Date: 09 Apr 93 23:20:38 EDT From: Gordon Meyer <72307.1502@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: File 3--CUN News: Online Defamation Alleged / Pentagon Piracy Medphone, a health technology firm, has filed a lawsuit for defamation against an investor for allegedly making false statements about the company on Prodigy. Medphone says the comments, made in the "Money Talk" area of the online service, caused its stock price to fall. Prodigy is not named as a defendant, but reportedly fears that it might be if this action sparks similar suits in the future. (Information Week. March 29, 1993 pg 10) Piracy at the Pentagon ====================== Information Week cites a story in Government Computer News (3/15/93 p1) reporting the results of a Department of Defense software audit. The DoD found that over half of the approximately 1000 computers audited were using an average of over two pirated software packages. (Information Week. March 29, 1993. pg. 56) Idle Minds ========== International computer crime units are trying to nab hackers in the former Soviet bloc who are menacing computer systems worldwide. Some of the more insidious viruses are reportedly now coming from Russia. One of the newest is called LoveChild - a wicked virus designed to wipe out all memory when an infected computer is booted for the 5,000th time. Explained one weary constable from Scotland Yard: "You've got a lot of frustrated programmers in the East who have turned their attention to creating viruses." (Reprinted with permission from Communications of the ACM. 4/93 pg 14) Virus Survey Results ==================== In October, 1992 PC Sources magazine conducted an online/mail/fax poll of readers and their experiences with computer viruses. Some of the notable results were... "How often do you check your computer for viruses?" 55% - Every day 22% - Once a week 3% - Never "Has your computer ever been hit by a virus?" 62% - No (all respondents. Answer varied depending on the the response method chosen by the respondent.) Of the 20% of the users that don't, or won't, use virus protection software, PC Sources found that their reasons fell into four broad categories: xenophobia, penny-wise/pound-foolish, underinformed, and trusting. See the February 1993 issue (pg 329) for more information. Email As Evidence ================= Siemens AG will be using email messages in its $50 million dollar suit against Arco. Siemens says the messages, which are between Arco employees, show that Arco knew their solar energy division wasn't commercially viable. Siemens claims they were defrauded when they purchased the division from Arco. (Information Week. April 5, 1993. pg 8) Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253