discovered amino acid - aids stored fat -> energy conversion - helps: hypoglycemia, reduces angina attacks, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease - deficiency causes heart tissue damage (*@\\\*) ============================================================================= Tyrosine is available in a free form base from Vitamin Research Products based in Mountain View, CA. call (415) 555-1212 for number. Suggestion would be to start with 100mg of tyrosine at first, then to increase (weekly) to 300mg. Overdose symptoms include irratibility. This will need to be taken with several precursor vitamins like C B-5,6,12, for uptake into the blood/brain barrier. This amino wil compete with protein uptake, so take it on an empty stomach - see the book 'Life Extension" D. Pearson & S. Shaw - ============================================================================= A safe stimulant which is not caffiene does exist and it available as a non-prescription drug from many health food stores. It's called Dimethylaminoethanol, or DMAE. It works pretty well as a stimulant and also increases levels of acetylcholine (it's a precursor). It also makes rats perform significantly better on maze tests, because the increased acetylcholine assists in some aspects of memory. Another way to decrease need for sleep is to raise brain levels of dopamine, which can be done by taking phenylalanine. It should be taken on an empty stomach (500 mg to 1 gram is a reasonable dose) with 1g vitamin C and 50 mg vitamin B-6 to assist in the conversion of phenylalanine to dopamine. Another way to take the phenylalanine is to place a small amount between the upper lip and gum about halfway back in the mouth. There are blood vessels there which go directly to the brain. If you're using this method, you should try a smaller dose (100 mg), as it is more effective when taken in this manner. Using these and other "safe" (i.e. adjusting the body's own chemicals rather than introducing something new; not necessarily safe but a priori a better bet than most traditional stimulants) I have been able to cut my need for sleep by 4 hours per day without discomfort for weeks at a time. I have no reason to believe that they would not be effective if used longer, but circumstances of class work seldom required me to cut sleep for longer periods than this. Be advised, however, that these methods will not be as powerful as, say, amphetamines or even high-dose caffiene, but they are not likely to mess you up either. But if you are trying to stay up for two nights to finish some huge project, you might be better off sticking with caffiene and cold showers. ============================================================================= Yes, aspartame is the methyl ester of phenylalanine and aspartic acid, two amino acids. According to Richard Wurtman of MIT, you can get increases in brain levels of phenylalanine if low-protein foods such as soft drinks are consumed on an empty stomach. The brain requires vitamins B-6 and C to convert phenylalanine into the natural stimulant noradrenaline and another important brain chemical, dopamine (which is also, among other things, a stimulant and euphoric) Thus even if you are taking no supplemental phenylalanine, you can still get beneficial effects on mood, etc., by taking C and B-6 because your brain will become more efficient at converting the phenylalanine that is already present in your diet. Speaking of diets, phenylalanine also stimulates the release of cholecystokinin, which is the body's own appetite-suppressant, used to tell the brain when the stomach has had enough. So phenylalanine acts indirectly as an appetite-suppressant. Note that all of the effects of phenylalanine are greatly enhanced if it is taken either on an empty stomach or with low-protein foods, because various proteins compete with phenylalanine for transport across the blood-brain barrier. Dosage: 500mg to 1g phenylalanine, plus 1g C, 30 to 50mg B-6. WARNING: Do NOT use phenylalanine: *If you are using MAO inhibitors, unless they are the extremely selective types such as deprenyl (selegiline); *If you have a cardiac arrythmia; *If you have hypertension; *If you have phenylketonuria; *If you have a psychosis; *If you have a pigmented malignant melanoma-type cancer; *If you have a violent temper. If you are taking other stimulants such as phenylpropanolamine, ephedrine, or even, potentially, caffiene or theophylline, you should monitor your blood pressure carefully because there is a possiblity of blood pressure rise