APPENDIX100600 5661 132 33203 5222357122 7571 0 0 ecdftp 1 0 I'd like to thank Chris Samuel and Peter Grandi for all their help in beta-testing early versions of Crack, and in Peter's case especially, for dropping me into the deep end of troff. Die, you bastard. As for Chris's major contribution, see "Scripts/plaster". 8-> For the v3.? versions of Crack, I'd like to thank Chris Myers, Randal Schwartz, Chris Lewis, and M.Maclaren. Also Brian Tompsett, for pointing me at the now infamous v3.2 bug, and for suggestions, patches, and enormous amounts of debugging information. To him should go the prize for "Most Vociferous Beta Tester Ever". For Crack v4.1, the greatest help has come from the members of the crack beta team, the most vociferous of whom are: brown@gov.llnl.ocelot, cavanaug@edu.uiuc.cogsci.lees,,, dowling@gov.ncifcrf,,, korz@edu.columbia.cs.bach, morgan@edu.uky.engr,, nelsonm@edu.orst.cs.storm, nestey@edu.colorado.denver.copper,,, phil@com.sequent, phill@com.sequent,,, - especially Fred "Mr Statistics" Korz, Paul Leyland, and shabby@purdue for all the debugging info. Also a bit thanks to Michael Glad for being so helpful while we were writing a decent software interface between Crack and UFC. I also wish to acknowledge the help of Kent Landfield (moderator of comp.sources.misc) and Dan "COPS" Farmer, both of them for goading me into releasing a version of Crack with fcrypt() installed. Without them, I probably would have been too timid... Finally, my gratitude goes to my girlfriend Gilly, for her support during the bad times. You are the everything. -- INET: JANET: BITNET: aem%aber@ukacrl UUCP: ...!mcsun!ukc!aber!aem ARPA: Alec Muffett, Somewhere in the UK, Probably lying under a tree drinking cider ********************************************************************** Several people have asked me why I don't write Crack so that it distributes dictionaries over the network and hacks the same password file on each machine, as opposed to spreading users over the network and using the same dictionaries. There are several reasons for this, which I will outline. The reasoning that spreading the dictionaries over the network is faster is correct in the case of cracking the passwords of ONE user - it is most efficient to run different dictionaries on him on several machines, and you will break his password eventually. Scaling this by a factor of 'n' users causes problems. Firstly, if a machine guesses one persons password, it must inform all others on the network not to waste time cracking him, but to get on with the other users. This is difficult and nasty. Secondly, it is not what Crack was designed to do. The name "Crack" is actually a misnomer - Crack really ought to be called "Passwdcheck" or something similar, but such names lack sex appeal. Crack is not a program designed to break the password of every user in the file. Rather, it is designed to find weak passwords in the file, by attacking those sorts of bad passwords which are most likely to be used, in the order in which they would most easily be found (ie: are most likely to be used by a moronic user). Crack is not designed to break user passwords; it is designed to break password files. This is a subtle but important distinction. If you want to break into a safe, you do not take a hammer at every bit of it in turn; instead, first you try some simple combinations, then you try blowing the hinges off, then you get out an acetylene torch and go for the bolt. If that doesnt work, THEN you start on the walls. You go for the bits which are most likely to be weak first. Consider a password file with 'n' users in it. Say that your ordinary, serial password cracker (eg: the one supplied with COPS) has a dictionary of 1000 words, and tries each word 6 ways (upper/lower/mixed case, permuted with forwards/backwards) Also consider that out of that 1000 users, only one (the last one) has a guessable password - "fred". Also say that it takes time 'T' seconds to encrypt a word. If you use the "try each user in turn" method, like the COPS password cracker, you will have to wait for a time:- 999 users * 1000 words * 6 ways * T = 5,994,000 T seconds before you get to that last user. Spreading this load around on a network only alleviates the number of words to be searched (divides them by the number of machines you are working on). Thus, if you use 10 machines, the machine which will guess "fred" will get to that last user in:- 999 * (1000 / 10) * 6 ways = 599,400 T seconds. Alternatively you can try it the Crack way - "fred" is a word which appears in a forwards dictionary. You will only wait:- 999 users * 1000 words * 1st way * T = 999,000 T seconds to get to that user. Now split the users across 10 machines (for simplicity, as outlined above):- (999 / 10) users * 1000 words * 1st way = 99,900 T seconds To get to his password, in ONLY 17% of the time taken by networking using the serial cracking method. This is only a boundary case, but I hope I have illustrated the concept. ********************************************************************** Crack has several other optimisations because of its structured password guesses. The figures below are entirely empirical, but I reckon that they're as good as any: The first pass that Crack makes is over the user data user information gleaned from the users' password field. In my test file, this gets about 4% of the passwords (out of a total of 15% guessed). This pass also completes very quickly, working as it does from a very small amount of data, but one which is very frequently used for passwords. The first sweep of the second pass, consisting of lowercase dictionary words, gets about another 5% of the passwords. The length of the first sweep depends on how much CPU and how many dictionaries I supply, but using the Ultrix /usr/dict/words and my bad_pws.dat, over 4 CPUs, it doesn't take much more that a few hours. For the further sweeps, the percentages cracked per sweep tail off, 2%, 1%, 0.5%... But they are the people with fairly exotic passwords, and it's only common sense that that they will take some time to crack. ********************************************************************** There is another major optimisation that I haven't mentioned. Because of the way the UNIX crypt() algorithm works, each encryption is "salted" with a two letter sequence which is stored as the first two characters of the encrypted password. This salting means that the word "fred" can be encrypted and appear in a password file in (literally) thousands of different ways - so long as each encryption has a different salt. Hence, it makes sense to do things in this manner: 1) sort and group the input data by encryption salt. 2) for each different groups' encryption salt * get a dictionary word * encrypt it using that salt (This is the time consuming bit) * compare the encryption with each member of the group with that salt * if it matches, you have guessed that users password. This knocks (empirical guesswork time again) up to one third of the dictionary encryptions off - thus saving you 0.3 of the time all the dictionary sweeps would ordinarily take. Crack gives this statistic when it says pwc: Loaded 'n' password entries into 'm' salted lines. (x%) where 'x' is the percentage of the total passwords loaded which have different salts. ********************************************************************** Some people have asked me how to generate safe passwords. This, has become a religious issue, and there are now several vociferous "password geeks" on USENET, who will say "my method is the best", in the same way that some mathematicians will try to compare so-called "random number generating algorithms". Such statements are pointless. I'm sorry for adding to the confusion, but I must say that I think they are wrong. Okay, so I am a security fatalist and a security philosopher, but I am not going to give and hard and fast answers; rather, I'd like to make some points and recommendations to the people out there. Security isn't a tangible thing, it is applied psychology. The whole point of a password is to prevent people accessing your system, getting into it from outside. Once someone is inside your system, assuming that they have the relevant knowledge of your O/S, it is safest to assume that anyone can get to be 'superuser'. Your only security once someone is on your system is called "security by obscurity". If your user has sufficient knowledge, you've "had it". The question isn't "How secure can my system be made?". The question really should be, "How much do I care, how much can I trust?". A system can be perfectly secure without any passwords at all, so long as it is in an environment of people who recognise its purpose and depend on it. I say this after having had acounts on several 'public' machines, which could have been taken to bits by any competent Unix person, but were largely safe - because when someone worked out who did anything nasty, the culprit was ostracised from the community. There _is_ a caveat to this, however. The problem is the sort of people who go around the world 'collecting' computer accounts and breaking machines, those who have either a childish mentality or an ulterior motive. The former are like the little boys who go around breaking windows and vandalising things 'for kicks'. They are the ones who see every password file as a "NO ENTRY" sign, and therefore, driven by what they think is anarchy and fun, they break in and smash the place up. Tell them that they are behaving like children, and they will behave moreso. The latter are driven by personal motives or money. Their reasons are too complex for me to analyse here. The 'babyish' hackers need a lesson (which I hope that eventually they learn) that true anarchy is for the general good, and is best achieved by fiat amongst the community. USENET is a good example - there is a lot of petty bickering and arguing, but an incredible amount of good comes out of it. It is anarchy that the greek philosophers would have approved of. What I am trying to say is that, when I say that if someone gets into your system, you've "had it", you should consider whether there is anything to have "had" in the first place. There is no point in getting yourself paranoid over security - if you do, you'll lose out. Don't be too paranoid. Be SENSIBLE instead, and secure your system according to it's needs, and not according to some 'holy bible' of absolute security. If someone gets into your system, you find out how they did it, patch the hole, check for back doors, brush yourself off, and start again. It's not the end of the world. What this statement doesn't address (yet) is the needs of system managers who have a REAL need for security - be it corporate data or research work - on their system. As I have said before, most O/S's have gaping holes in them that cannot be entirely filled, and so the crackers must be stopped on the doorstep. At the password login. People who say that they have a way of generating safe passwords are misinformed, IMHO. Saying that the password "wyufwqpl" is secure is as meaningful as saying that the number "4" is random. Password security, like any other form of computer security, is not absolute, but should be taken in context. You can't say that a certain method will provide secure, random passwords, because, in defining an algorithm to create these passwords, you will use only a subset of all the possible passwords that could ever exist. You have shrunk the 'search space' for the passwords. Someone merely has to write a password cracker which will search this small subset of passwords, in order to break your system. Passwords generated by any algorithm, human or computer based, are merly pseudo-secure, in the same way that numbers can be pseudo-random. For illustration of this aspect of password security, read the document "Password Security, A Case History" by Morris and Thompson. There is an incredibly large set of possible passwords in the world, and the best approach toward choosing a password is not to try to find a way to generate 'secure' passwords - there are no such things - but rather you should learn to choose passwords which are not easily searched for. Passwords which are out of the 'search space' of most password crackers like 'Crack'. Read the Crack documentation. See what sort of things other programs like Crack would search for. Think of some yourself. I am not going to specifically mention methods, you should really work something out for yourself. At the bottom line, the password "fred" is just as secure (random) as the password "blurflpox"; the only problem is that "fred" is in a more easily searched part of the "password space". Both of these passwords are more easily found than "Dxk&2+15^N" however. Now you must ask yourself if you can cope with remembering "Dxk&2+15^N". ********************************************************************** Some time ago, I was listening to the REM album 'Green' on the way back from the Cropredy folk festival, whilst thinking over things to do to Crack, and I was struck (not for the first time) by the words of the first verse to 'World Leader Pretend':- I sit at my table, and wage war upon myself. It seems like it's all, it's all for nothing. I know the barricades, and I know the mortar in the wall I recognise the weapons, I use them well. This is my mistake, let me make it good, I raised the wall, and I will be the one to knock it down... - writing password cracking programs gets to you after a bit. etylene torch and go for the bolt. If that doesnt work, THEN you start on the walls. You go for the bits which are most likely to be weak first. Consider a password file with 'n' users in it. Say that your ordinary, serial password cracker (eg: the one supplied with COPS) has a dictionary of 1000 words, and tries each word 6 ways (upper/lower/mixed case, permuted with forwarBUGS100600 5661 132 2130 5222357015 5707 0 0 1 0 Bugs as of 1 Mar 1992:- * Crack: is known to occasionally hang during a "Crack -network" whilst rshing from machine to machine on some architectures. It's a persistent problem at some sites, when Crack rsh'es to a particular machine and stays there, and thus never calls the next machine. FIX: mark machines that hang Crack with the "-f" option in network.conf file, then the 'rsh' will be backgrounded and Crack will continue to the next machine. The tweak in Crack v4.1 to close descriptors 0->9 on all machines (esp Apollos) may help this. * Beta testers on DEC 5500s have reported crack-pwc crashing when compiled with the optimiser. This apparently doesn't happen using GCC or when optimisation is turned off (heisenbug?) Be warned. * Earlyish System V type systems will have problems if the environment variable SHELL is not set to "/bin/sh" - this is because SV will blithely ignore the "#!/bin/sh" line and invoke a csh anyway, if thats what you prefer. This is probably most easily diagnosed when Crack bails out like this: CRACK_HOME=/your/crack/directory: Command not found. - or similar. a total of 15% guessed). This pass also completes very quickly, working as it does from a very small amount of data, but one which is very frequently used for passwords. The first sweep of the second pass, consisting of lowercase dictionary words, gets about another 5% of the passwords. The length of the first sweep depends on how much CPU and how many dictionaries I supply, but using the Ultrix /usr/dict/words and myCrack100700 5661 132 15122 5222357125 6222 0 0 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.1 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### ### # CRACK_HOME: You must put DOUBLE QUOTES around this and have /bin/csh if # you work relative to ~username - this is the Crack installation directory. # (currently developing on "dougal") ### CRACK_HOME="~aem/dougal/crack41f" ### # CRACK_OUT: This is the directory into which all the password guesser # output files are to be stored. This affects only the "out*" files, and # not "D*" or "P*", due to restraints on the support scripts. ### CRACK_OUT="$CRACK_HOME" ### # Umask for security's sake - stops files being world readable (if you # don't have it in your .login) ### umask 077 ### # DEFAULT_BIN : For non-network cracks, you can leave this as 'generic'. # Setting this to `arch` is non-portable. ### DEFAULT_BIN="generic" ### # List of standard dictionaries that you should have to provide words; # ### STDDICT="/usr/dict/words" ### # Compress: name of a compression prog (compress & pack supported) to be # applied to the bigdict to save filespace ### compress="/usr/ucb/compress" ### ############### FROM HERE ON IN IT'S ALL MY FAULT ############### ### version="4.1f RELEASE" # version number pwl="" # user specified domail="" # user specified fgnd="" # user specified remote="" # program specified nice="" # user specified rcvr="" # user specified inputfile="/tmp/pw.$$" # program specified, also in pwc.c verbose="" # user specified cf_file="Scripts/network.conf" # program specified bigdict="Dicts/bigdict" # program specified lockdict="Dicts/.lockfile" # program specified CRACK_HOME_UNRES="$CRACK_HOME" if [ -f "/bin/csh" ] # -x bombs on Ultrix then CRACK_OUT=` /bin/csh -fc "echo $CRACK_OUT" ` CRACK_HOME=` /bin/csh -fc "echo $CRACK_HOME" ` fi if [ ! -d "$CRACK_OUT" ] then echo "Warning: CRACK_OUT directory reset to directory '.'" CRACK_OUT="." fi export CRACK_HOME export CRACK_OUT export DEFAULT_BIN export CRACK_HOME_UNRES ### # Check existance of a home directory ### if [ "$CRACK_HOME" != "" -a -d "$CRACK_HOME" ] then cd $CRACK_HOME || exit 1 else echo "Fatal error: the directory $CRACK_HOME does not exist." echo "" echo "Please set the value of CRACK_HOME in the 'Crack' script to the name of echo "the installation directory." echo "" echo "The current working directory is" `pwd`" exit 1 fi ### # Announce ourselves. ### echo "Crack $version, The Password Cracker (c) Alec D.E. Muffett, 1992" echo "Invoked as: $0 $*" if [ $# = 0 ] then echo "Usage: $0 [options] [bindir] passwdfile [...]" echo "Or: $0 -network [options] passwdfile [...]" echo "Options:-" echo " -v - to produce verbose output" echo " -nnicevalue - to run niced to 'nicevalue'" echo " -rpointfile - to recover a crashed-out job" echo " -Rpointfile - to recover (with verify) a crashed-out job" echo " -f - to run in foreground (output to stdout)" echo " -m - to mail the user a warning message if cracked" exit 1 fi ### # Make the dictionaries. God this is SOOOOO much simpler... ### if [ ! -f $lockdict ] then echo "Making dictionary $bigdict - This may take some time..." ( for dictfile in $STDDICT DictSrc/* do case $dictfile in *.Z) zcat $dictfile ;; *.z) pcat $dictfile ;; *) cat $dictfile ;; esac done ) | grep -v '^#' | sort | uniq > $bigdict # I do not do "tr A-Z a-z" here because of words like LaTeX and # BiCapitalisation, which are potential passwords, but the structure of # which would be irrecoverably destroyed by lowercaseing. echo touch $lockdict # for future refs. touch $lockdict if [ "x$compress" != "x" -a -f "$compress" ] then echo $compress $bigdict # if this fails, tweak the $compress definition above... $compress $bigdict || exit 1 fi else echo Dictionary Dicts/* intact fi ### # Check your invocation... ### if [ "x$1" = "x-network" ] then shift Scripts/ $* exit 0 fi while : do case $1 in -network) echo "Error: -network (if specified) must be first argument" exit 1 ;; -X*) remote=$1 shift ;; -m*) domail=$1 shift ;; -l*) pwl=$1 shift ;; -f*) fgnd=$1 shift ;; -n*) nice=$1 shift ;; -r*) rcvr=$1 shift ;; -v*) verbose=$1 shift ;; -*) echo "Error: unknown argument $1" shift ;; *) break ;; esac done ### # Test first non-switch argument for existance, hence where to put binaries ### if [ -f "$1" ] then CRACK_ARCH="$CRACK_HOME/$DEFAULT_BIN" else CRACK_ARCH="$CRACK_HOME/$1" shift fi export CRACK_ARCH echo "Binary directory: $CRACK_ARCH" ### # Make the password cracker ### Scripts/do_pwc $CRACK_ARCH || exit 1 ### # Process input to the program ### echo "Sorting data for Crack." if [ "x$remote" != "x" ] then cat > $inputfile else out_init=$CRACK_OUT/out.