ALL THE CRACKS YOU NEED FOR THE CHESSMASTER3000!.. :) Simply copy all the files from the original disks (i.e. DOS COPY). INSTALL.COM -- execute this instead of INSTALL.EXE from the original diskette. CM.COM -- once installed and "configuration changed" (copy- protection violated) run this to play the game. CM3.COM -- the same as CM.COM, but it also displays the title screen. CM3_TSR.COM -- load it in memory, it's a substitute for all the files above. It cracks the install program and the game (v1.02a & v1.03). Can be unloded, just run it second time. If you like to mess with executables here are the patches: FILE: CM.EXE Works for both v1.02a and v1.03. ORIGINAL: 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 BE FF 78 CRACK : == == == == 01 == == == == == == == == Note: There seems to be a bug in Norton Disk Editor 6.01, so if you use it, search for the bytes several times, using different pieces of the search string. FILE: INSTALL.EXE in v1.03 (which is PKLITEd, but not even extra): NOTE: use PKLITE -x INSTALL.EXE ORIGINAL: E8 07 F2 EB 0E CRACK : == == == == 1E Michael Yakubovich