and other problems characteristic of adrenaline-like drug oversoda. ============================================================================= Phenylalanine and many other amino acid supplements are available mail-order from Vitamin Research Products, 2044 Old Middlefield Way, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA. Tryptophan is currently banned for sale in the US, due to the contamination scare of last year. The source of the contamination was found (an experimental genetically-engineered bacteria used by _one_ Japanese firm to manufacture the Tryptophan) but the FDA has still refused to lift the ban. ============================================================================= A little-known FDA ruling now allows the importation af a 3 month personal supply of drugs as long as they are regarded as safe in other countries. INTERLAB a mail order pharmacy was established in response to this new FDA ruling. Interlab carries a wide range of drugs for cognitive enhancement, life extension, and treatment of AIDS not available in America. All of the drugs briefly discuussed here can be pruchased without a prescription fron them. You can request a price sheet by writing to INTERLAB BCM Box 5890 London, WC1N 3XX England You must include the following signed statement with your order: I hearby declare that the products I am purchasing are not for commercial resale. They are for my own personal use only. The supply ordered does not exceed 3 months usage and they are used with the consent of my physician. [signed] Some Highly regarded Chemicals include: HYDERGINE (Ergoloid Mesylates)- Improves mental function, prevents hypoxia and other damage to brain cells,increases blood supply to brain, enhances brain metabolism, slows deposit of aging pigment and other posistive effects PRECAUTIONS- Too large inital dose may cause nausea, gastric disturbance or headache. Non-toxic even at very high dosages. Contraindicated for individuals with acute or chronic psychosis. DOSE- 9-12 mg/Day COST- 100 x 5mg. oral tablets $39 SULBUTIAMINE (Arcalion)- Described as being like hydergine only better. Facilitates wakefullness, inproves long-term memory, speeds reaction time . decreases anxiety. PRECAUTIONS- Do not exceed 3 x 200mg tablets at any time as may cause severe headaches. Other than this has no other adverse affects. DOSE- 2 x 200mg. tablets for 20 days. COST- 20 X 200 mg. tablets $11 VASSOPRESSIN (Diapid)- A brain hormone released by the pituitary. Improve attention, concentration, memory and reacall. Cocaine, LSD, amphetamines, Ritalin, and Cylert(pemoline) cause depletion of vassopressin. Marijuana and alchohol inhibit the release of vassopressin. A Whiff of vassopressin can transform your experience in about 10 seconds when using these drugs as it is an application of the specific hormone being affected. PRECAUTIONS- Vassopressin occasionall produces the following side affects; runny nose, nasal congestion, itch or irritation of the nasal cavities, headach abdominal cramps and increased bowel movements. Safety during pregnancy unknown. DOSE- Comes in a nasal spray bottle. 2-4 whiffs 3-4 time2 a day will produce noticeable affects in seconds. COST- 12 ml. nasal spray $22 Send $6 with order for shipping, $10 for accelerated shiping These are just a small cross section of the Interlab product line, but they have found favor with me and mine. You may find the newletter of the Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute helpful. Send $1.00 to CERI PO Box 483 Santa Cruz, CA 96061 ============================================================================= Some friends of mine make a vitamin formula that they sell to drug treatment clinics to combat the neurotransmitter deficit caused by stimulant abuse... It really works,a lot of people have been helped off cocaine with it. There are two separate preparations, an AM and PM formula, The PM formula used to contain tryptophan,but now does not,obviously, However,they have had some sucess with a formula that maximizes the conversion of dietary tryptophan into serotonin. Here is the formula... AM...... L-tyrosine 250 mg. D,L phenylalanine 125 mg. Pantothenic acid 25 mg. PABA 25 mg. DMAE 25 mg. Rubidium Cl 25 mg. Tocopherol acetate 12.5 mg. Beta carotene 2.5 mg. Manganese (gluconate) 2.5 mg. Folic acid 0.1 mg Copper gluconate .125 mg Selenium .25 mg. PM....... Niacinamide (ascorbate) 250 mg. Taurine 50 mg. Magnesium oxide 50 mg. Pyridoxine 25 mg. Niacin 12.5 mg. Riboflavin 12.5 mg Zinc 2.5 mg. Beta carotene 2.5 mg. Chromium (GTF) .025 mg. Vitamin B12 .0125 mg. This is basically a neurotransmitter boosting formula and benefits those who dont have a drug abuse problem too. ============================================================================= I was recently lucky enough to be given several ounces of pure DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) and boy,is it ever a lot better than the Twinlab stuff,which I had previously been using... I use it in combination with tyrosine in the morning and it has dramatically improved my memory (and an interesting sideffect is the induction of lucid dreams...) A good source for DMAE are the AIDS buying clubs that have popped up in major cities..