$$ Scripts/do_join $out_init $* > $inputfile || exit 1 if [ "x$domail" != "x" ] then MISCREANTS=`awk '/Guessed/{print $6}' < $out_init` echo Sending Warning Mail to $MISCREANTS Scripts/nastygram $MISCREANTS fi if [ "x$fgnd" != "x" ] then cat $out_init || exit 1 rm -f $out_init fi fi ### # Check the runtime scratch file directory for pwc ### if [ ! -d Runtime ] then echo "Creating Runtime Directory." mkdir Runtime || exit 1 fi ### # Kick it off into the background ? ### # This is the message which has drawn the most complaints... However, I # have no way of knowing the name in advance, and I can't have crack-pwc # print it on stdout due to hanging file descriptors which bollox a # network crack. Hence I HAVE to be vague... ### flags="$remote $fgnd $XXdomail $pwl $nice $rcvr $verbose -i $inputfile" echo "Flags:" $flags Dicts/* if [ "x$fgnd" != "x" ] then echo "Running program in foreground" $CRACK_ARCH/crack-pwc $flags Dicts/* < /dev/null 2>&1 else echo "Running program in background" # Apollos/Suns need first 7 descriptors closed to bg properly # from ksh - hence overkill - AEM nohup $CRACK_ARCH/crack-pwc $flags Dicts/* /dev/null \ 2>&1 3>&1 4>&1 5>&1 6>&1 7>&1 8>&1 9>&1 & echo "Output will be written to a file in directory $CRACK_OUT" echo "named 'out'" fi sleep 1 test -f nohup.out && rm nohup.out ### # There are horrible timeraces involved in removing $tmpfile, so I dont. # Crack-pwc does. Still. Hohum. ### exit 0 n' on the way back from the Cropredy folk festival, whilst thinking over things to do to Crack, and I was struck (not for the first time) by the words of the first verse to 'World Leader Pretend':- I sit at my table, and wage war upon myself. It seems like it's all, it's all for nothing. I know the barricades, and I know the mortar in the wall I recognise the weapons, I use them well. This is my mistake, let me make it DictSrc/ 40755 5661 132 0 5222357130 6474 5 0 1 0 DictSrc/jargon100600 5661 132 7135 5222357020 10601 037777777777 1 0 # From: (Eric S. Raymond) # Subject: improved Jargon File wordlist for crack 4.0 # Eric S. Raymond = (mad mastermind of TMN-Netnews) ACK ALT AOS BBS BFI BIFF BITNET BLT BOF BQS BRS BSD BWQ BartleMUD Berzerkeley BiCapitalization CI CLM CTY DDT DEADBEEF DEChead DP DPB DPer DRECNET DWIM Discordianism EMACS ENQ EOL EOU EXCH EXE Eris FAQL FOAF FOD FTP FUBAR FUD FidoNet Foonly Fortrash GC GECOS GFR GIGO GIPS GNUMACS GOSMACS GPL GPV Godzillagram Gosperism HAKMEM HCF HHOK HHOS HLL Hackintosh IMHO INTERCAL IRC IWBNI IYFEG JEDR JFCL JRST K&R KIPS LDB LER LERP LN LPT MEGO MFTL MIPS MOTAS MOTOS MOTSS Macintoy Macintrash Moof NAK NMI NeWS PBD PD PETSCII POM POPJ PPN Perl QWERTY RETI RFC RFE RL RSN RTFAQ RTFM RTI RTM SCSI SMOP SPACEWAR SysVile TCB TECO TELNET TLA TMRC TWENEX TeX TechRef UBD USENET UTSL UUCPNET VAXectomy VAXen VMS VR WIBNI WOMBAT WYSIAYG WYSIWYG Weenix XOFF XXX YABA YAUN Zork abbrev adger admin annoybot app attoparsec autobogotiphobia avatar awk bagbiter bamf barf barfulation barfulous baz bboard berklix biff bignum bitblt bixie blargh bletch bletcherous blinkenlights blit blitter blivet bogometer bogon bogosity bogotify boink bonk boxen boxology bozotic braino breedle broket buglix bytesexual careware cdr chad chanop charityware clustergeeking codewalker cokebottle computron condom copybroke copyleft copywronged corge cray crayola crippleware crlf crudware cruft cruftsmanship crufty cryppie cuspy cybercrud cyberpunk cyberspace daemon dd deckle dehose delint depeditate devo dink doc doco dodgy dogcow dogwash dongle donuts doorstop droid dynner email emoticon erve excl fab featurectomy feep feeper filk finn firebottle firefighting firmy flamage flarp flippy flytrap followup foo foobar fora fred frednet freeware friode fritterware frob frobnicate frobnitz frotz frotzed frowney fuggly fuzzball gabriel garply geef gen gensym gillion glark glassfet glork gnarly gonk gonkulator gonzo gorp gotcha grault gritch grok gronk gronked grunge gubbish guiltware gumby gunch gurfle gweep hackish hackishness hackitude hakspek handwave hardcoded hardwarily hardwired heisenbug hexit hing hobbit hungus i14y i18n initgame jupiter kahuna kgbvax klone kluge kremvax kyrka laundromat legalese letterbomb lexiphage livelock liveware lossage luser macdink machoflops macrology macrotape maggotbox mandelbug marketroid martian meatware meeces meg megapenny meme memetics menuitis meta mickey microLenat minifloppies moby moria mouso mudhead multician mumblage munchkin nano nanoacre nanobot nanocomputer nanofortnight nanotechnology nastygram neophilia netburp netdead nethack netiquette netlag netnews netrock newbie newsfroup newsgroup nickle noddy nooze notwork nuke nybble nyetwork offline oif ooblick op param parm payware pdl perf phreaking playte plingnet plokta plonk plugh pnambic prestidigitization prettyprint proglet psychedelicware psyton ques quux qux ravs regexp retcon retrocomputing rot13 sagan salescritter salsman sandbender screwage scrog scrool scrozzle segfault seggie segv shareware shelfware shitogram showstopper sitename skrog slopsucker smiley smurf snarf sneakernet snivitz softcopy softwarily softy spam spl spooge stiffy stubroutine studlycaps sysadmin sysop tayste terminak terpri thinko thunk tinycrud toeprint toto trit tty tunafish turist twink twonkie upload upthread vadding vannevar vaporware var vaxherd vaxism vaxocentrism vdiff veeblefester verbage vgrep videotex wabbit waldo wango wank wannabee wedgie wedgitude weeble weenie wetware whalesong whizzy winkey winnage winnitude wirehead wonky workaround xor xref xyzzy zen zigamorph zipperhead zorch zorkmid # program specified nice="" # user specified rcvr="" # user specified inputfile="/tmp/pw.$$" # program specified, also in pwc.c verbose="" # user specified cf_file="Scripts/network.conf" # program specified bigdict="Dicts/bigdict" # program specified lockdict="Dicts/.lockfile" # program specified CRACK_HOME_UNRES="$CRACK_HOME" if [ -f "/bin/csh" ] # -x bombs on Ultrix then CRACK_OUT=` /bin/csDictSrc/bad_pws.dat100600 5661 132 14574 5222357131 10726 0 0 1 0 0 1 123456 12345678 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A a aaa abc abcd abcde abcdef abcdefg abcdefgh academia academic access ada admin Adrian Adrianna aerobics airplane Alasdair albany albatross Albert Alex Alexander alf algebra alias aliases Alice Alicia Alisa Alison Alistair Alister Allison alpha alphabet ama amadeus Amanda Amber amorphous Amy analog anchor Andrea andromache Anduin andy Angela Angie animal animals Anita Ann Anna Anne Annette answer anthropogenic anvils anything April aria ariadne Arlene arrow Arthur asd asdfgh asm asshole Athena atmosphere aztecs azure B b bacchus badass Bailey banana bananas bandit banks Barbara barber baritone Bart Bartman basic bass bassoon batch batman BBROYGBVGW beach beater beauty beaver Becky beethoven beetledrive beloved benz beowulf berkeley berlin berliner Beryl beta Beth Betsie Betty Beverly bicameral Bishop bitch bizzy Bob Bongpoo bradley Brandi Brandy Brenda brian Bridget broadway bsd buggerall bumbling burgess buzby C c cad Calvin Camille campanile Candi Candy cantor cardinal Caren Carla Carmen carmen Carol Carole Carolina carolina Caroline Carrie carson cascades castle cat Catherine Cathy cayuga Cecily celtics cerulean change Charity Charles charles charming charon chat cheesecake chem chemistry chess chester chocolate Christina Christine Christy cigar Cindy cinelli class classic Claudia cluster clusters code coffee coke Collins collins commrades computer comrade comrades condo condom connect Connie console cookie cookie cooper Cornelius cornelius couscous create creation creator creosote cretin criminal Cristina Crystal cshrc Cynthia D d daemon Daisy Dana dancer Daniel daniel Danielle danny dapper data dave Dawn Deb Debbie Deborah december default defoe deluge Denise Desiree desperate develop device dial Diana Diane diet dieter digital disc discbox discovery disk disney dog Doobrie dos drought Dulce Duncan E e eager earth easier easy eatme edges edinburgh edwin Edwina egghead eiderdown Eileen Einstein Elaine Elanor elephant Elizabeth Ellen email emerald Emily Emmanuel enemy engine engineer enterprise enzyme Erica Erika Erin ersatz establish estate eternity euclid eugene Evelyn extension F f fairway Felicia fender fermat ferrari fidelity field file finite fishers flakes float flower flowers foolproof football foresight format forsythe fourier fred friend frighten fun function fungible G g Gabriel gabriel games gardner garfield gatt gauss George george Gertrude gertrude gibson Gilly Gina Ginger glacier gnu golf golfer gorgeous gorges gosling gouge graham grahm grass group gryphon gucci guess guest guitar gumption guntis gweledigaeth H h hack hacker hal hamlet handily happening harmony harold Harvey hawaii Heather hebrides Heidi heinlein hello help herbert Hiawatha hibernia hidden Hobbes hobbit Holly homework honey horse horus hutchins hydrogen I ibm iluvben imbroglio imperial include ingres ingress Ingrid inna innocuous internet Irene irishman isis izzy J j Jackie Jane Janet Janice Janie japan Jasmin Jean Jeanne Jen Jenni Jennifer Jenny Jessica jester Jill jixian Joanne Jody Johnny johnny Joseph Joshua Joy Joyce Judith Judy juggle Julia Julie June jupiter K k kalajira Karen Karie Karina Kate Kathleen Kathrine Kathy Katina Katrina Kelly Keri kermit kernel Kerri Kerrie Kerry key Kim Kimberly kipper kirkland Kitten knight Krista Kristen Kristi Kristie Kristin Kristine Kristy L l ladle lager lambda lamination Lana Lara larkin larry Laura lazarus Leah lebesgue lee leland leroy Leslie lewis library light Linda Lisa lisp Liz llareggub lock lockout Lois Lori Lorin Lorraine Louis Louise love Lucy Lynn Lynne M m mac macintosh mack maggot magic mail maint Malcolm malcom manager Mara Marci Marcy Maria Marietta mark markus Marni mars marty marvin Mary master math Maurice maurice Meagan Megan Melissa mellon memory mercury merlin mets mgr Michael michael Michele Michelle Mickey mike minimum minsky mit modem mogul moguls Monica moose morley Mortis mortis mouse mozart muser mutant MVEMJSUNP N n nagel Nancy napoleon nasa 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tuttle U u umesh unhappy unicorn unix unknown uranus urchin Ursula util utility uucp V v Valerie vasant venus Veronica vertigo Vicky village virgin Virginia visitor vortex W w wargames Warren warren water weenie Wendi Wendy whatever whatnot whiting Whitney whitney wholesale will William william williamsburg Willie willie Wilma winston wisconsin wizard wizzy WOBAFGKMRNS wombat woodwind word work wormwood wyoming X x xerox xfer xmodem xyz Y y yaco yang yellowstone Yolanda yosemite Z z zap zerox zimmerman zmodem zxcvbn MS VR WIBNI WOMBAT WYSIAYG WYSIWYG Weenix XOFF XXX YABA YAUN Zork abbrev adger admin annoybot app attoparsec autobogotiphobia avatarDicts/ 40755 5661 132 0 5222357021 6206 5 0 1 0 Docs/ 40755 5661 132 0 5222357210 6030 5 0 1 0 Docs/readme.ms100600 5661 132 70506 5222357172 7752 0 0 1 0 .de C .ie n .B "\\$1" \\$2 .el .CW "\\$1" \\$2 .. .TL "Crack Version 4.1" .br A Sensible Password Checker for Unix .AU Alec D.E. Muffett .AI Unix Software Engineer Aberystwyth, Wales, UK .I "( or" .AB .B Crack is a freely available program designed to find standard Unix eight-character DES encrypted passwords by standard guessing techniques outlined below. It is written to be flexible, configurable and fast, and to be able to make use of several networked hosts via the Berkeley .C rsh program (or similar), where possible. .AE .NH 1 Statement of Intent .LP This package is meant as a proving device to aid the construction of secure computer systems. Users of Crack are advised that they may get severly hassled by authoritarian type sysadmin dudes if they run Crack without proper authorisation. .NH 1 Introduction to Version 4.0 .LP Crack is now into it's fourth version, and has been reworked extensively to provide extra functionality, and the purpose of this release is to consolidate as much of this new functionality into as small a package as possible. To this end, Crack may appear to be less configurable: it has been written on the assumption that you run a fairly modern Unix, one with BSD functionality, and then patched in order to run on other systems. .LP This, surprisingly enough, has led to neater code, and has made possible the introduction of greater flexibility which supercedes many of the options that could be configured in earlier versions of Crack. In the same vein, some of the older options are now mandatory. These, such as .I "feedback mode" and .C CRACK_PRINTOUT are no longer supported as options and probably never will be again. There is just a lot of wastage in not running with them, and too many dependencies in other functions to bother programming around them. .LP The user interface is basically identical to the previous versions, although some people have asked about providing X-windows GUI's to Crack, I think it would be a waste of time to do so. Crack has far less options than your ordinary version of .C /bin/ls . .NH 1 Introduction to Version 4.1 .LP Version 4.1 of the Crack program is an attempt to extend the features introduced in v4.0 and provide hooks for external libraries such as Michael Glad's wonderful .B UFC crypt() implementation, which (on some platforms) can outperform my fcrypt() by a factor of 3. I have also been burdened with the task of making Crack's memory handling bombproof (hah!) in the vague hope that it will survive running out of memory on small machines.\** .FS - or even on large ones. Brian Tompsett at Hull tweaked Crack v3.3 until it could run to completion after filling the swapspace on each of a network of SparcStation2's. Due to restructuring work on v4.0, I have had to write my own sorting algorithm & re-implement all of his tweaks from scratch, and can only hope that I have emulated the bombproofness of this desirable (?) functionality. .FE .LP The extensions that I mention above regard the addition of extra primitives to the dictionary processing language which permit the production of more concise dictionaries containing words, more of which are likely to be passwords. The idea is to gain efficiency by removing some of the dross from the generated dictionaries. .LP Crack should (generally) be more disk-space efficient now that the program can spot dictionaries which have been compressed using .I compress or .I pack and will uncompress them on the fly as necessary (using .I zcat or .I pcat respectively).\** .FS Note to people who are short on memory or swap: do remember that to do this Crack will have to .I fork() (via .I popen() ) and might not be able to create the uncompressing process. Hence, if you intend to swaplock your machine, don't compress the dictionaries. Switch this off by editing the .C Crack shellscript. .FE .NH 1 Crack Methodology - Part 1: Internals .LP Crack takes as its input a series of password files and source dictionaries. It merges the dictionaries, turns the password files into a sorted list, and generates lists of possible passwords from the merged dictionary or from information gleaned about users from the password file. It does .B not attempt to remedy the problem of allowing users to have guessable passwords, and it should .B NOT be used in place of getting a really good, secure .C passwd program replacement.\** .FS See the end of ths document for more information about .I passwd replacements. .FE .LP The above paragraphs define the purpose of Crack, and embody a great deal of hard work, screams of .I Eureka! , drunkeness, and a fair amount of swearing too. There is a lot of thinking, philosophy, and empirical guesswork behind the way that Crack attacks password files, and although it is not perfect, I certainly hope that Crack will out-do most of it's competitors. .LP Crack works by making many individual passes over the password entries that you supply to it. Each pass generates password guesses based upon a sequence of rules, supplied to the program by the user. The rules are specified in a simplistic language in the files .C gecos.rules and .C dicts.rules , to be found in the .C Scripts directory. The distinction between these two files will be made clear later. .LP The rules are written as a simple string of characters, with one rule to a line. Blank lines, and comment lines beginning with a hash character .B # are ignored. Trailing whitespace is also ignored. The instructions in the rule are followed from left to right, and are applied to the dictionary words one by one, as the words are loaded. Some simple pattern matching primitives are provided for selection purposes, so that if the dictionary word does not match the pattern, it is ignored. This saves on time and memory. Before carrying on, I suggest that you browse through .C Scripts/dicts.rules , take a look at the rules supplied as defaults, and try to work out what they do. .LP The rules are stored in two different files for two different purposes. Rules in .C Scripts/gecos.rules are applied to data generated by Crack from the pw_gecos and pw_gecos entries of the user's password entry. The data fed to the gecos rules for the user .I "aem", who is .I "Alec David Muffett, Systems" would be: .I "aem", .I "Alec", .I "David", .I "Muffett", .I "Systems", and a series of permutations of those words, either re-ordering the words and joining them together (eg: .I "AlecMuffett" ), or making up new words based on initial letters of one word taken with the rest of another (eg: .I "AMuffett" ).\** .FS - and .I ASystems and .I DSystems , and .I MSystems , etc... because Crack does not differentiate. Hence, care should be taken to check for redundancy when adding new rules, so as not to waste time during the gecos pass. .FE .LP The entire set of rules in gecos.rules is applied to each of these words, which creates many more permutations and combinations, all of which are tested. Hence testing the password gecos information under Crack v4.0 and upwards takes somewhat longer than previously, but it is far more thorough. .sp 1v .LP After a pass has been made over the data based on gecos information, Crack makes further passes over the password data using successive rules from the .C Scripts/dicts.rules by loading the whole of .C Dicts/bigdict file into memory, with the rule being applied to each word from that file. This generates a .I "resident dictionary" , which is sorted and uniqued so as to prevent wasting time on repetition. After each pass is completed, the memory used by the resident dictionary is freed up, and (hopefully) re-used when the next dictionary is loaded. .LP The .C Dicts/bigdict dictionary is created by Crack by merging, sorting, and uniq'ing the source dictionaries, which are to be found in the directory .C DictSrc and which may also be named in the Crack shellscript, via the .C $STDDICT variable. (The default value of $STDDICT is .C /usr/dict/words ). .LP The file .C DictSrc/bad_pws.dat is a dictionary which is meant to provide many of those common but non-dictionary passwords, such as .I 12345678 or .I qwerty . .LP If you wish to provide a dictionary of your own, just copy it into the .C DictSrc directory (use .C compress on it if you wish to save space; Crack will unpack it whilst generating the big dictionary) and then delete the contents of the .C Dicts directory by running .C Scripts/spotless . Your new dictionary will be merged in on the next run. For more information on dictionary attacks, see the .I excellent paper called "Foiling the Cracker: A Survey of, and Improvements to, Password Security" by Daniel Klein, available from .I "" in .I "~/pub/dvk/passwd.*" . Also, please read the .C APPENDIX file supplied with this distribution.\** .FS Extra dictionaries (those detailed in Dan Klein's paper) can be obtained via anonymous FTP from .I ( as .I ~/pub/dictionaries.tar.Z ; or check an .I Archie database for other possible sources of dictionaries. .FE .LP Having described the method of cracking, perhaps we should now investigate the algorithm used to overlay the cracking mechanism. .NH 1 Crack Methodology - Part 2: Feedback Filters .LP As is stated above, Crack permutes and loads dictionaries directly into memory, sorts and uniques them, before attempting to use each of the words as a guess for each users' password. If Crack correctly guesses a password, it marks the user as .I done and does not waste further time on trying to break that users password. .LP Once Crack has finished a dictionary pass, it sweeps the list of users looking for the passwords it has cracked. It stores the cracked passwords in both plaintext and encrypted forms in a .I "feedback file" in the directory .C Runtime . Feedback files have names of the form .C Runtime/F* . .LP The purpose of this is so that, when Crack is next invoked, it may recognise passwords that it has successfully cracked before, and filter them from the input to the password cracker. This provides an .I instant list of crackable users who have not changed their passwords since the last time Crack was run. This list appears in a file with name .C out* in the .C $CRACK_OUT directory, or on .I stdout , if foreground mode is invoked (see .I Options , below). .LP In a similar vein, when a Crack run terminates normally, it writes out to the feedback file all encrypted passwords that it has .B NOT succeeded in cracking. Crack will then ignore all of these passwords next time you run it. .LP Obviously, this is not desirable if you frequently change your dictionaries or rules, and so there is a script provided, .C Scripts/mrgfbk which sorts your feedback files, merges them into one, and optionally removes all traces of 'uncrackable' passwords, so that your next Crack run can have a go at passwords it has not succeeded in breaking before. .LP .C Mrgfbk is invoked automatically if you run .C Scripts/spotless . .NH 1 Crack Methodology - Part 3: Execution and Networking .LP Each time Crack is invoked, whether networked or not, it generates a .I diefile with a name of the form .C Runtime/D* (for network cracks, this file is generated by RCrack, and is of the form .C Runtime/DR* which points to a .B real diefile, named .C Runtime/RD* - see below for details). .LP These diefiles contain debugging information about the job, and are generated so that all the jobs on the entire network can be called quickly by invoking .C Scripts/plaster . Diefiles delete themselves after they have been run. .LP As you will read in the sections below, Crack has a .C "-network" option: This is designed to be a simple method of automatically spreading the load of password cracking out over several machines on a network, preferably if they are connected by some form of networked filestore. .LP When .C "Crack -network" is invoked, it filters its input in the ordinary way, and then splits its load up amongst several machines which are specified in the file .C Scripts/network.conf . .LP This file contains a series of hostnames, power ratings, flags, etc, relevant to the running of Crack on each machine. Crack then calls .C Scripts/RCrack to use the .C rsh command (or similar) to invoke Crack on the other hosts. See the RCrack script, and the example network.conf file for details. .NH 1 Installation .LP Crack is one of those most unusual of beasties, a self-installing program. Some people have complained about this apparent weirdness, but it has grown up with Crack ever since the earliest network version, when I could not be bothered to