Date: Tue, 7 Jan 92 23:44:19 -0800 From: Jon Pugh Subject: File 6--Law Enforcement, the Government & You I would like to point out one thing in defense of the "zealous" people involved in law enforcement efforts that have been discussed recently. These are people who have accepted the job of tracking down criminals, and that's what they do. Just as we live computers, or whatever, they live law enforcement. It is important for them to remember that not everyone is guilty, just as it is important for us to remember that they are simply _looking_ for criminals, so they tend to focus on that goal. If you were assigned to track down computer criminals and you didn't know a bit from a scuzzy disk controller, where would you start looking? On bulletin boards and at computer club meetings, of course. The citizenry needs to remind the authorities that not everyone is a criminal and that we _are_ in America (where the Constitution can be construed by some to say that it is better to let a guilty man go than to punish an innocent one). On a different subject, I firmly believe in accountability of the government. If these allegations connecting the October Surprise to the Inslaw software case are even remotely true then the truth definitely MUST be known, regardless of whether we have to wake Ron up or take the President down. Arguments of the type "We must protect the image of the Presidency" are bogus. The President is a man, like us. Prone to the same failings as us, only more so because of his power. We have already seen how the pressure and power affected Richard Nixon. Personally, I do not believe that the president was to blame in Ron's case, unless it was simply through negligence. There are many career officials assisting the president and others, and it may be time for a purge. These people seem to have formed their own underground organization, which ostensibly seems to be intended to protect and promote a Republican president. Oliver North was willing to take the fall for the presidency, but has now recanted. What does this say about the way these people treat each other? There is really only one thing I can do though, and I encourage others to do the same thing. Ask questions and talk about this. Make sure that everyone you talk to knows about the Inslaw case and the the October Surprise. Tell them that nothing is proved, but much is implied. Tell them to ask questions and tell _their_ friends. All we can do is pay attention and make sure that _they_ can't slip one past us. Of course I would be very willing to help anyone who _can_ do something directly, but I don't really want to end up slashed to death in a bathtub. That's what the allegations are in the Inslaw case, and if only for that reason we must all obey the song which still rings true: Stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253