(although thats not where I got this..) For anyone interested in neurotransmitter precursor supplementation (DMAE,a relative of choline,is a precursor of acetylcholine) this one REALLY works.. ============================================================================= INHOME HEALTH SERVICES US PRICE LIST P.O.BOX 3112 / CH-2800 DELMONT - SWITZERLAND AND ORDERFORM PRODUCT PRICE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 004 ARCALION (Sulbutiamine) Servier 30 x 200mg tablets US$ 14.00 013 CENTROPHENOXINE (Lucidril) Loyd Anphar 60 x 250mg tablets US$ 18.00 014 DEPRENYL (Jumex) 50 x 5mg tablets US$ 49.00 025 DILANTIN (Phenytoin) generic 300 x 100mg tablets US$ 14.00 024 FIPEXIDE (Vigilor) 30 x 200mg tablets US$ 16.00 012 GEROVITAL GH3 injectable (Aslan formula) 12 x 5cc US$ 25.00 001 HYDERGINE (Sandoz) 28 x 4.5mg tablets US$ 18.00 011 KH3 Oral Procaine Formula Farmitalia 100 x 50mg tablets US$ 9.50 009 MENTIS (Pirisudanol Dimaleato) Menarini 24 x 300mg tablets US$ 11.50 008 PARLODEL (Bromocriptine) Sandoz 30 x 2.5mg tablets US$ 19.75 002 PIRACETAM (generic) 60 x 800mg tablets US$ 16.75 026 PIRACETAM (generic) 60 x 1200mg tablets US$ 25.00 019 RETIN A 0,05% (acid A vit) Roche 20 gram tube creme US$ 7.00 007 SINAMET (250mg 1-dopa & Merk Sharp & Dome 60 tablets US$ 32.00 25mg carbidopa) 022 THYMUS EXTRACT-THX Regenersen-Injectable 5 ml vial US$ 30.00 023 THYMUS EXTRACT-Thym-uvocal Injectable Mulli 10 x 2 ml vials US$ 96.00 003 VASOPRESSIN (Sandoz) 5 ml spray US$ 11.00 010 VINCAMINE (Oxicebral) Pfizer 30 x 20 mg tablets US$ 9.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- note: US$ 50.-- MINIMUM ORDER FOR MEDICATIONS US$ 12.-- Fee per order to cover the following: Air-Shipment, Packaging & Handling & costs of processing Checks & Orders. TOTAL ORDERS US$ ------------ Air-Shipment, Packaging + Handling Processing Checks US$ 12.00 ------------ TOTAL: US$ ------------ Please complete and sign the section below, we are unable to ship your products unless this part is completed. I HERBY DECLARE, THAT THE PRODUCTS I AM PURCHASING, ARE NOT FOR COMMERCIAL RESALE. THEY ARE FOR MY PERSONAL USE ONLY. THE ORDER DOES NOT EXCEED THREE MONTHS USAGE, AND THEY ARE USED WITH THE CONSENT OF MY PHYSICIAN. I HERBY STATE THAT I AM PERSONALLY UNABLE TO ACCESS THIS MEDICATION ANYWHERE IN THE U.S.A IN EITHER THE FORM OR DOSAGE I REQUIRE FOR MY CONDITION. I HERBY HOLD INHOME HEALTH SERVICES HARMLESS FOR ANY LEGAL ACTION WHICH MAY BE BROUGHT AGAINST ANY OF THESE PRODUCTS. SIGNED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please fill in block-writing: Name Address City / Post Code Country ============================================================================= Newsgroups: alt.drugs Legal High Of The Month ----------------------- This month's legal high is not a single substance, but a subject... SMART DRUGS. If you regularly read MONDO 2000 or alt.cyberpunk, just skip this posting because you already know it all... otherwise, read on! Many of you might have heard of Smart Drugs, via NPR, or the Nightly News (and also Nightline). Smart Drugs are a *new* breed of drugs termed *nootropic*. Nootropic comes from the Greek word meaning "acting on the mind". Nootropic drugs have in common.... (1) They all work on the brain and/or blood/brain barrier and (2) They all have *fairly* low toxicity levels. Smart Drugs can do things like: 1) Improve mental functioning and even increase IQ (lots of arguments on the IQ increasing - but research is proving it true) 2) Increase lifespan (30% or higher) 3) Decrease some of the *bad* degenerative effects of aging 4) Increase mental clarity 5) Done in combination with *illegal drugs*, Smart Drugs can undo some of the less-desirable effects (eg., foggyness, dizzyness, tiredness etc..). On Toxicity: Many of the nootropic drugs are SO nontoxic that the PDR lists them as having no known overdose