log into several different machines with several different architectures, just in order to build the binaries. Once the necessary configuration options have been set, the executables are created via .C make by running the Crack shellscript . .LP Crack's configuration lies in two files, the .C Crack shell script, which contains all the installation specific configuration data, and the file .C Sources/conf.h , which contains configuration options specific to various binary platforms. .LP In the Crack shellscript, you will have to edit the .C CRACK_HOME variable to the correct value. This variable should be set to an absolute path name (names relative to .I ~username are OK, so long as you have some sort of .C csh ) through which the directory containing Crack may be accessed on .B ALL the machines that Crack will be run on. There is a similar variable .C CRACK_OUT which specifies where Crack should put its output files - by default, this is the same as .C "$CRACK_HOME" . .LP You will also have to edit the file .C Sources/conf.h and work out which switches to enable. Each .C #define has a small note explaining its purpose. Where I have been in doubt about the portability of certain library functions, usually I have re-written it, so you should be OK. Let me know of your problems, if you have any. .LP If you will be using .C "Crack -network" you will then have to generate a .C Scripts/network.conf file. This contains a list of hostnames to .C rsh to, what their .I "binary type" is (useful when running a network Crack on several different architectures), a guesstimate of their .I "relative power" (take your slowest machine as unary, and measure all others relative to it), and a list of per-host .I flags to .B add to those specified on the .C Crack command line, when calling that host. There is an example of such a file provided in the Scripts directory - take a look at it. .LP If ever you wish to specify a more precise figure as to the relative power of your machines, or you are simply at a loss, play with the command .C "make tests" in the source code directory. This can provide you with the number of fcrypt()s that your machine can do per second, which is a number that you can plug into your .C network.conf as a measure of your machines' power (after rounding the value to an integer). .NH 1 Usage .LP Okay, so, let's assume that you have edited your .C Crack script, and your .C Sources/conf.h file, where do you go from here ? .LP .DS B .fi .C Crack [\c .I options ] [\c .I bindir ] .C /etc/passwd [...other passwd files] .sp 1v .C "Crack -network" [\c .I options ] .C /etc/passwd [...other passwd files] .DE .LP Where .B bindir is the optional name of the directory where you want the binaries installed. This is useful where you want to be able to run versions of Crack on several different architectures. If .B bindir does not exist, a warning will be issued, and the directory created. .QP Note: .B bindir defaults to the name .C generic if not supplied. .QP .LP .B "Notes for Yellow Pages (NIS) Users:" I have occasional queries about how to get Crack running from a YP password file. There are several methods, but by far the simplest is to generate a passwd format file by running:- .DS B .C "ypcat passwd > passwd.yp" .DE and then running Crack on this file. .NH 1 Options .IP "\fB-f\fP" Runs Crack in .I foreground mode, ie: the password cracker is not backgrounded, and messages appear on stdout and stderr as you would expect. This option is only really useful for very small password files, or when you want to put a wrapper script around Crack. .IP Foreground mode is disabled if you try running .C "Crack -network -f" on the command line, because of the insensibility of .C rsh ing to several machines in turn, waiting for each one to finish before calling the next. However, please read the section about .I "Network Cracking without NFS/RFS" , below. .IP "\fB-v\fP" Sets verbose mode, whereby Crack will print every guess it is trying on a per-user basis. This is a very quick way of flooding your filestore, but useful if you think something is going wrong. .IP "\fB-m\fP" Sends mail to any user whose password you crack by invoking .C Scripts/nastygram with their username as an argument. The reason for using the script is so that a degree of flexibility in the format of the mail message is supplied; ie: you don't have to recompile code in order to change the message.\** .FS I'm uncertain about the wisdom of mailing someone like this. If someone browses your cracked user's mail somehow, it's like a great big neon sign pointing at the user saying "This Is A Crackable Account - Go For It!". Not to mention the false sense of security it engenders in the System Manager that he's "informed" the user to change his password. What if the user doesn't log on for 3 months? However, so many people have wired it into their own versions of Crack, I suppose it .B must be provided... AEM .FE .IP "\fB-nvalue\fP" Sets the process to be .C nice() ed to .I value , so, for example, the switch .C \&-n19 sets the Crack process to run at the lowest priority. .IP "\fB-network\fP" Throws Crack into network mode, in which it reads the .C Scripts/network.conf file, splits its input into chunks which are sized according to the power of the target machine, and calls .C rsh to run Crack on that machine. Options for Crack running on the target machine may be supplied on the command line (eg: verbose or recover mode), or in the network.conf file if they pertain to specific hosts (eg: .C nice() values). .IP "\fB-r\fP" This is only for use when running in .I recover mode. When a running Crack starts pass 2, it periodically saves its state in a .I pointfile , with a name of the form .C "Runtime/P.*" This file can be used to recover where you were should a host crash. Simply invoke Crack in .B exactly the same manner as the last time, with the addition of the .C "-r" switch, (eg: .C "-rRuntime/Pfred12345" ) switch. Crack will startup and read the file, and jump to roughly where it left off. If you are cracking a very large password file, this can save oodles of time after a crash. .IP If you were running a .I network Crack, then the jobs will again be spawned onto all the machines of the original Crack. The program will then check that the host it is running on is the same as is mentioned in the pointfile. If it is not, it will quietly die. Thus, assuming that you supply the same input data and do not change your .C network.conf file, Crack should pick up where it left off. This is a bit inelegant, but it's better than nothing at the moment. .IP The method of error recovery outlined above causes headaches for users who want to do multiprocessing on parallel architectures. Crack is in no way parallel, and because of the way it's structured (reading stdin from shellscript frontends) it is a pain to divide the work amongst several processes via .C fork() ing. .IP The hack solution to get several copies of Crack running on one machine with .I n processors at the moment is to insert .I n copies of the entry for your parallel machine into the .C Scripts/network.conf file. If you use the .C \&-r option in these circumstances however, you will get .I n copies of the recovered process running, only one of them will have the correct input data. .IP The old solution to this problem (see old documentation if you are interested) has been negated by the introduction of feedback mode, so the best bet in this particular situation is to wait until the other jobs are done (and have written out lists of uncrackable passwords), and then re-start the jobs from scratch. Anyone whose password was not cracked on the first run will be ignored on the second, if they have not changed it since. This is inelegant, but it's the best I can do in the limited time available. .NH Support Scripts .LP The .C Scripts directory contains a small number of support and utility scripts, some of which are designed to help Crack users check their progress. Briefly, the most useful ones are:- .IP "\fBScripts/shadmrg\fP" This is a small (but hopefully readable) script for merging .C /etc/passwd and .C /etc/shadow on System V style shadow password systems. It produces the merged data to stdout, and will need redirecting into a file before Crack can work on it. The script is meant to be fairly lucid, on the grounds that I worry that there are many shadowing schemes out there, and perhaps not all have the same data format. .IP .B "I have not" wired this facility into the Crack command itself because the world does .B NOT revolve around System V yet, regardless of what some people would have me believe, and I believe that the lack of direct support for NIS outlined above, sets a precedent. There are just too many incompatibilities in shadow password schemes for me to hardwire anything. .IP "\fBScripts/plaster\fP" which is named after a dumb joke, but is a simple frontend to the .C "Runtime/D*" diefiles that each copy of the password cracker generates. Invoking .C Scripts/plaster will kill off all copies of the password cracker you are running, over the network or otherwise. .IP "\fBScripts/status\fP" This script .C rsh es to each machine mentioned in the .C Scripts/network.conf file, and provides some information about processes and uptime on that machine. This is useful when you want to find out just how well your password crackers are getting on during a .C "Crack -network" . .IP "\fBScripts/{clean,spotless}\fP" These are really just frontends to a makefile. Invoking .C Scripts/clean tidies up the Crack home directory, and removes probably unwanted files, but leaves the pre-processed dictionary .C bigdict intact. .C Scripts/spotless does the same as .C Scripts/clean but obliterates .C bigdict and old output files too, and compresses the feedback files into one. .IP "\fBScripts/nastygram\fP" This is the shellscript that is invoked by the password cracker to send mail to users who have guessable passwords, if the .C -m option is used. Edit it at your leisure to suit your system. .IP "\fBScripts/guess2fbk\fP" This script takes your .C out* files as arguments and reformats the 'Guessed' lines into a slightly messy .I feedback file, suitable for storing with the others. .IP An occasion where this might be useful is when your cracker has guessed many peoples passwords, and then died for some reason (a crash?) before writing out the guesses to a feedback file. Running .DS B .C "Scripts/guess2fbk out* >> Runtime/" .DE will save the work that has been done. .NH 1 Network Cracking without NFS/RFS .LP For those users who have some form of .C rsh command, but do not have a a networked filestore running between hosts, there is now a solution which will allow you to do networked cracking, proposed to me by Brian Tompsett at Hull. Personally, I consider the idea to be potty, but it fills in missing functionality in a wonderfully tacky manner. .LP From the documentation above, you will note that Crack will undo the .C "-f" .I "(output in foreground)" option, if it is invoked with the .C "-network" switch at the same time (see the .I Options section above). This is true, but it does not apply if you specify .C "-f" option in the .C network.conf file. .LP The practical upshot of doing this is that remote copies of Crack can be made to read from .I stdin and write to .I stdout over a network link, and thus remote processing is accomplished. I have tweaked Crack in such a way, therefore, that if the .C "-f" option is specified amongst the crack-flags of a host in the network.conf, rather than backgrounding itself on the remote host, the .C rsh command on the .B server is backgrounded, and output is written directly to the files on the server's filestore. .LP There are restrictions upon this method, mostly involving the number of processes that a user may run on the server at any one time, and that you will have to collect feedback output together manually (dropping it into the .C Runtime directory on the server). However, it works. Also, if you try to use .C rsh as another user, you will suffer problems if .C rsh insists on reading something from your terminal (eg: a password for the remote account). Also, recovering using checkpointing goes out the window unless you specify the name of the pointfile as it is named on the remote machine. .NH 1 UFC Support and notes on fast crypt() implementations .LP The stdlib version of the .C crypt() subroutine is incredibly slow. It is a .I massive bottleneck to the execution of Crack and on typical platforms that you get at universities, it is rare to find a machine which will achieve more than 50 standard crypt() s per second. On low-end diskless workstations, you may expect 2 or 3 per second. It was this slowness of the crypt() algorithm which originally supplied much of the security Unix needed.\** .FS See: "Password Security, A Case History" by Bob Morris & Ken Thomson, in the Unix Programmer Docs. .FE .LP There are now .B many implementations of faster versions of crypt() to be found on the network. The one supplied with Crack v3.2 and upwards is called .C fcrypt() . It was originally written in May 1986 by Robert Baldwin at MIT, and is a good version of the crypt() subroutine. I received a copy from Icarus Sparry at Bath University, who had made a couple of portability enhancements to the code. .LP I rewrote most of the tables and the KeySchedule generating algorithm in the original .I fdes-init.c to knock 40% off the execution overhead of fcrypt() in the form that it was shipped to me. I inlined a bunch of stuff, put it into a single file, got some advice from Matt Bishop and Bob Baldwin [both of whom I am greatly indebted to] about what to do to the .C xform() routine and to the fcrypt function itself, and tidied up some algorithms. I have also added more lookup tables and reduced several formula for faster use. Fcrypt() is now barely recognisable as being based on its former incarnation, and it is 3x faster. .LP On a DecStation 5000/200, fcrypt() is about 16 times faster than the standard crypt (your mileage may vary with other architectures and compilers). This speed puts fcrypt() into the "moderately fast" league of crypt implementations. .LP Amongst other crypt implementations available is .B UFC by Michael Glad. UFC-crypt is a version of the crypt subroutine which is optimised for machines with 32-bit long integers and generally outperforms my fcrypt() by a factor of between 1 and 3, for a tradeoff of large memory usage, and memory-cache unfriendliness. Hooks for even more optimised assembler versions of crypt() are also provided for some platforms (Sun, HP, ...). Getting UFC to work on 16 bit architectures is nearly impossible. .LP However, on most architectures, UFC generates a stunning increase in the power of Crack, and so, from v4.1 onwards, Crack is written to automatically make use of UFC if it can find it. All that you have to do is to obtain a suitable copy of UFC (preferably a version which mentions that it is compatible with .C "Crack v4.1" , and unpack it into a directory called .C ufc-crypt in .C $CRACK_HOME , and then delete your old binaries. UFC will then be detected, compiled, tested and used in preference to fcrypt() by the Crack program, wherever possible. .NH 1 Conclusions .LP What can be done about brute force attacks on your password file ? .LP You must get a drop-in replacement for the .C passwd and .C yppasswd commands; one which will stop people from choosing bad passwords in the first place. There are several programs to do this; Matt Bishop's .C "passwd+" and Clyde Hoover's .C "npasswd" program are good examples which are freely available. Consult an .B Archie database for more details on where you can get them from. .LP It would be nice if an organisation (such as .B CERT ?) could be persuaded to supply skeletons of .I sensible passwd commands for the public good, as well as an archive of security related utilities\** on top of the excellent .C COPS . .FS .C COPS is available for anonymous FTP from .I "" ( in .I ~/cops .FE However, for Unix security to improve on a global scale, we will also require pressure on the vendors, so that programs are written correctly from the beginning. password file, this can save oodles of time after a crash. .IP If you were running a .I network Crack, then the jobs will again be spawned onto all the machines of the original Crack. Docs/readme.txt100600 5661 132 74416 5222357212 10151 0 0 1 0 "Crack Version 4.1" A Sensible Password Checker for Unix Alec D.E. Muffett Unix Software Engineer Aberystwyth, Wales, UK ( or ABSTRACT Crack is a freely available program designed to find standard Unix eight-character DES encrypted passwords by standard guessing tech- niques outlined below. It is written to be flexi- ble, configurable and fast, and to be able to make use of several networked hosts via the Berkeley rsh program (or similar), where possible. 1. Statement of Intent This package is meant as a proving device to aid the con- struction of secure computer systems. Users of Crack are advised that they may get severly hassled by authoritarian type sysadmin dudes if they run Crack without proper author- isation. 2. Introduction to Version 4.0 Crack is now into it's fourth version, and has been reworked extensively to provide extra functionality, and the purpose of this release is to consolidate as much of this new func- tionality into as small a package as possible. To this end, Crack may appear to be less configurable: it has been writ- ten on the assumption that you run a fairly modern Unix, one with BSD functionality, and then patched in order to run on other systems. This, surprisingly enough, has led to neater code, and has made possible the introduction of greater flexibility which supercedes many of the options that could be configured in earlier versions of Crack. In the same vein, some of the older options are now mandatory. These, such as feedback mode and CRACK_PRINTOUT are no longer supported as options and probably never will be again. There is just a lot of wastage in not running with them, and too many dependencies in other functions to bother programming around them. March 3, 1992 - 2 - The user interface is basically identical to the previous versions, although some people have asked about providing X-windows GUI's to Crack, I think it would be a waste of time to do so. Crack has far less options than your ordinary version of /bin/ls. 3. Introduction to Version 4.1 Version 4.1 of the Crack program is an attempt to extend the features introduced in v4.0 and provide hooks for external libraries such as Michael Glad's wonderful UFC crypt() implementation, which (on some platforms) can outperform my fcrypt() by a factor of 3. I have also been burdened with the task of making Crack's memory handling bombproof (hah!) in the vague hope that it will survive running out of memory on small machines.[1] The extensions that I mention above regard the addition of extra primitives to the dictionary processing language which permit the production of more concise dictionaries contain- ing words, more of which are likely to be passwords. The idea is to gain efficiency by removing some of the dross from the generated dictionaries. Crack should (generally) be more disk-space efficient now that the program can spot dictionaries which have been compressed using compress or pack and will uncompress them on the fly as necessary (using zcat or pcat respec- tively).[2] 4. Crack Methodology - Part 1: Internals Crack takes as its input a series of password files and source dictionaries. It merges the dictionaries, turns the password files into a sorted list, and generates lists of possible passwords from the merged dictionary or from infor- mation gleaned about users from the password file. It does _________________________ [1] - or even on large ones. Brian Tompsett at Hull tweaked Crack v3.3 until it could run to completion after filling the swapspace on each of a network of SparcStation2's. Due to restructuring work on v4.0, I have had to write my own sorting algorithm & re- implement all of his tweaks from scratch, and can only hope that I have emulated the bombproofness of this desirable (?) functionality. [2] Note to people who are short on memory or swap: do remember that to do this Crack will have to fork() (via popen()) and might not be able to create the un- compressing process. Hence, if you intend to swaplock your machine, don't compress the dictionaries. Switch this off by editing the Crack shellscript. March 3, 1992 - 3 - not attempt to remedy the problem of allowing users to have guessable passwords, and it should NOT be used in place of getting a really good, secure passwd program replacement.[3] The above paragraphs define the purpose of Crack, and embody a great deal of hard work, screams of Eureka!, drunkeness, and a fair amount of swearing too. There is a lot of think- ing, philosophy, and empirical guesswork behind the way that Crack attacks password files, and although it is not per- fect, I certainly hope that Crack will out-do most of it's competitors. Crack works by making many individual passes over the pass- word entries that you supply to it. Each pass generates password guesses based upon a sequence of rules, supplied to the program by the user. The rules are specified in a simplistic language in the files gecos.rules and dicts.rules, to be found in the Scripts directory. The dis- tinction between these two files will be made clear later. The rules are written as a simple string of characters, with one rule to a line. Blank lines, and comment lines begin- ning with a hash character # are ignored. Trailing whi- tespace is also ignored. The instructions in the rule are followed from left to right, and are applied to the diction- ary words one by one, as the words are loaded. Some simple pattern matching primitives are provided for selection pur- poses, so that if the dictionary word does not match the pattern, it is ignored. This saves on time and memory. Before carrying on, I suggest that you browse through Scripts/dicts.rules, take a look at the rules supplied as defaults, and try to work out what they do. The rules are stored in two different files for two dif- ferent purposes. Rules in Scripts/gecos.rules are applied to data generated by Crack from the pw_gecos and pw_gecos entries of the user's password entry. The data fed to the gecos rules for the user aem, who is Alec David Muffett, Systems would be: aem, Alec, David, Muffett, Systems, and a series of permutations of those words, either re-ordering the words and joining them together (eg: AlecMuffett), or making up new words based on initial letters of one word taken with the rest of another (eg: AMuffett).[4] The entire set of rules in gecos.rules is applied to each of _________________________ [3] See the end of ths document for more information about passwd replacements. [4] - and ASystems and DSystems, and MSystems, etc... because Crack does not differentiate. Hence, care should be taken to check for redundancy when adding new rules, so as not to waste time during the gecos pass. March 3, 1992 - 4 - these words, which creates many more permutations and combi- nations, all of which are tested. Hence testing the pass- word gecos information under Crack v4.0 and upwards takes somewhat longer than previously, but it is far more thorough. After a pass has been made over the data based on gecos information, Crack makes further passes over the password data using successive rules from the Scripts/dicts.rules by loading the whole of Dicts/bigdict file into memory, with the rule being applied to each word from that file. This generates a resident dictionary, which is sorted and uniqued so as to prevent wasting time on repetition. After each pass is completed, the memory used by the resident dictionary is freed up, and (hopefully) re-used when the next dictionary is loaded. The Dicts/bigdict dictionary is created by Crack by merging, sorting, and uniq'ing the source dictionaries, which are to be found in the directory DictSrc and which may also be named in the Crack shellscript, via the $STDDICT variable. (The default value of $STDDICT is /usr/dict/words). The file DictSrc/bad_pws.dat is a dictionary which is meant to provide many of those common but non-dictionary pass- words, such as 12345678 or qwerty. If you wish to provide a dictionary of your own, just copy it into the DictSrc directory (use compress on it if you wish to save space; Crack will unpack it whilst generating the big dictionary) and then delete the contents of the Dicts directory by running Scripts/spotless. Your new dic- tionary will be merged in on the next run. For more informa- tion on dictionary attacks, see the excellent paper called "Foiling the Cracker: A Survey of, and Improvements to, Password Security" by Daniel Klein, available from in ~/pub/dvk/passwd.*. Also, please read the APPENDIX file supplied with this distribution.[5] Having described the method of cracking, perhaps we should now investigate the algorithm used to overlay the cracking mechanism. _________________________ [5] Extra dictionaries (those detailed in Dan Klein's paper) can be obtained via anonymous FTP from ( as ~/pub/dictionaries.tar.Z; or check an Archie database for other possible sources of dictionaries. March 3, 1992 - 5 - 5. Crack Methodology - Part 2: Feedback Filters As is stated above, Crack permutes and loads dictionaries directly into memory, sorts and uniques them, before attempting to use each of the words as a guess for each users' password. If Crack correctly guesses a password, it marks the user as done and does not waste further time on trying to break that users password. Once Crack has finished a dictionary pass, it sweeps the list of users looking for the passwords it has cracked. It stores the cracked passwords in both plaintext and encrypted forms in a feedback file in the directory Runtime. Feedback files have names of the form Runtime/F*. The purpose of this is so that, when Crack is next invoked, it may recognise passwords that it has successfully cracked before, and filter them from the input to the password cracker. This provides an instant list of crackable users who have not changed their passwords since the last time Crack was run. This list appears in a file with name out* in the $CRACK_OUT directory, or on stdout, if foreground mode is invoked (see Options, below). In a similar vein, when a Crack run terminates normally, it writes out to the feedback file all encrypted passwords that it has NOT succeeded in cracking. Crack will then ignore all of these passwords next time you run it. Obviously, this is not desirable if you frequently change your dictionaries or rules, and so there is a script pro- vided, Scripts/mrgfbk which sorts your feedback files, merges them into one, and optionally removes all traces of 'uncrackable' passwords, so that your next Crack run can have a go at passwords it has not succeeded in breaking before. Mrgfbk is invoked automatically if you run Scripts/spotless. 6. Crack Methodology - Part 3: Execution and Networking Each time Crack is invoked, whether networked or not, it generates a diefile with a name of the form Runtime/D* (for network cracks, this file is generated by RCrack, and is of the form Runtime/DR* which points to a real diefile, named Runtime/RD* - see below for details). These diefiles contain debugging information about the job, and are generated so that all the jobs on the entire network can be called quickly by invoking Scripts/plaster. Diefiles delete themselves after they have been run. As you will read in the sections below, Crack has a -network option: This is designed to be a simple method of March 3, 1992 - 6 - automatically spreading the load of password cracking out over several machines on a network, preferably if they are connected by some form of networked filestore. When Crack -network is invoked, it filters its input in the ordinary way, and then splits its load up amongst several machines which are specified in the file Scripts/network.conf. This file contains a series of hostnames, power ratings, flags, etc, relevant to the running of Crack on each machine. Crack then calls Scripts/RCrack to use the rsh command (or similar) to invoke Crack on the other hosts. See the RCrack script, and the example network.conf file for details. 7. Installation Crack is one of those most unusual of beasties, a self- installing program. Some people have complained about this apparent weirdness, but it has grown up with Crack ever since the earliest network version, when I could not be bothered to log into several different machines with several different architectures, just in order to build the binaries. Once the necessary configuration options have been set, the executables are created via make by running the Crack shellscript . Crack's configuration lies in two files, the Crack shell script, which contains all the installation specific confi- guration data, and the file Sources/conf.h, which contains configuration options specific to various binary platforms. In the Crack shellscript, you will have to edit the CRACK_HOME variable to the correct value. This variable should be set to an absolute path name (names relative to ~username are OK, so long as you have some sort of csh) through which the directory containing Crack may be accessed on ALL the machines that Crack will be run on. There is a similar variable CRACK_OUT which specifies where Crack should put its output files - by default, this is the same as $CRACK_HOME. You will also have to edit the file Sources/conf.h and work out which switches to enable. Each #define has a small note explaining its purpose. Where I have been in doubt about the portability of certain library functions, usually I have re-written it, so you should be OK. Let me know of your problems, if you have any. If you will be using Crack -network you will then have to generate a Scripts/network.conf file. This contains a list of hostnames to rsh to, what their binary type is (useful when running a network Crack on several different March 3, 1992 - 7 - architectures), a guesstimate of their relative power (take your slowest machine as unary, and measure all others rela- tive to it), and a list of per-host flags to add to those specified on the Crack command line, when calling that host. There is an example of such a file provided in the Scripts directory - take a look at it. If ever you wish to specify a more precise figure as to the relative power of your machines, or you are simply at a loss, play with the command make tests in the source code directory. This can provide you with the number of fcrypt()s that your machine can do per second, which is a number that you can plug into your network.conf as a measure of your machines' power (after rounding the value to an integer). 8. Usage Okay, so, let's assume that you have edited your Crack script, and your Sources/conf.h file, where do you go from here ? Crack [options] [bindir] /etc/passwd [...other passwd files] Crack -network [options] /etc/passwd [...other passwd files] Where bindir is the optional name of the directory where you want the binaries installed. This is useful where you want to be able to run versions of Crack on several different architectures. If bindir does not exist, a warning will be issued, and the directory created. Note: bindir defaults to the name generic if not supplied. Notes for Yellow Pages (NIS) Users: I have occasional queries about how to get Crack running from a YP password file. There are several methods, but by far the simplest is to generate a passwd format file by running:- ypcat passwd > passwd.yp and then running Crack on this file. 9. Options -f Runs Crack in foreground mode, ie: the password cracker is not backgrounded, and messages appear on stdout and stderr as you would expect. This option is only really useful for very small password files, or when you want to put a wrapper script around Crack. March 3, 1992 - 8 - Foreground mode is disabled if you try running Crack -network -f on the command line, because of the insen- sibility of rshing to several machines in turn, waiting for each one to finish before calling the next. How- ever, please read the section about Network Cracking without NFS/RFS, below. -v Sets verbose mode, whereby Crack will print every guess it is trying on a per-user basis. This is a very quick way of flooding your filestore, but useful if you think something is going wrong. -m Sends mail to any user whose password you crack by invoking Scripts/nastygram with their username as an argument. The reason for using the script is so that a degree of flexibility in the format of the mail message is supplied; ie: you don't have to recompile code in order to change the message.[6] -nvalue Sets the process to be nice()ed to value, so, for exam- ple, the switch -n19 sets the Crack process to run at the lowest priority. -network Throws Crack into network mode, in which it reads the Scripts/network.conf file, splits its input into chunks which are sized according to the power of the target machine, and calls rsh to run Crack on that machine. Options for Crack running on the target machine may be supplied on the command line (eg: verbose or recover mode), or in the network.conf file if they pertain to specific hosts (eg: nice() values). -r This is only for use when running in recover mode. When a running Crack starts pass 2, it periodically saves its state in a pointfile, with a name of the form Runtime/P.* This file can be used to recover where you were should a host crash. Simply invoke Crack in exactly the same manner as the last time, with the addition of the -r switch, (eg: -rRuntime/Pfred12345) _________________________ [6] I'm uncertain about the wisdom of mailing someone like this. If someone browses your cracked user's mail somehow, it's like a great big neon sign pointing at the user saying "This Is A Crackable Account - Go For It!". Not to mention the false sense of security it engenders in the System Manager that he's "informed" the user to change his password. What if the user doesn't log on for 3 months? However, so many people have wired it into their own versions of Crack, I sup- pose it must be provided... AEM <1b>9 March 3, 1992 - 9 - switch. Crack will startup and read the file, and jump to roughly where it left off. If you are cracking a very large password file, this can save oodles of time after a crash. If you were running a network Crack, then the jobs will again be spawned onto all the machines of the original Crack. The program will then check that the host it is running on is the same as is mentioned in the pointfile. If it is not, it will quietly die. Thus, assuming that you supply the same input data and do not change your network.conf file, Crack should pick up where it left off. This is a bit inelegant, but it's better than nothing at the moment. The method of error recovery outlined above causes headaches for users who want to do multiprocessing on parallel architectures. Crack is in no way parallel, and because of the way it's structured (reading stdin from shellscript frontends) it is a pain to divide the work amongst several processes via fork()ing. The hack solution to get several copies of Crack run- ning on one machine with n processors at the moment is to insert n copies of the entry for your parallel machine into the Scripts/network.conf file. If you use the -r option in these circumstances however, you will get n copies of the recovered process running, only one of them will have the correct input data. The old solution to this problem (see old documentation if you are interested) has been negated by the intro- duction of feedback mode, so the best bet in this par- ticular situation is to wait until the other jobs are done (and have written out lists of uncrackable pass- words), and then re-start the jobs from scratch. Any- one whose password was not cracked on the first run will be ignored on the second, if they have not changed it since. This is inelegant, but it's the best I can do in the limited time available. 10. Support Scripts The Scripts directory contains a small number of support and utility scripts, some of which are designed to help Crack users check their progress. Briefly, the most useful ones are:- Scripts/shadmrg This is a small (but hopefully readable) script for merging /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow on System V style shadow password systems. It produces the merged data to stdout, and will need redirecting into a file before Crack can work on it. The script is meant to be fairly March 3, 1992 - 10 - lucid, on the grounds that I worry that there are many shadowing schemes out there, and perhaps not all have the same data format. I have not wired this facility into the Crack command itself because the world does NOT revolve around System V yet, regardless of what some people would have me believe, and I believe that the lack of direct support for NIS outlined above, sets a precedent. There are just too many incompatibilities in shadow password schemes for me to hardwire anything. Scripts/plaster which is named after a dumb joke, but is a simple fron- tend to the Runtime/D* diefiles that each copy of the password cracker generates. Invoking Scripts/plaster will kill off all copies of the password cracker you are running, over the network or otherwise. Scripts/status This script rshes to each machine mentioned in the Scripts/network.conf file, and provides some informa- tion about processes and uptime on that machine. This is useful when you want to find out just how well your password crackers are getting on during a Crack -net- work. Scripts/{clean,spotless} These are really just frontends to a makefile. Invoking Scripts/clean tidies up the Crack home directory, and removes probably unwanted files, but leaves the pre- processed dictionary bigdict intact. Scripts/spotless does the same as Scripts/clean but obliterates bigdict and old output files too, and compresses the feedback files into one. Scripts/nastygram This is the shellscript that is invoked by the password cracker to send mail to users who have guessable pass- words, if the -m option is used. Edit it at your lei- sure to suit your system. Scripts/guess2fbk This script takes your out* files as arguments and reformats the 'Guessed' lines into a slightly messy feedback file, suitable for storing with the others. An occasion where this might be useful is when your cracker has guessed many peoples passwords, and then died for some reason (a crash?) before writing out the guesses to a feedback file. Running Scripts/guess2fbk out* >> Runtime/ March 3, 1992 - 11 - will save the work that has been done. 11. Network Cracking without NFS/RFS For those users who have some form of rsh command, but do not have a a networked filestore running between hosts, there is now a solution which will allow you to do networked cracking, proposed to me by Brian Tompsett at Hull. Person- ally, I consider the idea to be potty, but it fills in miss- ing functionality in a wonderfully tacky manner. From the documentation above, you will note that Crack will undo the -f (output in foreground) option, if it is invoked with the -network switch at the same time (see the Options section above). This is true, but it does not apply if you specify -f option in the network.conf file. The practical upshot of doing this is that remote copies of Crack can be made to read from stdin and write to stdout over a network link, and thus remote processing is accom- plished. I have tweaked Crack in such a way, therefore, that if the -f option is specified amongst the crack-flags of a host in the network.conf, rather than backgrounding itself on the remote host, the rsh command on the server is backgrounded, and output is written directly to the files on the server's filestore. There are restrictions upon this method, mostly involving the number of processes that a user may run on the server at any one time, and that you will have to collect feedback output together manually (dropping it into the Runtime directory on the server). However, it works. Also, if you try to use rsh as another user, you will suffer problems if rsh insists on reading something from your terminal (eg: a password for the remote account). Also, recovering using checkpointing goes out the window unless you specify the name of the pointfile as it is named on the remote machine. 12. UFC Support and notes on fast crypt() implementations The stdlib version of the crypt() subroutine is incredibly slow. It is a massive bottleneck to the execution of Crack and on typical platforms that you get at universities, it is rare to find a machine which will achieve more than 50 stan- dard crypt() s per second. On low-end diskless worksta- tions, you may expect 2 or 3 per second. It was this slow- ness of the crypt() algorithm which originally supplied much of the security Unix needed.[7] _________________________ [7] See: "Password Security, A Case History" by Bob Morris & Ken Thomson, in the Unix Programmer Docs. March 3, 1992 - 12 - There are now many implementations of faster versions of crypt() to be found on the network. The one supplied with Crack v3.2 and upwards is called fcrypt(). It was origi- nally written in May 1986 by Robert Baldwin at MIT, and is a good version of the crypt() subroutine. I received a copy from Icarus Sparry at Bath University, who had made a couple of portability enhancements to the code. I rewrote most of the tables and the KeySchedule generating algorithm in the original fdes-init.c to knock 40% off the execution overhead of fcrypt() in the form that it was shipped to me. I inlined a bunch of stuff, put it into a single file, got some advice from Matt Bishop and Bob Baldwin [both of whom I am greatly indebted to] about what to do to the xform() routine and to the fcrypt function itself, and tidied up some algorithms. I have also added more lookup tables and reduced several formula for faster use. Fcrypt() is now barely recognisable as being based on its former incarnation, and it is 3x faster. On a DecStation 5000/200, fcrypt() is about 16 times faster than the standard crypt (your mileage may vary with other architectures and compilers). This speed puts fcrypt() into the "moderately fast" league of crypt implementations. Amongst other crypt implementations available is UFC by Michael Glad. UFC-crypt is a version of the crypt subrou- tine which is optimised for machines with 32-bit long integers and generally outperforms my fcrypt() by a factor of between 1 and 3, for a tradeoff of large memory usage, and memory-cache unfriendliness. Hooks for even more optim- ised assembler versions of crypt() are also provided for some platforms (Sun, HP, ...). Getting UFC to work on 16 bit architectures is nearly impossible. However, on most architectures, UFC generates a stunning increase in the power of Crack, and so, from v4.1 onwards, Crack is written to automatically make use of UFC if it can find it. All that you have to do is to obtain a suitable copy of UFC (preferably a version which mentions that it is compatible with Crack v4.1, and unpack it into a directory called ufc-crypt in $CRACK_HOME, and then delete your old binaries. UFC will then be detected, compiled, tested and used in preference to fcrypt() by the Crack program, wher- ever possible. 