levels, and no known symptoms or contradictions. THIS IS NOT TO SAY that ALL smart drugs are safe. Certainly not... and you should be fairly knowledgable about them before you do them - especially in combination! A couple of the nootropic drugs do have contradictions so PLEASE be careful in experimentation. (Note, certain combinations of nootropic drugs, done together, will have unpleasant, if not dangerous effects - PLEASE BE CAREFUL - never experiment with them together, until you have experimented with them each, individually, over a period of time. Make SURE you read the PDR on each of them, because some of them do have contradictions, especially if you have other conditions (eg., angina, etc..)). What Do They Do? Here is a partial (very partial) list of some smart drugs. ALL these drugs are available, in the US, by prescription. ALL of these drugs are available, outside of the US, without prescription AND MAY LEGALLY BE BROUGHT INTO THE US by you (more on this at the end of the article). The following table lists SOME of the drugs, their use as smart drugs, the NORMAL dose, and their use in the US, as indicated by the FDA. Blank items are because I don't have all my reference material at my side. Note that most of this information came via Mondo 2000, and other books. Drug Name Trade Name Dose Remarks --------- ---------- ---- ------- Centrophenoxine Lucidril 1000 to Intelligence Booster and 3000 mg/day Antiaging. Improvements in memory function and 30% increase in lifespan of mice. Removes Lipofuscin deposits in the brain. * This drug has contradictions * Choline 3 g/day Helps the brain make acetylcholine (also Lecithin) DO NOT DO if manic depressive Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA 50 to Anti-tumor, Anti-aging, Anti- 2000 mg/day obesity. Protects brain neurons from senility degenerative conditions. Naturally present in the body, but decreases with age. Ergoloid Mesylates Hydergine 3 to 9 Increases blood supply to brain. mg/day Increases oxygen to brain Protects brain from oxygen starv- ation. Reduces tiredness and dizziness. Normalizes systolic pressure. Increases intelligence. Gingko 20 mg Blood vessel dilators. Piracetam Nootropyl 2400 to Cognitive enhancer and memory 8000 mg/day improver. Sulbutiamine Arcalion 400 mg/day Facilitate wakefulness and improve long term memory. Increase resistance to stress. Vasopressin Diapid A blast up Helps you learn new memories. each nose Improves attention, concentration and recall. Made by SANDOZ! Helps undo the foggyness of alcohol and marijuna, and can undo the 'slowness' of coke, lsd etc.. Vincamine Oxicebral low dose Alertness / activity. Vinpocetine Cavinton 5 mg/day Memory enhancer. How To Get Them: Most of these drugs are available in the US, by prescription. They are usually approved by the FDA for uses NOT IN THE LIST ABOVE (for example, Vasopressin is used in the US for bladder control, but it has NOT been approved in the US for its memory functions, which require it to go through the multi-year cycle (and millions of dollars) for approval for that use). HOWEVER, due to the AIDS situation, the FDA has loosened the laws governing what you can bring in from other countries. It is now LEGAL to purchase a PERSONAL SUPPLY (not to exceed 3 months) of these (and other) drugs from firms in Europe, as long as they are regarded as safe in other countries. You can purchase these drugs from several companies, whose addresses are listed below: INHOME HEALTH SERVICES INTERLAB P.O. Box 3112 BCM Box 5890 CH-2800 Delemont Switzerland London, WC1N 3XX England Write them for their price lists. I personally have ordered several times from Interlab (vasopressin) and have been VERY impressed with their speed (spend the extra $10 for fast shipment - it's worth it) and the quality of their service. The bottles of Vasopressin came sealed, from Sandoz Laboratories, and worked as advertised (it even did the bladder control trick). To see what I was getting ripped off for, I called the local drug store to inquire as to the U.S. price for a bottle of Vasopressin, and my price from Interlab was $10 CHEAPER than what I could get it from at the local store (assuming I had a prescription). PLEASE NOTE that these companies want you to sign a statement saying that your doctor is working with you on this. Also, look into a book by John Morgenthaler and Ward Dean, entitled Smart Drugs & Nutrients (Walden Books, B. Dalton etc...). And OF COURSE, read alt.cyberpunk as well as MONDO 2000 for the latest and greatest in smart drug research and information.