13. Conclusions What can be done about brute force attacks on your password file ? You must get a drop-in replacement for the passwd and yppasswd commands; one which will stop people from choosing bad passwords in the first place. There are several March 3, 1992 - 13 - programs to do this; Matt Bishop's passwd+ and Clyde Hoover's npasswd program are good examples which are freely available. Consult an Archie database for more details on where you can get them from. It would be nice if an organisation (such as CERT?) could be persuaded to supply skeletons of sensible passwd commands for the public good, as well as an archive of security related utilities[8] on top of the excellent COPS. However, for Unix security to improve on a global scale, we will also require pressure on the vendors, so that programs are writ- ten correctly from the beginning. _________________________ [8] COPS is available for anonymous FTP from ( in ~/cops March 3, 1992 divide the work amongst several processes via fork()ing. The hack solution to get several copies of Crack run- ning on one machine with n processors at the moment is to insert n copies of the entry for your paraLICENCE100600 5661 132 11247 5222357133 6243 0 0 1 0 (* This document is freely plagiarised from the 'Artistic Licence', distributed as part of the Perl v4.0 kit by Larry Wall, which is available from most major archive sites *) This documents purpose is to state the conditions under which this Package (See definition below) viz: The "Crack" Password Cracker, which is copyright Alec David Edward Muffett, may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some semblance of artistic control over the development of the package, while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute the Package in a more-or-less customary fashion, plus the right to make reasonable modifications. So there. *************************************************************************** Definitions: "Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files created through textual modification, or segments thereof. "Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been modified, or has been modified in accordance with the wishes of the Copyright Holder. "Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or copyrights for the package. "You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing this Package. "Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the basis of media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved, and so on. (You will not be required to justify it to the Copyright Holder, but only to the computing community at large as a market that must bear the fee.) "Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item itself, though there may be fees involved in handling the item. It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it under the same conditions they received it. 1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers. 2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version. 3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and when AND WHY you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following: a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive site such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package. b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization. c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide separate documentation for each non-standard executable that clearly documents how it differs from the Standard Version. d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder. 4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or executable form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following: a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files, together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where to get the Standard Version. b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of the Package with your modifications. c) accompany any non-standard executables with their corresponding Standard Version executables, giving the non-standard executables non-standard names, and clearly documenting the differences in manual pages (or equivalent), together with instructions on where to get the Standard Version. d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder. 5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package. YOU MAY NOT CHARGE A FEE FOR THIS PACKAGE ITSELF. However, you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial) software distribution provided that YOU DO NOT ADVERTISE this package as a product of your own. 6. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. 7. THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The End manually (dropping it into the Runtime directory on the server). However, it works. Also, if you try to use rsh as another user, you will suffer problems if rsh insists on reading something from your terminal (eg: a password for the remote account). Also, recovering using checkpointing goes out the window unless you specify MANIFEST100600 5661 132 4533 5222357023 6365 0 0 1 0 File Name Archive # Description ----------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX 2 miscellaneous information BUGS 1 list of recent bugs and possible fixes Crack 2 crack driver shellscript DictSrc 1 directory DictSrc/bad_pws.dat 2 example extra dictionary DictSrc/jargon 1 jargon dictionary contributed by ESR Dicts 1 empty directory Docs 1 directory Docs/ 4 coarse nroff -ms format documentation Docs/readme.txt 5 ascii format documentation LICENCE 2 licence document MANIFEST 1 THIS FILE README 1 EVERYBODY START HERE Runtime 1 empty directory Scripts 1 scripts directory Scripts/ 2 network driver script Scripts/RCrack 1 interface to 'rsh', 'remsh' - whatever Scripts/clean 1 tidy-up script Scripts/ 1 Scripts/dicts.rules 2 rules applied to dictionary words Scripts/do_install 1 Scripts/do_join 1 Scripts/do_pwc 1 Scripts/do_ufc 1 Scripts/gecos.rules 1 rules applied to gecos-generated words Scripts/guess2fbk 1 crash recovery script (see docs) Scripts/ 1 Scripts/mrgfbk 1 Scripts/nastygram 1 Scripts/network.conf 1 Scripts/plaster 1 crack control script Scripts/saltcount 1 Scripts/shadmrg 1 Scripts/spotless 1 tidy up and delete script Scripts/status 1 Sources 1 source code directory Sources/Makefile 1 Sources/bytesex.c 1 Sources/conf.h 1 configuration header file Sources/crack-fcrypt.c 4 Sources/crack-glob.c 1 Sources/crack-glob.h 1 Sources/crack-lib.c 3 Sources/crack-pwc.c 3 password cracker main file Sources/crack-sort.c 2 Sources/crack-supp.c 1 Sources/crack.h 1 Sources/speeds.c 1 benchmark program Sources/tester.c 1 fcrypt compatibility program Sources/testrule.c 1 dictionary tester program TODO 1 List of good ideas I _already_ have on which mentions that it is compatible with Crack v4.1, and unpack it into a directory called ufc-crypt in $CRACK_HOME, and then delete your old binaries. UREADME100600 5661 132 2333 5222357024 6111 0 0 1 0 This is Crack v4.1, the "Sensible" Unix Password Cracker. - Documentation is in the directory 'Docs' - go for it... dicts.rules is now up to 240 entries, mostly thanks to mycroft @; don't lose heart, its not as bad as all that... 3 weeks of CPU isn't all that long, really... Seriously, most of the rules generate really small dictionaries, so it's not all that bad. 8-) There are several additions to the dictionary rules, notably the character class commands and the i, o, = and @ commands. Use of "Crack -R" (as opposed to "Crack -r") is not recommended until I write v5.0, unless you know exactly what you're doing and why it bombs out on you... Also, Crack now fully supports UFC (the latest version of which is to be posted concurrently with Crack v4.1) - all you should have to do is unpack the latest version of UFC into the directory ufc-crypt which you should create in the Crack installation directory. The program should do the rest. Happy cracking ! -- |+ Alec David Edward Muffett, Unix Programmer and Unemployed Coffee Drinker. +| |> aem%aber@ukacrl.bitnet mcsun!ukc!aber!aem <| | "I didn't invent the Unix Password Security problem. I just optimised it." | 0 1 0 Runtime/ 40755 5661 132 0 5222357025 6567 5 0 1 0 Scripts/ 40755 5661 132 0 5222357140 6571 5 0 1 0 Scripts/RCrack100700 5661 132 6452 5222357027 10573 037777777777 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### ### # For those ignorant of 'rsh', what I am trying to build is a line of # the form # rsh hostname [-n] [-l remoteuser] command [args ...] # ### machine=`(uname) 2>&1` # What architecture are we on ? ### # Map architecture to rsh-equivalent... ### case $machine in "HP*UX") # Hewlett Packard boxen remote_shell="remsh" ;; # "XENIX"|"Xenix") # Just a suggestion... # remote_shell="rcmd" # ;; *) # default remote_shell="rsh" ;; esac ### # Are we going to kick rsh into the background, or are we going to # background the thing on the remote end ? ### asynch_mode="" if [ "x$1" = "x-asynch" ] then echo "(asynchronous $remote_shell mode)" asynch_mode="$1" shift else echo "(remotely backgrounded mode)" fi ### # Segments of input data to read. ### startline=$1 shift stopline=$1 shift datafile=/tmp/rcrk.$$ # temporary data file ### # Awk reads from stdin... Create an input file for rsh... ### awk -F: ' BEGIN { usercount = 0; saltcount = 0; startsalt = '"$startline"'; stopsalt = '"$stopline"'; } { if (substr($3, 1, 2) != last) { saltcount++; last = substr($3, 1, 2); } if (saltcount >= startsalt && saltcount <= stopsalt) { usercount++; print $0; } }' > $datafile ### # Test that we should actually bother to do anything. ### numlines=`wc -l < $datafile` ### # Must not quote $numlines here for comparison to work ### if [ $numlines = 0 ] then echo "RCrack: Nothing left to dispatch to remote host." rm -f $datafile exit 0 else echo Salted Segment comprises $numlines users # Don't quote this... fi ### # Now for the important bits. Create a diefile pointing to a remote diefile # (It's easier to get to wire $remotediefile into arglist) ### remhost=$1 # Name of remote host ($2 == Crack path) remotediefile=$3 # Name of remote diefile localdiefile=Runtime/DR$remhost$$ # Local pointer to above awk -F: ' BEGIN { rshell = "'"$remote_shell"'"; rhost = "'"$remhost"'"; rdie = "'"$remotediefile"'"; rdie = substr(rdie,3,length(rdie) - 2); } $1 == rhost { if ($4 != "") { rshf = "-l " $4 " -n"; } else { rshf = "-n"; } if ($5 != "") { nf = split($5, path, "/"); ch = path[1]; for (i = 2; i < nf; i++) { ch = ch "/" path[i]; } } else { ch = "'"$CRACK_HOME_UNRES"'"; } } END { print "#!/bin/sh"; print "rm $0 && " rshell, rhost, rshf, "\"cd " ch ";" rdie "\""; }' < Scripts/network.conf > $localdiefile chmod 700 $localdiefile if [ "x$asynch_mode" = "x-asynch" ] then if [ "x$CRACK_OUT" != "x" ] then outfile=$CRACK_OUT/out.r$$ else outfile=./out.r$$ fi # 'rsh' traps SIGHUP and survives OK echo "Invoking: $remote_shell $@ <$datafile >$outfile 2>&1 && rm -f $datafile $localdiefile &" $remote_shell "$@" <$datafile >$outfile 2>&1 && rm -f $datafile $localdiefile & else # Perfectly ordinary network crack. echo "Invoking: $remote_shell $@ < $datafile" $remote_shell "$@" < $datafile rm -f $datafile fi exit 0 user, you will suffer problems if rsh insists on reading something from your terminal (eg: a password for the remote account). Also, recovering using checkpointing goes out the window unless you specify Scripts/clean100700 5661 132 677 5222357030 10465 037777777777 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### make -f Scripts/ clean exit 0 1 empty directory Docs Scripts/crack.mf100600 5661 132 473 5222357031 11061 037777777777 1 0 SRCDIR= Sources BIGDICT= Dicts/bigdict UFCDIR= ufc-crypt all: @echo CALL TO CRACK.MF WITH NO TARGET spotless: clean -rm -f out.* $(BIGDICT)* Dicts/.lock* -Scripts/mrgfbk clean: -rm -f Runtime/D* Runtime/P* Runtime/RD* tmp.* nohup.out -( cd $(SRCDIR) && make clean ) -( cd $(UFCDIR) && make clean ) ipts/guess2fbk 1 crash recovery script (see docs) Scripts/ 1 Scripts/mrgfbk 1 Scripts/nastygram 1 Scripts/network.conf 1 Scripts/plastScripts/do_install100700 5661 132 1367 5222357032 11552 037777777777 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### crack_arch=$1 ### # Is there a binaries directory ? ### if [ ! -d $crack_arch ] then mkdir $crack_arch || exit 1 fi cd $crack_arch || exit 1 # Can we get there from here ? ### # Install makefiles in our directory if necessary. ### if [ ! -f Makefile ] then cp $CRACK_HOME/Scripts/ Makefile || exit 1 fi exit 0 0 1 0 Scripts/do_join100700 5661 132 3566 5222357034 11050 037777777777 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### ### # Empty the output file, Error if cannot create ### warn=$1 shift cp /dev/null $warn || exit 1 ### # Have we got feedback ? ### fbkfiles=`sh -c "echo Runtime/F*"` if [ "$fbkfiles" = "Runtime/F*" ] then fbkfiles="" fi ### # As Walt Disney would say, we start with a simple bracket:- ### ( if [ "$fbkfiles" != "" ] then cat $fbkfiles fi ( for file in $* do awk '/^[A-Za-z0-9]/ {print "'"$file"':" $0}' < $file done ) | sort -t: +2 ) | awk -F: ' BEGIN { FS = ":"; numf = 8; # number of fields in a pwent, + 1 warn="'"$warn"'"; date = "'"`date`"'"; date = substr(date, 5, 15); } /^!fb!/ { if ($3 == "N") { guessable[$2] = "N"; } else if ($3 == "Y") { guessable[$2] = "Y"; decrypt[$2] = $4; } else { print "Strange feedback: ", $0 >> "/dev/tty"; } next; } NF != numf { printf("join: Rejected '%s': does not have %d fields\n", \ $0, numf) >> warn; next; } $3 == "" { printf("join: %s Warning! %s (%s in %s) has a NULL password!\n", \ date, $2, $7, $1) >> warn; next; } index($3, "*") != 0 || \ index($3, "!") != 0 || \ index($3, " ") != 0 { printf("join: %s User %s (in %s) has a locked password:- %s\n", \ date, $2, $1, $3) >> warn; next; } { if (guessable[$3] == "N") { next; } else if (guessable[$3] == "Y") { if ($4 == 0) { msg = "ROOT PASSWORD "; } else { msg = ""; } printf("join: %s Guessed %s%s (%s in %s) [%s] %s\n", \ date, msg, $2, $8, $1, decrypt[$3], $3) >> warn; } else { print $0; } }' exit 0 Scripts/do_pwc100700 5661 132 1222 5222357035 10666 037777777777 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### crack_arch=$1 if [ ! -d $crack_arch ] then Scripts/do_install $crack_arch || exit 1 fi cd $crack_arch || exit 1 # Can we get there from here ? ### # Make the password cracker ### make crack-pwc || exit 1 # bye bye exit 0 t... ### case $machine in "HP*UX") # Hewlett Packard boxen remote_shell="remsh" ;; # "XENIX"|"Xenix") # Just a suggestion... # remote_shell="rcmd" # ;; *) # default remote_shell="rsh" ;; esac ### # Are we going to kick rsh into the background, or are we going to # background the thing on the remote end ? ### asynch_mode="" if [ "x$1" = "x-asScripts/do_ufc100700 5661 132 2635 5222357036 10664 037777777777 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### ### # This script tries to provide an intelligent hook to the UFC-crypt library ### if [ "x$CRACK_HOME" = "x" ] then CRACK_HOME=".." # for would-be developers in the Sources dir fi UFCLIB=libufc.a SRCDIR=$CRACK_HOME/Sources UFCDIR=$CRACK_HOME/ufc-crypt rm -f $SRCDIR/libufc.a # just in case echo "Looking for UFC-crypt in $UFCDIR" if [ ! -d $UFCDIR ] then echo "Cannot find $UFCDIR - cannot use UFC-crypt on this platform" exit 1 fi cd $UFCDIR || exit 1 echo "Crack: Trying to compile UFC-crypt (external product by Michael Glad)" echo "Crack: Working in $UFCDIR" if [ -f libufc.a ] then echo "Library libufc.a exists. Testing viability..." rm -f ufc make ufc if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "Testing ufc" ./ufc 1 if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "Crack will use UFC-crypt on this platform" exit 0 fi fi echo "Library is unviable on this architecture. Remaking" fi make clean || exit 1 make ufc || exit 1 echo "Testing ufc" ./ufc 1 || exit 1 echo "Crack WILL use $UFCDIR/libufc.a on this platform." exit 0 else outfile=./out.r$$ fi # 'rsh' traps SIGHUP and survives OK echo "Invoking: $remote_sheScripts/gecos.rules100600 5661 132 1265 5222357040 11646 037777777777 1 0 ### # Try to avoid redundancy in this file... AEM ### >2 >2/?ul >2/?lu >2ud >2uf >2ur >2cf >2cr >2rc >2ld >2lf >2lr >2<8c$! >2<8c$. >2<8c$? >2^($) >2<8$! >2<8$. >2<8$0 >2<8$1 >2<8$2 >2<8$3 >2<8$4 >2<8$5 >2<8$6 >2<8$7 >2<8$8 >2<8$9 >2<8/?ul$! >2<8/?ul$. >2<8/?ul$? >2<8/?ul$0 >2<8/?ul$1 >2<8/?ul$2 >2<8/?ul$3 >2<8/?ul$4 >2<8/?ul$5 >2<8/?ul$6 >2<8/?ul$7 >2<8/?ul$8 >2<8/?ul$9 >2<8/?lu$! >2<8/?lu$. >2<8/?lu$? >2<8/?lu$0 >2<8/?lu$1 >2<8/?lu$2 >2<8/?lu$3 >2<8/?lu$4 >2<8/?lu$5 >2<8/?lu$6 >2<8/?lu$7 >2<8/?lu$8 >2<8/?lu$9 !?d>2^0 !?d>2^1 !?d>2^2 !?d>2^3 !?d>2^4 !?d>2^5 !?d>2^6 !?d>2^7 !?d>2^8 !?d>2^9 >2/?ul^0 >2/?ul^1 >2/?ul^2 >2/?ul^3 >2/?ul^4 >2/?ul^5 >2/?ul^6 >2/?ul^7 >2/?ul^8 >2/?ul^9 ability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### make -f Scripts/ clean exit 0 1 empty directory Docs Scripts/guess2fbk100700 5661 132 1533 5222357041 11310 037777777777 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### ### # guess2fbk : generates a 'feedback' file on stdout from output format # data. On occasions when emergency construction is useful. ### if [ $# = 0 ] then echo "Usage: $0 outputfile [...]" exit 1 fi ### # Had to modify this awk script now that passwords are turning up with spaces ### cat $* | awk ' /Guessed/{ start = index($0, "["); stop = index($0, "]"); print "!fb!:" $NF ":Y:" substr($0, start+1, stop - start - 1) } ' | sort | uniq 1 0 Scripts/install.mf100600 5661 132 1326 5222357042 11464 037777777777 1 0 ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### SD= ../Sources SRC1= $(SD)/conf.h $(SD)/crack-fcrypt.c $(SD)/crack-glob.c SRC2= $(SD)/crack-glob.h $(SD)/crack-lib.c $(SD)/crack-pwc.c SRC3= $(SD)/crack-sort.c $(SD)/crack-supp.c $(SD)/crack.h SRCS= $(SRC1) $(SRC2) $(SRC3) crack-pwc: $(SRCS) ( cd $(SD) ; make clean ) ( cd $(SD) ; make crack-pwc.which ) cp $(SD)/crack-pwc . 37777777777 1 0 Scripts/mrgfbk100700 5661 132 2333 5222357043 10666 037777777777 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### ### # mrgfbk - a shell script to merge all of your feedback files into one # before starting a Crack -F on a set of new dictionaries. This program # is called from "Scripts/spotless" ### # mrgfbk takes all the feedback files and filters out all the GUESSED # passwords, and saves them to a new feedback file. The UNGUESSED # passwords are deleted, so that the new dictionaries can have a go at # them ### tf=./mfb$$ echo "" echo "Saving all CRACKABLE passwords. Do you also want to save your UNCRACKABLE passwords ? Answer NO if you have changed some rules or modified source dictionaries (default: yes) " read answer case $answer in [Nn]*) cat Runtime/F* | awk -F: '$3 == "Y"' | sort | uniq > $tf ;; *) cat Runtime/F* | sort | uniq > $tf ;; esac rm -f Runtime/F* cp $tf Runtime/F.merged rm -f $tf exit 0 ""; } printf("join: %s Guessed %s%s (%s in %s) [%s] %s\n", \ date, msg, $2, $8, $1, decrypt[$3], $3) >> warn; } else { print $0; } }' exit 0 Scripts/nastygram100700 5661 132 2654 5222357045 11433 037777777777 1 0 #!/bin/sh ### # This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, and is provided as part of # the Crack v4.0 Password Cracking package. The author disclaims all # responsibility or liability with respect to it's usage or its effect # upon hardware or computer systems, and maintains copyright as set out in # the "LICENCE" document which accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and # upwards. So there... ### for username in $* do mail $username < $tf if [ "x$domail" != "x" ] then MISCREANTS=`awk '/Guessed/{print $6}' < $warn` echo Sending Warning Mail to $MISCREANTS Scripts/nastygram $MISCREANTS fi ### # Statistics gathering ### lines=`wc -l < $tf` saltlines=`Scripts/saltcount < $tf` # Must not quote $lines/$saltlines here for comparison to work if [ $lines = 0 -o $saltlines = 0 ] then echo "Crack: no uncracked input to distribute." exit 1 fi echo "Starting analysis for Network-Crack." cat $cf | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$' | sort -t: +2 -n | awk -F: ' BEGIN { hostcount = 0; totalweight = 0; linecount = '"$lines"'; saltlinecount = '"$saltlines"'; iargs = "'"$args"'"; file = "'"$tf"'"; } /^[a-zA-Z0-9]/ { hostname[hostcount] = $1; bintype[hostcount] = $2; relpow[hostcount] = $3; powtot += $3; if (index($6, "-f") == 0) { asynch[hostcount] = ""; } else { asynch[hostcount] = "-asynch"; } crackf[hostcount] = $6 " " iargs; # useropts go second get priority if ($4 == "") { rshuser[hostcount] = ""; } else { rshuser[hostcount] = "-l " $4; crackf[hostcount] = crackf[hostcount] " -U" $4; } if ($5 == "") { crackp[hostcount] = "$CRACK_HOME_UNRES/Crack"; } else { crackp[hostcount] = $5; } crackf[hostcount] = iargs " " $6; hostcount++; } END { done = 1; slice = 0.0; remainder = 0.0; todo = saltlinecount; print "echo Users:", linecount; print "echo Salts:", saltlinecount; print "echo Remote Hosts:", hostcount; print "echo Total power:", powtot; for (i = 0; i < hostcount; i++) { if (i < hostcount - 1) { # This balancing algorithm by: (George Scott) # its wonderful - AEM slice = relpow[i] / powtot; # fraction slice *= todo; # percentage slice = int(slice); # round down todo -= slice; # remainder powtot -= relpow[i]; } else { slice = todo; # fastest machine gets the rest. todo = 0; } if (slice > 0) { print "echo Calling", hostname[i], "for", slice, "different salts"; line = sprintf( \ "Scripts/RCrack %s %d %d %s %s \"%s\" %s %s %s < %s", \ asynch[i], \ done, \ done + slice - 1, \ hostname[i], \ rshuser[i], \ crackp[i], \ "-XRuntime/RD'"$$"'." i, \ crackf[i], \ bintype[i], \ file); # print "echo", line; print line; } done += slice; } }' | sh # I'll bet you didn't expect this... rm $tf exit 0 37777777777 1 0 Scripts/dicts.rules100600 5661 132 24271 5222357141 11700 037777777777 1 0 ### # Description file for Crack dictionary processor. ADE Muffett, Mar 1992 ### # Ordinary Commands: # : = no-op - do nothing to the input word # n = reject word UNLESS it is > n characters long, where n = 0-9a-z # ^x = prepend character 'x' to word # $y = append character 'y' to word # l = force word to be lowercase # u = force word to be uppercase # c = force word to be capitalised # r = reverse word: "Fred" -> "derF" # d = duplicate word: "Fred" -> "FredFred" # f = reflect word: "Fred" -> "FredderF" # p = make best attempt to pluralise a lowercase word # onx = overstrike character in position 'n' (start at 0) with character 'x' # nb: little overflow checking is done, so use '<' and '>' carefully # inx = insert character 'x' in position 'n' (start at 0) and shift the rest # of the input string right. # eg: i3* on "wibble" yields "wib*ble"; i0* on "wibble" yields "*wibble" # nb: if n > strlen(input), character 'x' will be appended # xnm = extract substring from position n (start at 0) for up to m characters # eg: using x27 on "autobogotification" yields "tobogot" # eg: using x3a on "autobogotification" yields "obogotific" (10 chars) # nb: little overflow checking is done, so use '<' and '>' carefully ### # Commands which may utilise character classes: (note special use of '?') # sxy = replace (swap) all 'x' in the word with 'y' # s?cy = replace all characters of class 'c' in the word with y # @x = purge all 'x' from the word # @?c = purge all characters of class 'c' from the word # !y = reject word if it contains character 'y' # !?c = reject word if it contains a character in class 'c' # /x = reject word unless it contains character 'x' # /?c = reject word unless it contains a character in class 'c' # =nx = reject word unless char at position 'n' is equal to x # =n?c = reject word unless char at position 'n' is in class 'c' # nb: the word always starts at position 0 ### # Character classes for use in above: # ?? matches "?" # ?v matches vowels aeiou # ?c matches consonants bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz # ?w matches whitespace (space, tab) # ?p matches punctuation .,:;'"?!` # ?s matches symbols $%^&*()-_+=|\[]{}#@/~ # ?l matches lowercase letters # ?u matches uppercase letters # ?d matches any digit # ?a matches any letter of the alphabet # ?x matches any letter of the alphabet, or any digit (ie: is alphanumeric) # The complement of a class may be matched by the uppercase of it's letter # ie: where ?d == DIGITS, ?D == NON-DIGITS, and so on. ### # Many people haven't realised that the above is a complete language; ie: # if you want to create a dictionary of short words with "123" appended, # use "<6l$1$2$3". ### # A FINAL NOTE: remember that very few users are aware that passwords # stop at 8 chars long; so, while it IS worthwhile to check for words # being 8 or more chars long before appending a character, it is NOT # worthwhile to do the same when prepending characters. Hence:- # # "williamsburgh" -> "williams" }\ # "williamsburgh1" -> "williams" }/~~~Will be uniqued. # "1williamsburgh" -> "1william" # ### # So, here we go; try to order these in the order most likely to be a # password. First we try to make selections from the pure alphabetic # words in the dicts, then we get onto the weird stuff. ###################################################################### # Force every pure alphabetic word lowercase and try it # NOT-CONTAIN ANY NON-ALPHA, LOWERCASE !?Al # Pluralise every significant one of the above # MORE-THAN 2, NOT-CONTAIN ANY NON-ALPHA, LOWERCASE, PLURALISE >2!?Alp # Try variations of anything that is not pure alnum # CONTAIN ANY NON-ALNUM /?X # CONTAIN ANY NON-ALNUM, CONTAIN ANY UPPER, LOWERCASE /?X/?ul # Any alphaword >2 & <8 chars long, append a digit or simple punctuation # since few ppl add non alpha chars to a already non-alpha word # MORE-THAN 2, LESS-THAN 8, NOT ANY NON-ALPHA, LOWERCASE, APPEND >2<8!?Al$0 >2<8!?Al$1 >2<8!?Al$2 >2<8!?Al$3 >2<8!?Al$4 >2<8!?Al$5 >2<8!?Al$6 >2<8!?Al$7 >2<8!?Al$8 >2<8!?Al$9 >2<8!?Al$! >2<8!?Al$. >2<8!?Al$? >2<8!?Al$ : # trailing colon (no-op) on last line delimits space character. # Lowercase every pure alphabetic word and reverse it # MORE-THAN 2, NOT-CONTAIN ANY NON-ALPHA, LOWERCASE, REVERSE >2!?Alr # Capitalise every pure alnum word (ie: not anything which is not alnum) # MORE-THAN 2, NOT-CONTAIN ANY NON-ALNUM, CAPITALISE >2!?Xc # Anything uppercase # MORE-THAN 2, NOT-CONTAIN ANY NON-ALNUM, UPPERCASE >2!?Xu # Pure alphabetic words with vowels removed which are still fairly long # NOT-CONTAIN ANY NON-ALPHA, CONTAIN ANY VOWEL, PURGE ANY VOWEL, MORE-THAN 3 !?A/?v@?v>3 # Look, I'm getting really bored of this monotone uppercase typing, so # if it's OK with you, I'll drop the commentaries on each rule. You # should have got the idea by now... # Longish pure words lowercased and reflected >2!?Alf # Words containing whitespace, which is then squeezed out /?w@?w>3 # In a similar vein, words with punctuation, squeezed out /?p@?p>3 # Reasonably short words, duplicated. eg: "fredfred" >1<7!?Ald ### # >From: # >In addition to the standard dicts.rules, I use the following set. You # >can guess what it does. # I've tidied this up a bit (I hope) - alec ### >2/asa2l >2/asa4l >2/ese3l >2/hsh4l >2/isi1l >2/lsl1l >2/oso0l >2/sss$l >2/asa2/hsh4l >2/asa2/sss$l >2/asa4/hsh4l >2/ese3/asa2l >2/ese3/asa4l >2/ese3/hsh4l >2/ese3/sss$l >2/isi1/asa2l >2/isi1/asa4l >2/isi1/ese3l >2/isi1/hsh4l >2/isi1/sss$l >2/lsl1/asa2l >2/lsl1/asa4l >2/lsl1/ese3l >2/lsl1/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1l >2/lsl1/oso0l >2/lsl1/sss$l >2/oso0/asa2l >2/oso0/asa4l >2/oso0/ese3l >2/oso0/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1l >2/oso0/sss$l >2/sss$/asa4l >2/sss$/hsh4l >2/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/ese3/asa2/hsh4l >2/ese3/asa2/sss$l >2/ese3/asa4/hsh4l >2/ese3/sss$/asa4l >2/ese3/sss$/hsh4l >2/isi1/asa2/hsh4l >2/isi1/asa2/sss$l >2/isi1/asa4/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/asa2l >2/isi1/ese3/asa4l >2/isi1/ese3/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/sss$l >2/isi1/sss$/asa4l >2/isi1/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/asa2/hsh4l >2/lsl1/asa2/sss$l >2/lsl1/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/asa2l >2/lsl1/ese3/asa4l >2/lsl1/ese3/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/sss$l >2/lsl1/isi1/asa2l >2/lsl1/isi1/asa4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3l >2/lsl1/isi1/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/sss$l >2/lsl1/oso0/asa2l >2/lsl1/oso0/asa4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3l >2/lsl1/oso0/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1l >2/lsl1/oso0/sss$l >2/lsl1/sss$/asa4l >2/lsl1/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/asa2/hsh4l >2/oso0/asa2/sss$l >2/oso0/asa4/hsh4l >2/oso0/ese3/asa2l >2/oso0/ese3/asa4l >2/oso0/ese3/hsh4l >2/oso0/ese3/sss$l >2/oso0/isi1/asa2l >2/oso0/isi1/asa4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3l >2/oso0/isi1/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/sss$l >2/oso0/sss$/asa4l >2/oso0/sss$/hsh4l >2/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/isi1/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/asa2/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$l >2/isi1/ese3/asa4/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4l >2/isi1/ese3/sss$/hsh4l >2/isi1/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/asa2/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/asa2/sss$l >2/lsl1/ese3/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/sss$/asa4l >2/lsl1/ese3/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/asa2/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/asa2/sss$l >2/lsl1/isi1/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/asa2l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/asa4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/sss$l >2/lsl1/isi1/sss$/asa4l >2/lsl1/isi1/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/asa2/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/asa2/sss$l >2/lsl1/oso0/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/asa2l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/asa4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/sss$l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/asa2l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/asa4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/sss$l >2/lsl1/oso0/sss$/asa4l >2/lsl1/oso0/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/oso0/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/ese3/asa2/hsh4l >2/oso0/ese3/asa2/sss$l >2/oso0/ese3/asa4/hsh4l >2/oso0/ese3/sss$/asa4l >2/oso0/ese3/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/asa2/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/asa2/sss$l >2/oso0/isi1/asa4/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa2l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$l >2/oso0/isi1/sss$/asa4l >2/oso0/isi1/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/asa2/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/asa2/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/asa2/sss$l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/sss$/asa4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/asa2/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/asa2/sss$l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa2l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/sss$/asa4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/oso0/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa2/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa4/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa2/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l # Bleagh! pant, pant - alec # Oddly enough, people prefixing passwords with numbers is quite a lot # rarer than suffixing numbers. Hence, we are further down the file # before trying this. Oh well, let's nail the buggers anyway... >2<8l^ : >2l^0 >2l^1 >2l^2 >2l^3 >2l^4 >2l^5 >2l^6 >2l^7 >2l^8 >2l^9 # Capitalise and then reverse every word (eg: "derF") >2!?Xcr # Reverse and then capitalise every alphabetic word (eg: "Derf") >2rc # Pure words capitalised with various ejaculatory punctuation added # eg: "Cats!" for Andrew Floyd-Drebber fans... >2<8!?Ac$! >2<8!?Ac$. >2<8!?Ac$? # Uppercase words with various things appended or swapped out >2<8u$! >2<8u$. >2<8u$? >2/OsO0u # Really weird uppercase variations >2ud >2uf >2ur # Yes, I know all this looks like line noise, but I haven't put regexp in yet. acters long, where n = 0-9a-z # >n = reject word UNLESS it is > n characters long, where n = 0-9a-z # ^x = prepend character 'x' to word # $y = append character 'y' to word # l = force word to be lowercase # u = force word to be uppercase # c = force word to be capitalised # r = reverse word: "Fred" -> "derF" # d = duplicate Sources/ 40755 5661 132 0 5222357177 6577 5 0 1 0 Sources/Makefile100600 5661 132 3561 5222357056 11136 037777777777 1 0 ### # Revised Makefile for Crack v4.1 - AEM, Feb 14 1992 ### LIBS= CFLAGS= -O PWC= crack-pwc FCRYPT= crack-fcrypt.o OBJS= crack-lib.o crack-glob.o crack-supp.o crack-sort.o UFCLIB= ../ufc-crypt/libufc.a TRUNS= 1000 ### # The reason for the direct reference to libufc.a is to get round # obnoxious problems with ranlibbing a file after copying it on some # architectures. ### $(PWC).which: @echo Choosing between Crack.fcrypt and Crack.ufc -((../Scripts/do_ufc && make $(PWC).ufc) || make $(PWC).fcrypt) $(PWC).fcrypt: $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) $(PWC).o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(PWC) $(PWC).o $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) $(LIBS) $(PWC).ufc: $(OBJS) $(PWC).o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(PWC) $(PWC).o $(OBJS) $(UFCLIB) $(LIBS) testrule: testrule.o crack-lib.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ testrule.o crack-lib.o tester: tester.o $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ tester.o $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) speedufc: speeds.c $(OBJS) $(UFC) ../Scripts/do_ufc $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DT1 -o $@ speeds.c $(OBJS) $(UFCLIB) speedfcrypt: speeds.c $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DT1 -o $@ speeds.c $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) speedxform: speeds.c $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DT2 -o $@ speeds.c $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) speedcrypt: speeds.c $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ speeds.c $(OBJS) $(FCRYPT) tests: tester speedcrypt speedfcrypt speedxform speedufc -tester $(TRUNS) -speedcrypt -speedfcrypt -speedxform -speedufc bytesex: bytesex.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ bytesex.o $(FCRYPT): crack-fcrypt.c crack.h bytesex $(CC) $(CFLAGS) `./bytesex` -c crack-fcrypt.c $(PWC).o: crack.h conf.h crack-glob.o: crack.h crack-lib.o: crack.h conf.h crack-sort.o: crack.h crack-supp.o: crack.h conf.h testrule.o: crack.h crack.h: crack-glob.h touch crack.h conf.h: clean: -rm -f *.o *.u *.a *.pixie *.Addrs *.Counts -rm -f $(PWC) tester bytesex testrule -rm -f speedcrypt speedfcrypt speedxform speedufc ic word lowercase and try it # NOT-CONTAIN ANY NON-ALPHA, LOWERCASE !?Al # Pluralise every significant one of the above # MORE-THAN 2, NOT-CONSources/bytesex.c100600 5661 132 1064 5222357057 11322 037777777777 1 0 #include main () { char *p; long int l; l = 'a' << 24 | 'b' << 16 | 'c' << 8 | 'd'; p = (char *) &l; if (sizeof (long int) == 4) { #ifndef GCC /* gcc tends to make a botch of it */ puts ("-DFDES_4BYTE"); #endif } else if (sizeof (long int) == 8) { puts ("-DFDES_8BYTE"); l <<= 32; } else { printf ("-DFDES_%dBYTE%c", sizeof (long int), 10); } if (!strncmp (p, "abcd", 4)) { puts ("-DBIG_ENDIAN"); } else if (!strncmp (p, "dcba", 4)) { puts ("-DLITTLE_ENDIAN"); } exit (0); } Y VOWEL, PURGE ANY VOWEL, MORE-THAN 3 !?A/?v@?v>3 # Look, I'm getting really bored of this monotone uppercase typing, so # if it's OK with you, I'll drop the commentaries on each rule. You # should have got the idea by now... # Longish pure words lowercased and reflected >2!?Alf # Words containing whitespace, which is then squeezed out /?w@?w>3 # In a similar vein, words with punctuation, squeezed out /?p@?p>3 # Reasonably short words, duplicated. eg:Sources/conf.h100600 5661 132 4232 5222357061 10564 037777777777 1 0 /* * This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991 except for some portions of * code in "crack-fcrypt.c" which are copyright Robert Baldwin, Icarus Sparry * and Alec Muffett. The author(s) disclaims all responsibility or liability * with respect to it's usage or its effect upon hardware or computer * systems, and maintain copyright as set out in the "LICENCE" document which * accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and upwards. */ #undef DEVELOPMENT_VERSION /* * define this symbol if you are on a system where you don't have the * strchr() function in your standard library (usually this means you are on * a BSD based system with no System 5isms) but you DO have the equivalent * index() function. */ #undef INDEX_NOT_STRCHR /* * define this if you have a smart toupper() and tolower() (a-la ANSI), which * do not generate barf when something which is not a lowercase letter is * uppercased, or vice-versa (a-la K&R). Check your manpage or leave it * undefined */ #undef FAST_TOCASE /* * define this if you are on a Sys V type system with a uname() system call * AND YOU HAVE NO gethostname() - it fakes up a BSD gethostname() so you can * use CRACK_NETWORK; see crack-port.c */ #undef CRACK_UNAME /* * define CRACK_DOTFILES if you want to search the first 1Kb segment of users * .plan/.project/.signature files for potential passwords. * * define CRACK_DOTSANE to likewise do (possibly non-portable) sanity testing * on the dotfiles before opening them (check that they are not named pipes, * etc...) */ #undef CRACK_DOTFILES #undef CRACK_DOTSANE /* * define "COMPRESSION" if you have enabled compression in the Crack * Shellscript * * this is enabled by default if you have /usr/ucb/compress; change the pathname * of the $compress variable in the Crack script if you use another pathname * to get to "compress" and then put the path name of the "pipe to stdout" * version of the compression prog here. */ #define COMPRESSION #define ZCAT "/usr/ucb/zcat" /* as in "zcat Dicts/bigdict.Z" */ #define PCAT "/usr/bin/pcat" /* * define this if you are using fcrypt() - you might not want to if fcrypt() * doesn't work properly */ #define FCRYPT /oso0/isi1/asa2/sss$l >2/oso0/isi1/asa4/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa2l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/asa4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/hsh4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$l >2/oso0/isi1/sss$/asa4l >2/oso0/isi1/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/asa2/sss$/hsh4lSources/crack-glob.c100600 5661 132 2554 5222357062 11644 037777777777 1 0 #include "crack.h" char version[] = "4.1f"; /* version of prog */ char runtime[] = "Runtime"; char feedback_string[] = "!fb!"; char rulefile[] = "Scripts/dicts.rules"; char gecosfile[] = "Scripts/gecos.rules"; char nastygram[] = "Scripts/nastygram"; char zcat[] = ZCAT; char pcat[] = PCAT; /* runtime variable declarations */ int pid; /* current process ID */ int pwlength = 8; /* significant length of a password */ struct USER *userroot; /* root of linked list of users */ struct RULE *ruleroot; /* root of linked list of rules */ struct RULE *gecosroot; /* root of linked list of (gecos) rules */ struct DICT *dictroot; /* root of linked list of words */ /* datafile variables */ char diefile[STRINGSIZE]; /* where die output goes... */ char feedbackfile[STRINGSIZE]; /* where feedback ouytput goes */ char opfile[STRINGSIZE]; /* where Log() output goes */ char pointfile[STRINGSIZE]; /* checkpointing */ char this_hostname[STRINGSIZE]; /* gethostname() hack */ /* recover variables */ char old_hostname[STRINGSIZE]; /* next 4 vars used in recovery */ char old_dictname[STRINGSIZE]; char old_rule[STRINGSIZE]; int old_usernum; char old_username[STRINGSIZE]; /* switches */ char input_file[STRINGSIZE]; int foreground_bool; int remote_bool; int nice_value; int recover_bool; char recover_file[STRINGSIZE]; int verbose_bool; char supplied_name[STRINGSIZE]; int mail_bool; latory punctuation added # eg: "Cats!" for Andrew Floyd-Drebber fans... >2<8!?Ac$! >2<8!?Ac$. >2<8!?Ac$? # Uppercase words with various things appeSources/crack-glob.h100600 5661 132 1676 5222357064 11657 037777777777 1 0 extern char version[]; extern char runtime[]; extern char feedback_string[]; extern char rulefile[]; extern char gecosfile[]; extern char nastygram[]; extern char zcat[]; extern char pcat[]; extern int pid; extern int pwlength; extern struct USER *userroot; extern struct RULE *ruleroot; extern struct RULE *gecosroot; extern struct DICT *dictroot; extern char diefile[STRINGSIZE]; extern char feedbackfile[STRINGSIZE]; extern char opfile[STRINGSIZE]; extern char pointfile[STRINGSIZE]; extern char this_hostname[STRINGSIZE]; extern char old_hostname[STRINGSIZE]; extern char old_dictname[STRINGSIZE]; extern char old_rule[STRINGSIZE]; extern int old_usernum; extern char old_username[STRINGSIZE]; extern char input_file[STRINGSIZE]; extern int foreground_bool; extern int remote_bool; extern int nice_value; extern int recover_bool; extern char recover_file[STRINGSIZE]; extern int verbose_bool; extern char supplied_name[STRINGSIZE]; extern int mail_bool; Sources/crack-supp.c100600 5661 132 6521 5222357066 11712 037777777777 1 0 /* * This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991 except for some portions of * code in "crack-fcrypt.c" which are copyright Robert Baldwin, Icarus Sparry * and Alec Muffett. The author(s) disclaims all responsibility or liability * with respect to it's usage or its effect upon hardware or computer * systems, and maintain copyright as set out in the "LICENCE" document which * accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and upwards. */ #include "crack.h" #ifdef CRACK_UNAME #ifndef AMIGA #include int gethostname (name, namelen) char *name; int namelen; { struct utsname uts; if (uname (&uts)) { return (-1); } strncpy (name, uts.nodename, namelen - 1); return (0); } #else int gethostname (name, namelen) char *name; int namelen; { strncpy (name, "dougal", namelen); return (0); } #endif /* AMIGA */ #endif /* CRACK_UNAME */ /* log anything to datafile. */ void Log (fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) char *fmt; long int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j; { long t; time (&t); printf ("pwc: %-15.15s ", ctime (&t) + 4); printf (fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j); fflush (stdout); } /* print a guess, giving a single place to mod where necessary */ void PrintGuess (eptr, guess) register struct USER *eptr; char *guess; { eptr -> done = 1; eptr -> passwd_txt = Clone (guess); /* ESSENTIAL to FeedBack() */ if (!eptr -> passwd_txt) { eptr -> passwd_txt = ""; } Log ("Guessed %s%s (%s in %s) [%s] %s\n", (eptr -> passwd.pw_uid ? "" : "ROOT PASSWORD "), eptr -> passwd.pw_name, eptr -> passwd.pw_shell, eptr -> filename, guess, eptr -> passwd.pw_passwd); if (mail_bool) { char dobuff[STRINGSIZE]; sprintf (dobuff, "%s %s", nastygram, eptr -> passwd.pw_name); system (dobuff); } } /* write a pointfile out */ int SetPoint (dict, rule, usernum, username) char *dict; char *rule; int usernum; char *username; { FILE *fp; long t; if (!(fp = fopen (pointfile, "w"))) { perror (pointfile); return (-1); } time (&t); fprintf (fp, "host=%s pid=%d pointtime=%s", this_hostname, pid, ctime (&t)); fprintf (fp, "%s\n", this_hostname); fprintf (fp, "%s\n", dict); fprintf (fp, "%s\n", rule); fprintf (fp, "%d\n", usernum); fprintf (fp, "%s\n", username); fclose (fp); return (0); } /* read a pointfile in... */ int GetPoint (pf) char *pf; { FILE *fp; char buffer[STRINGSIZE]; if (!(fp = fopen (pf, "r"))) { perror (pf); return (-1); } /* junk */ if (!fgets (buffer, STRINGSIZE, fp)) { return (-2); } /* hostname */ if (!fgets (old_hostname, STRINGSIZE, fp)) { return (-3); } /* dictname */ if (!fgets (old_dictname, STRINGSIZE, fp)) { return (-4); } /* rule */ if (!fgets (old_rule, STRINGSIZE, fp)) { return (-5); } /* usernum */ if (!fgets (buffer, STRINGSIZE, fp)) { return (-6); } /* username */ if (!fgets (old_username, STRINGSIZE, fp)) { return (-7); } Trim (old_hostname); if (strcmp (old_hostname, this_hostname)) { return (-8); } Trim (old_dictname); Trim (old_rule); old_usernum = atoi (buffer); Trim (old_username); fclose (fp); return (0); } 1 0 Sources/crack.h100600 5661 132 3415 5222357067 10732 037777777777 1 0 /* * This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991 except for some portions of * code in "crack-fcrypt.c" which are copyright Robert Baldwin, Icarus Sparry * and Alec Muffett. The author(s) disclaims all responsibility or liability * with respect to it's usage or its effect upon hardware or computer * systems, and maintain copyright as set out in the "LICENCE" document which * accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and upwards. */ #include #include #include #include #include "conf.h" #define STRINGSIZE 256 #ifdef DEVELOPMENT_VERSION #define BUILTIN_CLEAR #undef BRAINDEAD6 #define CRACK_UNAME #endif extern void Trim (); extern char *Reverse (); extern char *Uppercase (); extern char *Lowercase (); extern char *Clone (); extern char *Mangle (); extern int gethostname (); #ifdef FAST_TOCASE #define CRACK_TOUPPER(x) (toupper(x)) #define CRACK_TOLOWER(x) (tolower(x)) #else #define CRACK_TOUPPER(x) (islower(x) ? toupper(x) : (x)) #define CRACK_TOLOWER(x) (isupper(x) ? tolower(x) : (x)) #endif #ifdef FCRYPT #define crypt(a,b) fcrypt(a,b) #endif #ifdef INDEX_NOT_STRCHR #define strchr(a,b) index(a,b) #endif struct USER { struct USER *next; /* next users with different salt */ struct USER *across; /* line of users with same salt */ char *filename; /* where we got it from */ char *passwd_txt; /* plaintext of password */ struct passwd passwd; /* ...guess... */ int done; /* bool flag */ }; struct DICT { struct DICT *next; /* simple linked list */ char word[1]; /* ...... */ }; /* include lyrics of "perfect circle" by R.E.M. at this point */ struct RULE { struct RULE *next; char *rule; }; #define STRCMP(x,y) ( *(x) == *(y) ? strcmp((x),(y)) : -1 ) #include "crack-glob.h" 4l >2/oso0/isi1/ese3/sss$l >2/oso0/isi1/sss$/asa4l >2/oso0/isi1/sss$/hsh4l >2/oso0/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/isi1/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/asa2/sss$/hsh4l >2/lsl1/ese3/sss$/asa4/hsh4l >2/lsl1/isi1/asa2/sss$/hsh4lSources/speeds.c100600 5661 132 3536 5222357071 11124 037777777777 1 0 /* * This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991 except for some portions of * code in "crack-fcrypt.c" which are copyright Robert Baldwin, Icarus Sparry * and Alec Muffett. The author(s) disclaims all responsibility or liability * with respect to it's usage or its effect upon hardware or computer * systems, and maintain copyright as set out in the "LICENCE" document which * accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and upwards. */ /* Cray portions Copyright (c) 1992 Tom Hutton. */ #ifdef cray #include #include #include #include #else #include #include #endif #include #ifdef cray /* * Clocks to seconds and seconds to clocks */ #define CTOS(X) ((long) ((unsigned) (X) / (long) hz)) #define STOC(X) ((long) ((X) * hz)) static long hz; #endif static int cnt; #define ITIME 10 /* Number of seconds to run test. */ void Stop () { printf ("Did %f %s()s per second.\n", ((float) cnt) / ((float) ITIME), #ifdef T1 "fcrypt" #else #ifdef T2 "XForm" #else "crypt" #endif #endif ); exit (0); } main () { #ifdef cray static long vtime; #else struct itimerval itv; #endif static int quarters[4]; #ifdef cray hz = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); /* get # ticks per second */ vtime = STOC(ITIME); #else bzero (&itv, sizeof (itv)); #endif printf ("Running for %d seconds of virtual time ...\n", ITIME); #if defined(T1) || defined(T2) init_des (); #endif #ifdef cray for (cnt = 0;cpused() <= vtime; cnt++) #else signal (SIGVTALRM, Stop); itv.it_value.tv_sec = ITIME; itv.it_value.tv_usec = 0; setitimer (ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &itv, NULL); for (cnt = 0;; cnt++) #endif { #ifdef T1 fcrypt ("fredfred", "eek"); #else #ifdef T2 XForm (quarters, 0); #else crypt ("fredfred", "eek"); #endif #endif } Stop(); } 0 Sources/tester.c100600 5661 132 1200 5222357072 11132 037777777777 1 0 #include #include main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { register int i; long int t; if (argc < 2) { exit (1); } init_des (); printf ("%s\n", fcrypt ("fredfred", "fredfred")); if (strcmp (fcrypt ("fredfred", "fredfred"), "frxWbx4IRuBBA")) { printf ("Version of fcrypt() is not compatible with standard.\n"); exit (0); } i = atoi (argv[1]); printf ("Doing %d fcrypts()\n", i); time (&t); printf ("%s", ctime (&t)); while (i--) { fcrypt ("fredfred", "fredfred"); } time (&t); printf ("%s", ctime (&t)); return (0); } 6521 5222357066 11712 037777777777 1 0 Sources/testrule.c100600 5661 132 1005 5222357073 11477 037777777777 1 0 #include "crack.h" void Log (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) char *a, b, c, d, e, f, g; { printf (a, b, c, d, e, f, g); } int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i; char *ptr; char buffer[STRINGSIZE]; while (!feof (stdin)) { fgets (buffer, STRINGSIZE - 1, stdin); Trim (buffer); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { ptr = Mangle (buffer, argv[i]); printf ("'%s'('%s') = '%s'\n", argv[i], buffer, ptr ? ptr : "(rejected)"); } } return (0); } g, h, i, j; { long t; time (&t); printf ("pwc: %-15.15s ", ctime (&t) + 4); printf (fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j); fflush (stdout); } /* print a guess, giving a single place to mod where necessary */ void PrintGuess (eptr, guess) register struct USER *eptr; char *guess; { eptr -> done = 1; eptr -> passwd_txt = Clone (guess); /* ESSENTIAL to FeedBack() */ if (!eptr -> passwd_txt) { eptr -> passwd_txt = ""; Sources/crack-sort.c100600 5661 132 12407 5222357143 11726 037777777777 1 0 #include "crack.h" #define Compare(a,b) (strcmp(a,b)) /* * Sort a list of struct DICT by using an iterative bottom-up merge sort. * This particular piece of code took me ages to do (well, 2 days + 3 weeks * research) and provides a FAST way of sorting a linked list without the * overhead of increasing memory usage via malloc() or brk(). Why ? Because I * have to assume that there is no more memory, thats why. It's all Brian * Thompsett's fault! Really! Filling the swapspace on a SparcStation2 and * expecting Crack to survive! Argh! 8-) */ /* Since this code is so nice, I'll comment it fairly thoroughly */ struct DICT * SortDict (chain3, listlength) register struct DICT *chain3; long int listlength; { /* misc counters */ register int i; long int discarded; /* 2^n for n = 0..x */ long int n; /* head of the first extracted subchain */ register struct DICT *chain1; /* head of second subchain */ register struct DICT *chain2; /* useful temp pointer */ register struct DICT *scratch; /* PTR TO ELEMENT containing TAIL of unsorted list pre-merging */ struct DICT *lead_in; /* PTR TO HEAD of unsorted list after extracting chains */ struct DICT *lead_out; /* dummy structures used as fenceposts */ struct DICT dummy1; struct DICT dummy2; /* Put the incoming list into 'dummy1' posthole */ = chain3; /* For values of n = 2^(0..30) limited by listlength */ for (n = 1L; n < listlength; n *= 2) { /* Store place to get/put head of list in 'lead_in' */ lead_in = &dummy1; /* Set chain1 to the head of unsorted list */ for (chain1 = lead_in -> next; chain1; chain1 = lead_in -> next) { /* Break connection head and chain1 */ lead_in -> next = (struct DICT *) 0; /* Extract up to length 'n', park on last element before chain2 */ for (i = n - 1, scratch = chain1; i && scratch -> next; scratch = scratch -> next) { i--; }; /* If chain1 is undersized/exact, there is no chain2 */ if (i || !scratch -> next) { /* put chain1 back where you got it and break */ lead_in -> next = chain1; break; } /* Get pointer to head of chain2 */ chain2 = scratch -> next; /* Break connection between chain1 & chain2 */ scratch -> next = (struct DICT *) 0; /* Extract up to length 'n', park on last element of chain2 */ for (i = n - 1, scratch = chain2; i && scratch -> next; scratch = scratch -> next) { i--; }; /* Even if it's NULL, store rest of list in 'lead_out' */ lead_out = scratch -> next; /* Break connection between chain2 & tail of unsorted list */ scratch -> next = (struct DICT *) 0; /* Now, mergesort chain1 & chain2 to chain3 */ /* Set up dummy list fencepost */ chain3 = &dummy2; chain3 -> next = (struct DICT *) 0; /* While there is something in each list */ while (chain1 && chain2) { /* Compare them */ i = Compare (chain1 -> word, chain2 -> word); if (i < 0) { /* a < b */ chain3 -> next = chain1; chain3 = chain1; chain1 = chain1 -> next; } else if (i > 0) { /* a > b */ chain3 -> next = chain2; chain3 = chain2; chain2 = chain2 -> next; } else { /* * a == b. Link them both in. Don't try to get rid of the * multiple copies here, because if you free up any * elements at this point the listsize changes and the * algorithm runs amok. */ chain3 -> next = chain1; chain3 = chain1; chain1 = chain1 -> next; chain3 -> next = chain2; chain3 = chain2; chain2 = chain2 -> next; } } /* * Whatever is left is sorted and therefore linkable straight * onto the end of the current list. */ if (chain1) { chain3 -> next = chain1; } else { chain3 -> next = chain2; } /* Skip to the end of the sorted list */ while (chain3 -> next) { chain3 = chain3 -> next; } /* Append this lot to where you got chain1 from ('lead_in') */ lead_in -> next =; /* Append rest of unsorted list to chain3 */ chain3 -> next = lead_out; /* Set 'lead_in' for next time to last element of 'chain3' */ lead_in = chain3; } } /* Now, Uniq the list */ discarded = 0; /* Chain1 to the head of the list, Chain2 to the next */ chain1 =; chain2 = chain1 -> next; /* While not at end of list */ while (chain2) { /* Whilst (chain1) == (chain2) */ while (!Compare (chain1 -> word, chain2 -> word)) { /* Bump the discard count */ discarded++; /* Store the next element */ scratch = chain2 -> next; /* Get some memory back */ free (chain2); /* ...... */ /* Assign the skip, break if you run off the end of list */ if (!(chain2 = scratch)) { break; } } /* Set comparison ptr to new element or terminate */ chain1 -> next = chain2; /* If not terminated */ if (chain2) { /* set the compared pointer to its successor */ chain1 = chain2; chain2 = chain2 -> next; } } Log ("Sort discarded %ld words; FINAL DICTIONARY SIZE: %ld\n", discarded, listlength - discarded); return (; } z)) #define STOC(X) ((long) ((X) * hz)) static long hz; #endif static int cnt; #define ITIME 10 /* Number of seconds to run test. */ void Stop () { printf ("Did %f %s()s per second.\n", ((float) cnt) / ((float) ITIME), #ifdef T1 "Sources/crack-lib.c100600 5661 132 33430 5222357151 11503 037777777777 1 0 /* * This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991 except for some portions of * code in "crack-fcrypt.c" which are copyright Robert Baldwin, Icarus Sparry * and Alec Muffett. The author(s) disclaims all responsibility or liability * with respect to it's usage or its effect upon hardware or computer * systems, and maintain copyright as set out in the "LICENCE" document which * accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and upwards. */ #include "crack.h" #define RULE_NOOP ':' #define RULE_PREPEND '^' #define RULE_APPEND '$' #define RULE_REVERSE 'r' #define RULE_UPPERCASE 'u' #define RULE_LOWERCASE 'l' #define RULE_PLURALISE 'p' #define RULE_CAPITALISE 'c' #define RULE_DUPLICATE 'd' #define RULE_REFLECT 'f' #define RULE_SUBSTITUTE 's' #define RULE_MATCH '/' #define RULE_NOT '!' #define RULE_LT '<' #define RULE_GT '>' #define RULE_EXTRACT 'x' #define RULE_OVERSTRIKE 'o' #define RULE_INSERT 'i' #define RULE_EQUALS '=' #define RULE_PURGE '@' #define RULE_CLASS '?' /* class rule? socialist ethic in cracker? */ void Trim (string) /* remove trailing whitespace from a string */ register char *string; { register char *ptr; for (ptr = string; *ptr; ptr++); while ((--ptr >= string) && isspace (*ptr)); *(++ptr) = '\0'; } char * Clone (string) char *string; { register char *retval; retval = (char *) malloc (strlen (string) + 1); if (retval) { strcpy (retval, string); } return (retval); } int Suffix (word, suffix) char *word; char *suffix; { register int i; register int j; i = strlen (word); j = strlen (suffix); if (i > j) { return (STRCMP ((word + i - j), suffix)); } else { return (-1); } } char * Reverse (str) /* return a pointer to a reversal */ register char *str; { register int i; register int j; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; j = i = strlen (str); while (*str) { area[--i] = *str++; } area[j] = '\0'; return (area); } char * Uppercase (str) /* return a pointer to an uppercase */ register char *str; { register char *ptr; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; ptr = area; while (*str) { *(ptr++) = CRACK_TOUPPER (*str); str++; } *ptr = '\0'; return (area); } char * Lowercase (str) /* return a pointer to an lowercase */ register char *str; { register char *ptr; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; ptr = area; while (*str) { *(ptr++) = CRACK_TOLOWER (*str); str++; } *ptr = '\0'; return (area); } char * Capitalise (str) /* return a pointer to an capitalised */ register char *str; { register char *ptr; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; ptr = area; while (*str) { *(ptr++) = CRACK_TOLOWER (*str); str++; } *ptr = '\0'; area[0] = CRACK_TOUPPER (area[0]); return (area); } char * Pluralise (string) /* returns a pointer to a plural */ register char *string; { register int length; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; length = strlen (string); strcpy (area, string); if (!Suffix (string, "ch") || !Suffix (string, "ex") || !Suffix (string, "ix") || !Suffix (string, "sh") || !Suffix (string, "ss")) { /* bench -> benches */ strcat (area, "es"); } else if (length > 2 && string[length - 1] == 'y') { if (strchr ("aeiou", string[length - 2])) { /* alloy -> alloys */ strcat (area, "s"); } else { /* gully -> gullies */ strcpy (area + length - 1, "ies"); } } else if (string[length - 1] == 's') { /* bias -> biases */ strcat (area, "es"); } else { /* catchall */ strcat (area, "s"); } return (area); } char * Substitute (string, old, new) /* returns pointer to a swapped about copy */ register char *string; register char old; register char new; { register char *ptr; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; ptr = area; while (*string) { *(ptr++) = (*string == old ? new : *string); string++; } *ptr = '\0'; return (area); } char * Purge (string, target) /* returns pointer to a purged copy */ register char *string; register char target; { register char *ptr; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; ptr = area; while (*string) { if (*string != target) { *(ptr++) = *string; } string++; } *ptr = '\0'; return (area); } /* -------- CHARACTER CLASSES START HERE -------- */ /* * this function takes two inputs, a class identifier and a character, and * returns non-null if the given character is a member of the class, based * upon restrictions set out below */ int MatchClass (class, input) register char class; register char input; { register char c; register int retval; retval = 0; switch (class) { /* ESCAPE */ case '?': /* ?? -> ? */ if (input == '?') { retval = 1; } break; /* ILLOGICAL GROUPINGS (ie: not in ctype.h) */ case 'V': case 'v': /* vowels */ c = CRACK_TOLOWER (input); if (strchr ("aeiou", c)) { retval = 1; } break; case 'C': case 'c': /* consonants */ c = CRACK_TOLOWER (input); if (strchr ("bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz", c)) { retval = 1; } break; case 'W': case 'w': /* whitespace */ if (strchr ("\t ", input)) { retval = 1; } break; case 'P': case 'p': /* punctuation */ if (strchr (".`,:;'!?\"", input)) { retval = 1; } break; case 'S': case 's': /* symbols */ if (strchr ("$%%^&*()-_+=|\\[]{}#@/~", input)) { retval = 1; } break; /* LOGICAL GROUPINGS */ case 'L': case 'l': /* lowercase */ if (islower (input)) { retval = 1; } break; case 'U': case 'u': /* uppercase */ if (isupper (input)) { retval = 1; } break; case 'A': case 'a': /* alphabetic */ if (isalpha (input)) { retval = 1; } break; case 'X': case 'x': /* alphanumeric */ if (isalnum (input)) { retval = 1; } break; case 'D': case 'd': /* digits */ if (isdigit (input)) { retval = 1; } break; default: Log ("MatchClass: unknown class %c\n", class); return (0); break; } if (isupper (class)) { return (!retval); } return (retval); } char * PolyStrchr (string, class) register char *string; register char class; { while (*string) { if (MatchClass (class, *string)) { return (string); } string++; } return ((char *) 0); } char * PolySubst (string, class, new) /* returns pointer to a swapped about copy */ register char *string; register char class; register char new; { register char *ptr; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; ptr = area; while (*string) { *(ptr++) = (MatchClass (class, *string) ? new : *string); string++; } *ptr = '\0'; return (area); } char * PolyPurge (string, class) /* returns pointer to a purged copy */ register char *string; register char class; { register char *ptr; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; ptr = area; while (*string) { if (!MatchClass (class, *string)) { *(ptr++) = *string; } string++; } *ptr = '\0'; return (area); } /* -------- BACK TO NORMALITY -------- */ int Char2Int (character) char character; { if (isdigit (character)) { return (character - '0'); } else if (islower (character)) { return (character - 'a' + 10); } else if (isupper (character)) { return (character - 'A' + 10); } return (-1); } char * Mangle (input, control) /* returns a pointer to a controlled Mangle */ char *input; char *control; { int limit; register char *ptr; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; char area2[STRINGSIZE]; area[0] = '\0'; strcpy (area, input); for (ptr = control; *ptr; ptr++) { switch (*ptr) { case RULE_NOOP: break; case RULE_REVERSE: strcpy (area, Reverse (area)); break; case RULE_UPPERCASE: strcpy (area, Uppercase (area)); break; case RULE_LOWERCASE: strcpy (area, Lowercase (area)); break; case RULE_CAPITALISE: strcpy (area, Capitalise (area)); break; case RULE_PLURALISE: strcpy (area, Pluralise (area)); break; case RULE_REFLECT: strcat (area, Reverse (area)); break; case RULE_DUPLICATE: strcpy (area2, area); strcat (area, area2); break; case RULE_GT: if (!ptr[1]) { Log ("Mangle: '>' missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else { limit = Char2Int (*(++ptr)); if (limit < 0) { Log ("Mangle: '>' weird argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } if (strlen (area) <= limit) { return ((char *) 0); } } break; case RULE_LT: if (!ptr[1]) { Log ("Mangle: '<' missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else { limit = Char2Int (*(++ptr)); if (limit < 0) { Log ("Mangle: '<' weird argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } if (strlen (area) >= limit) { return ((char *) 0); } } break; case RULE_PREPEND: if (!ptr[1]) { Log ("Mangle: prepend missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else { area2[0] = *(++ptr); strcpy (area2 + 1, area); strcpy (area, area2); } break; case RULE_APPEND: if (!ptr[1]) { Log ("Mangle: append missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else { register char *string; string = area; while (*(string++)); string[-1] = *(++ptr); *string = '\0'; } break; case RULE_EXTRACT: if (!ptr[1] || !ptr[2]) { Log ("Mangle: extract missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else { register int i; int start; int length; start = Char2Int (*(++ptr)); length = Char2Int (*(++ptr)); if (start < 0 || length < 0) { Log ("Mangle: extract: weird argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } strcpy (area2, area); for (i = 0; length-- && area2[start + i]; i++) { area[i] = area2[start + i]; } /* cant use strncpy() - no trailing NUL */ area[i] = '\0'; } break; case RULE_OVERSTRIKE: if (!ptr[1] || !ptr[2]) { Log ("Mangle: overstrike missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else { register int i; i = Char2Int (*(++ptr)); if (i < 0) { Log ("Mangle: overstrike weird argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else { ++ptr; if (area[i]) { area[i] = *ptr; } } } break; case RULE_INSERT: if (!ptr[1] || !ptr[2]) { Log ("Mangle: insert missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else { register int i; register char *p1; register char *p2; i = Char2Int (*(++ptr)); if (i < 0) { Log ("Mangle: insert weird argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } p1 = area; p2 = area2; while (i && *p1) { i--; *(p2++) = *(p1++); } *(p2++) = *(++ptr); strcpy (p2, p1); strcpy (area, area2); } break; /* THE FOLLOWING RULES REQUIRE CLASS MATCHING */ case RULE_PURGE: /* @x or @?c */ if (!ptr[1] || (ptr[1] == RULE_CLASS && !ptr[2])) { Log ("Mangle: delete missing arguments in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else if (ptr[1] != RULE_CLASS) { strcpy (area, Purge (area, *(++ptr))); } else { strcpy (area, PolyPurge (area, ptr[2])); ptr += 2; } break; case RULE_SUBSTITUTE: /* sxy || s?cy */ if (!ptr[1] || !ptr[2] || (ptr[1] == RULE_CLASS && !ptr[3])) { Log ("Mangle: subst missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else if (ptr[1] != RULE_CLASS) { strcpy (area, Substitute (area, ptr[1], ptr[2])); ptr += 2; } else { strcpy (area, PolySubst (area, ptr[2], ptr[3])); ptr += 3; } break; case RULE_MATCH: /* /x || /?c */ if (!ptr[1] || (ptr[1] == RULE_CLASS && !ptr[2])) { Log ("Mangle: '/' missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else if (ptr[1] != RULE_CLASS) { if (!strchr (area, *(++ptr))) { return ((char *) 0); } } else { if (!PolyStrchr (area, ptr[2])) { return ((char *) 0); } ptr += 2; } break; case RULE_NOT: /* !x || !?c */ if (!ptr[1] || (ptr[1] == RULE_CLASS && !ptr[2])) { Log ("Mangle: '!' missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else if (ptr[1] != RULE_CLASS) { if (strchr (area, *(++ptr))) { return ((char *) 0); } } else { if (PolyStrchr (area, ptr[2])) { return ((char *) 0); } ptr += 2; } break; /* * alternative use for a boomerang, number 1: a standard throwing * boomerang is an ideal thing to use to tuck the sheets under * the mattress when making your bed. The streamlined shape of * the boomerang allows it to slip easily 'twixt mattress and * bedframe, and it's curve makes it very easy to hook sheets * into the gap. */ case RULE_EQUALS: /* =nx || =n?c */ if (!ptr[1] || !ptr[2] || (ptr[2] == RULE_CLASS && !ptr[3])) { Log ("Mangle: '=' missing argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } else { register int i; if ((i = Char2Int (ptr[1])) < 0) { Log ("Mangle: '=' weird argument in '%s'\n", control); return ((char *) 0); } if (ptr[2] != RULE_CLASS) { ptr += 2; if (area[i] != *ptr) { return ((char *) 0); } } else { ptr += 3; if (!MatchClass (*ptr, area[i])) { return ((char *) 0); } } } break; default: Log ("Mangle: unknown command %c in %s\n", *ptr, control); return ((char *) 0); break; } } if (!area[0]) /* have we deweted de poor widdle fing away? */ { return ((char *) 0); } return (area); } ; static char area[STRINGSIZE]; ptr = area; while (*string) { *(ptr++) = (*string == old ? new : *string); string++; } *ptr = '\0'; return (area); } char * Purge (string, target) /* returns pointer tSources/crack-pwc.c100600 5661 132 53410 5222357160 11526 037777777777 1 0 /* * This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991 except for some portions of * code in "crack-fcrypt.c" which are copyright Robert Baldwin, Icarus Sparry * and Alec Muffett. The author(s) disclaims all responsibility or liability * with respect to it's usage or its effect upon hardware or computer * systems, and maintain copyright as set out in the "LICENCE" document which * accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and upwards. */ #include "crack.h" #define DOTFILESIZE 1024 #define WORDSTACKSIZE 512 /* * crack-pwc.c - an optimised password cracker. (c) ADE Muffett, Feb 1992. If * this won't break your password file, it's unlikely that anything else * will. */ /* trap a signal on shutdown */ void CatchTERM () { /* bury magnets */ Log ("Caught a SIGTERM! Commiting suicide...\n"); /* swallow the rapture */ Log ("\n"); /* let's gather feathers */ sync (); /* don't fall on me */ exit (0); /* 'Fall on Me' by R.E.M. */ } /* jump ':' separated fields in an input */ char * PWSkip (p) register char *p; { while (*p && *p != ':') { p++; } if (*p) { *p++ = '\0'; } return (p); } char * Archive (myword) register char *myword; { register int i; register struct DICT *ptr; static struct DICT *arch_root; for (ptr = arch_root; ptr; ptr = ptr -> next) { if (!STRCMP (ptr -> word, myword)) { return (ptr -> word); } } i = strlen (myword); ptr = (struct DICT *) malloc (sizeof (struct DICT) + i); if (ptr) { strcpy (ptr -> word, myword); ptr -> word[i] = '\0'; ptr -> next = arch_root; arch_root = ptr; } else { Log ("Archive/malloc() failed! Fatal lack of memory!\n"); exit (1); } return (ptr -> word); } /* parse and store a password entry */ struct USER * Parse (buffer) register char *buffer; { register char *p; register struct USER *retval; retval = (struct USER *) malloc (sizeof (struct USER)); if (!retval) { Log ("Parse/malloc() failed! Fatal lack of memory!\n"); exit (1); } retval -> next = retval -> across = NULL; retval -> passwd_txt = NULL; retval -> done = 0; Trim (buffer); p = PWSkip (buffer); retval -> filename = Archive (buffer); p = Clone (p); if (!p) { Log ("Parse/Clone() failed! Fatal lack of memory!\n"); exit (1); } retval -> passwd.pw_name = p; p = PWSkip (p); retval -> passwd.pw_passwd = p; p = PWSkip (p); retval -> passwd.pw_uid = atoi (p); p = PWSkip (p); retval -> passwd.pw_gid = atoi (p); p = PWSkip (p); retval -> passwd.pw_gecos = p; p = PWSkip (p); retval -> passwd.pw_dir = p; p = PWSkip (p); retval -> passwd.pw_shell = p; return (retval); } /* load pre-formatted password entries off stdin into linked list */ int LoadData () { int i; char *ptr; char salt[2]; char buffer[STRINGSIZE]; long int numlines; long int numentries; register struct USER *new_element; register struct USER *current_line; numlines = 0L; numentries = 0L; current_line = NULL; salt[0] = salt[1] = '*'; while (fgets (buffer, STRINGSIZE, stdin)) { if (!*buffer || isspace (*buffer)) { continue; } new_element = Parse (buffer); ptr = new_element -> passwd.pw_passwd; if (!ptr[0]) { Log ("Warning! %s (%s in %s) has a NULL password!\n", new_element -> passwd.pw_name, new_element -> passwd.pw_shell, new_element -> filename); continue; } if (strchr (ptr, '*') || strchr (ptr, '!') || strchr (ptr, ' ')) { Log ("User %s (in %s) has a locked password:- %s\n", new_element -> passwd.pw_name, new_element -> filename, new_element -> passwd.pw_passwd); continue; } i = strlen (ptr); if (i < 13) { Log ("User %s (in %s) has a short pw_passwd field - skipping.\n", new_element -> passwd.pw_name, new_element -> filename); continue; } if (i > 13) { Log ("User %s (in %s) has a long pw_passwd field - truncating.\n", new_element -> passwd.pw_name, new_element -> filename); ptr[13] = '\0'; } numentries++; if (ptr[0] == salt[0] && ptr[1] == salt[1]) { new_element -> across = current_line; current_line = new_element; } else { if (current_line) { current_line -> next = userroot; } userroot = current_line; current_line = new_element; numlines++; salt[0] = ptr[0]; salt[1] = ptr[1]; } } if (current_line) /* last one tends to hang about */ { current_line -> next = userroot; userroot = current_line; numlines++; } --numlines; if (numentries) { Log ("Loaded %ld password entries with %ld different salts: %d%%\n", numentries, numlines, ((numlines * 100) / numentries)); } else { Log ("No input supplied: everything removed by feedback ?\n"); } return (numentries); } /* and load rules from a standard file into a similar list */ int LoadRules (file, rootpos) char *file; struct RULE **rootpos; { FILE *fp; int numrules; struct RULE fencepost; register struct RULE *addinto; register struct RULE *scratch; char buffer[STRINGSIZE]; if (!(fp = fopen (file, "r"))) { Log ("cannot open rulefile %s\n", file); perror (file); return (-1); } numrules = 0; addinto = &fencepost; addinto -> next = (struct RULE *) 0; while (fgets (buffer, STRINGSIZE, fp)) { Trim (buffer); if (!buffer[0] || buffer[0] == '#') { continue; } scratch = (struct RULE *) malloc (sizeof (struct RULE)); if (!scratch) { Log ("LoadRules/malloc() failed! Fatal lack of memory!\n"); exit (1); } scratch -> rule = Clone (buffer); if (!scratch -> rule) { Log ("LoadRules/Clone() failed! Fatal lack of memory!\n"); exit (1); } scratch -> next = (struct RULE *) 0; addinto -> next = scratch; addinto = scratch; numrules++; } fclose (fp); Log ("Loaded %d rules from '%s'.\n", numrules, file); *rootpos =; return (numrules); } /* load a dictionary into a linked list, and sort it */ long int LoadDict (file, rule, contdict) char *file; char *rule; int contdict; { int i; int memfilled; long int nelem; long int rejected; register char *mangle; register struct DICT *scratch; char pipebuff[STRINGSIZE]; static FILE *fp; char buffer[STRINGSIZE]; if (contdict && fp) { goto files_open; } #ifdef COMPRESSION if (!Suffix (file, ".Z")) { sprintf (pipebuff, "%s %s", zcat, file); if (!(fp = (FILE *) popen (pipebuff, "r"))) { perror (pipebuff); return (0); } } else if (!Suffix (file, ".z")) { sprintf (pipebuff, "%s %s", pcat, file); if (!(fp = (FILE *) popen (pipebuff, "r"))) { perror (pipebuff); return (0); } } else #endif /* COMPRESSION */ { pipebuff[0] = '\0'; if (!(fp = fopen (file, "r"))) { perror (file); return (0); } } files_open: nelem = 0; rejected = 0; memfilled = 0; dictroot = (struct DICT *) 0; Log ("%s rule '%s' to file '%s'\n", contdict ? "Continuing" : "Applying", rule, file); while (fgets (buffer, STRINGSIZE, fp)) { Trim (buffer); if (!buffer[0] || buffer[0] == '#') { continue; } mangle = Mangle (buffer, rule); if (!mangle) { rejected++; if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Rejected '%s' due to rule specs.\n", buffer); } continue; } if (dictroot && !strncmp (mangle, dictroot -> word, pwlength)) { rejected++; if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Rejected '%s'; duplicated to %d chars.\n", buffer, pwlength); } continue; } i = strlen (mangle); if (i > pwlength) { i = pwlength; } scratch = (struct DICT *) malloc (sizeof (struct DICT) + i); if (!scratch) { Log ("LoadDict/malloc() failed! Shameful lack of memory!\n"); memfilled = 1; goto words_loaded; } strncpy (scratch -> word, mangle, i); scratch -> word[i] = '\0'; scratch -> next = dictroot; dictroot = scratch; nelem++; if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Loaded '%s' as '%s' using '%s'\n", buffer, scratch -> word, rule); } } if (pipebuff[0]) { pclose (fp); } else { fclose (fp); } fp = (FILE *) 0; words_loaded: if (nelem == 0) { return (0); } Log ("Rejected %ld words on loading, %ld words left to sort\n", rejected, nelem); dictroot = (struct DICT *) SortDict (dictroot, nelem); if (memfilled) { nelem = -nelem; } return (nelem); /* not strict number anymore... */ } /* lose the current dictionary */ int DropDict () { register struct DICT *scratch1; register struct DICT *scratch2; scratch1 = dictroot; while (scratch1) { scratch2 = scratch1 -> next; free (scratch1); scratch1 = scratch2; } return (0); } /* * write a feedback file if there is anything to save - return number * uncracked users */ int FeedBack (log_notdone) int log_notdone; { register FILE *fp; static char fmt[] = "%s:%s:%s:%s\n"; register struct USER *head; register struct USER *arm; int done; int notdone; notdone = done = 0; if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Sweeping data looking for feedback.\n"); } fp = (FILE *) 0; for (head = userroot; head; head = head -> next) { for (arm = head; arm; arm = arm -> across) { if (arm -> done) { done++; /* horrible little hack, vile, sick, I love it */ if (!fp) { if (!(fp = fopen (feedbackfile, "w"))) { perror (feedbackfile); return (-1); } if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Feedback file opened for writing.\n"); } } fprintf (fp, fmt, feedback_string, arm -> passwd.pw_passwd, "Y", arm -> passwd_txt); } else { notdone++; if (log_notdone) { if (!fp) /* and again !!! heheheheheheh */ { if (!(fp = fopen (feedbackfile, "w"))) { perror (feedbackfile); return (-1); } if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Feedback file opened for writing.\n"); } } /* I think I'm going slightly warped */ fprintf (fp, fmt, feedback_string, arm -> passwd.pw_passwd, "N", ""); } } } } if (fp) { fclose (fp); Log ("Closing feedback file.\n"); } Log ("FeedBack: %d users done, %d users left to crack.\n", done, notdone); return (notdone); } /* try a chain of users with the same salt */ int TryManyUsers (eptr, guess) /* returns 0 if all done this chain */ register struct USER *eptr; char *guess; { register int retval; char guess_crypted[STRINGSIZE]; if (eptr -> done && !eptr -> across) { return (0); } strcpy (guess_crypted, crypt (guess, eptr -> passwd.pw_passwd)); retval = 0; while (eptr) { if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Trying '%s' on %s from line %s\n", guess, eptr -> passwd.pw_name, eptr -> filename); } if (!eptr -> done && !STRCMP (guess_crypted, eptr -> passwd.pw_passwd)) { PrintGuess (eptr, guess); } retval += (!(eptr -> done)); eptr = eptr -> across; } return (retval); } /* try a word on an individual */ int TryOneUser (eptr, guess) /* returns non-null on guessed user */ register struct USER *eptr; register char *guess; { if (!guess || !*guess || eptr -> done) { return (0); } if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Trying '%s' on %s from %s\n", guess, eptr -> passwd.pw_name, eptr -> filename); } if (strcmp (crypt (guess, eptr -> passwd.pw_passwd), eptr -> passwd.pw_passwd)) { return (0); } PrintGuess (eptr, guess); return (1); } /* frontend to TryOneUser() to save hassle */ int WordTry (entry_ptr, guess) register struct USER *entry_ptr; register char *guess; { struct RULE *ruleptr; register char *mangle; if (!guess[0] || !guess[1]) { return (0); } for (ruleptr = gecosroot; ruleptr; ruleptr = ruleptr -> next) { if (mangle = Mangle (guess, ruleptr -> rule)) { if (TryOneUser (entry_ptr, mangle)) { return (1); } } } return (0); } /* Special manipulations for the GECOS field and dotfiles */ int ParseBuffer (entry_ptr, buffer, advanced) register struct USER *entry_ptr; char *buffer; int advanced; { int wordcount; register int i; register int j; register char *ptr; char junk[STRINGSIZE]; char *words[WORDSTACKSIZE]; /* zap all punctuation */ for (ptr = buffer; *ptr; ptr++) { if (ispunct (*ptr) || isspace (*ptr)) { *ptr = ' '; } } /* break up all individual words */ wordcount = 0; ptr = buffer; while (*ptr) { while (*ptr && isspace (*ptr)) { ptr++; } if (*ptr) { words[wordcount++] = ptr; if (wordcount >= WORDSTACKSIZE) { Log ("ParseBuffer: Abort: Stack Full !\n"); return (0); } } while (*ptr && !isspace (*ptr)) { ptr++; } if (*ptr) { *(ptr++) = '\0'; } } words[wordcount] = (char *) 0; /* try all the words individually */ if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Trying individual words\n"); } for (i = 0; i < wordcount; i++) { if (WordTry (entry_ptr, words[i])) { return (1); } } if (!advanced) { return (0); } /* try pairings of words */ if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Trying paired words\n"); } for (j = 1; j < wordcount; j++) { for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { /* Skip initials for next pass */ if (!words[i][1] || !words[j][1]) { continue; } strcpy (junk, words[i]); strcat (junk, words[j]); if (WordTry (entry_ptr, junk)) { return (1); } strcpy (junk, words[j]); strcat (junk, words[i]); if (WordTry (entry_ptr, junk)) { return (1); } } } /* try initials + words */ if (verbose_bool) { Log ("Trying initial'ed words\n"); } for (j = 1; j < wordcount; j++) { for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { junk[0] = words[i][0]; junk[0] = CRACK_TOUPPER (junk[0]); strcpy (junk + 1, words[j]); if (WordTry (entry_ptr, junk)) { return (1); } } } return (0); } /* run over password entries looking for passwords */ void Pass1 () { struct USER *head; char junk[DOTFILESIZE]; register struct USER *this; #ifdef CRACK_DOTFILES #ifdef CRACK_DOTSANE #include #include struct stat sb; #endif /* CRACK_DOTSANE */ int i; int j; FILE *fp; char filename[STRINGSIZE]; static char *dotfiles[] = { ".plan", ".project", ".signature", (char *) 0 }; #endif /* CRACK_DOTFILES */ Log ("Starting pass 1 - password information\n"); for (head = userroot; head; head = head -> next) { for (this = head; this; this = this -> across) { strcpy (junk, this -> passwd.pw_gecos); if (WordTry (this, this -> passwd.pw_name) || ParseBuffer (this, junk, 1)) { continue; } #ifdef CRACK_DOTFILES for (i = 0; dotfiles[i]; i++) { sprintf (filename, "%s/%s", this -> passwd.pw_dir, dotfiles[i]); #ifdef CRACK_DOTSANE if (stat (filename, &sb) < 0) { continue; } if ((!(sb.st_mode & S_IFREG)) #ifdef S_IFSOCK || ((sb.st_mode & S_IFSOCK) == S_IFSOCK) #endif /* S_IFSOCK */ ) { continue; } #endif /* CRACK_DOTSANE */ if (!(fp = fopen (filename, "r"))) { continue; } j = fread (junk, 1, DOTFILESIZE, fp); fclose (fp); if (j <= 2) { continue; } junk[j - 1] = '\0'; /* definite terminator */ if (verbose_bool) { Log ("DOTFILES: Checking %d bytes of %s\n", j, filename); } if (ParseBuffer (this, junk, 0)) { continue; } } #endif /* CRACK_DOTFILES */ } } return; } void Pass2 (dictfile) char *dictfile; { int pointuser; struct USER *headptr; struct RULE *ruleptr; struct DICT *dictptr; Log ("Starting pass 2 - dictionary words\n"); headptr = (struct USER *) 0; ruleptr = (struct RULE *) 0; /* check if we are recovering from a crash */ if (recover_bool) { recover_bool = 0; /* switch off */ for (ruleptr = ruleroot; ruleptr && strcmp (ruleptr -> rule, old_rule); ruleptr = ruleptr -> next); if (!ruleptr) { Log ("Fatal: Ran off end of list looking for rule '%s'\n", old_rule); exit (1); } for (headptr = userroot;/* skip right number of users */ headptr && old_usernum--; headptr = headptr -> next); if (!headptr) { Log ("Fatal: Ran off end of list looking for user '%s'\n", old_username); exit (1); } } /* start iterating here */ for (ruleptr = (ruleptr ? ruleptr : ruleroot); ruleptr; ruleptr = ruleptr -> next) { long int rval; int continue_dict; continue_dict = 0; load_dict: rval = LoadDict (dictfile, ruleptr -> rule, continue_dict); if (rval == 0) { Log ("Oops! I got an empty dictionary! Skipping rule '%s'!\n", ruleptr -> rule); continue; } pointuser = 0; /* iterate all the users */ for (headptr = (headptr ? headptr : userroot); headptr; headptr = headptr -> next) { SetPoint (dictfile, ruleptr -> rule, pointuser++, headptr -> passwd.pw_name); /* iterate all the words */ for (dictptr = dictroot; dictptr; dictptr = dictptr -> next) { /* skip repeated words... */ if (!TryManyUsers (headptr, dictptr -> word)) { break; } } } /* free up memory */ DropDict (); /* write feedback file */ if (!FeedBack (0)) { Log ("FeedBack: All Users Are Cracked! Bloody Hell!\n"); return; } /* on next pass, start from top of user list */ headptr = (struct USER *) 0; /* did we REALLY finish this dictionary ? */ if (rval < 0) { continue_dict = 1; goto load_dict; } } } int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i; long t; int uerr; int die_bool = 0; FILE *fp; char *crack_out; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; static char getopt_string[] = "i:fX:n:r:vml:"; uerr = 0; if (argc == 1) { uerr++; } while ((i = getopt (argc, argv, getopt_string)) != EOF) { switch (i) { case 'i': strcpy (input_file, optarg); if (!freopen (input_file, "r", stdin)) { perror (input_file); exit (1); } if (!strncmp (input_file, "/tmp/pw.", 7)) { unlink (input_file); } break; case 'm': mail_bool = 1; break; case 'f': foreground_bool = 1; break; case 'X': remote_bool = 1; strcpy (supplied_name, optarg); break; case 'l': pwlength = atoi (optarg); break; case 'n': nice_value = atoi (optarg); nice (nice_value); break; case 'r': recover_bool = 1; strcpy (recover_file, optarg); break; case 'v': verbose_bool = 1; break; default: case '?': uerr++; break; } } if (optind >= argc) { uerr++; } if (uerr) { fprintf (stderr, "Usage:\t%s -%s dictfile [dictfile...]\n", argv[0], getopt_string); exit (1); } pid = getpid (); if (gethostname (this_hostname, STRINGSIZE)) { perror ("gethostname"); } if (!(crack_out = (char *) getenv ("CRACK_OUT"))) { crack_out = "."; } sprintf (opfile, "%s/out.%s%d", crack_out, this_hostname, pid); if (remote_bool) { sprintf (diefile, "%s", supplied_name); } else { sprintf (diefile, "%s/D%s%d", runtime, this_hostname, pid); } sprintf (pointfile, "%s/P%s%d", runtime, this_hostname, pid); sprintf (feedbackfile, "%s/F%s%d", runtime, this_hostname, pid); if (!foreground_bool) { if (!freopen (opfile, "w", stdout)) { perror ("freopen(stdout)"); exit (1); } if (!freopen (opfile, "a", stderr)) { perror ("freopen(stderr)"); exit (1); } } /* * don't generate a die file unless we are not 'attached' to a * terminal... except when we are remote as well... */ time (&t); if (!foreground_bool || (foreground_bool && remote_bool)) { if (!(fp = fopen (diefile, "w"))) { perror (diefile); exit (1); } die_bool = 1; fprintf (fp, "#!/bin/sh\n"); fprintf (fp, "# ID=%s.%d start=%s", this_hostname, pid, ctime (&t)); fprintf (fp, "kill -TERM %d && rm $0", pid); fclose (fp); chmod (diefile, 0700); } Log ("Crack v%s: The Password Cracker, (c) Alec D.E. Muffett, 1992\n", version); #ifdef FCRYPT init_des (); #endif /* Quick, verify that we are sane ! */ if (strcmp (crypt ("fredfred", "fredfred"), "frxWbx4IRuBBA")) { Log ("Version of crypt() being used internally is not compatible with standard.\n"); Log ("This could be due to byte ordering problems - see the comments in Sources/conf.h\n"); Log ("If there is another reason for this, edit the source to remove this assertion.\n"); Log ("Terminating...\n"); exit (0); } #ifndef AMIGA signal (SIGTERM, CatchTERM); #endif Log ("Loading Data, host=%s pid=%d\n", this_hostname, pid); if (LoadData () <= 0) { Log ("Nothing to Crack. Exiting...\n"); exit (0); } if (LoadRules (rulefile, &ruleroot) < 0 || LoadRules (gecosfile, &gecosroot) < 0) { exit (1); } if (!recover_bool) { /* We are starting afresh ! Ah, the birds in May ! */ Pass1 (); if (!FeedBack (0)) { Log ("FeedBack: information: all users are cracked after gecos pass\n"); goto finish_crack; } } else { int rval; if (rval = GetPoint (recover_file)) { Log ("Recovery from file %s not permitted on this host [code %d]\n", recover_file, rval); exit (0); } /* Some spodulous creep pulled our plug... */ while ((optind < argc) && strcmp (argv[optind], old_dictname)) { optind++; } } for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { Pass2 (argv[i]); } Log ("Tidying up files...\n"); FeedBack (1); finish_crack: if (die_bool) { unlink (diefile); } unlink (pointfile); Log ("Done.\n"); return (0); } { return (0); } for (ruleptr = gecosroot; ruleptr; ruleptr = ruleptr -> next) { if (mangle = Mangle (guess, ruleptr -> rule)) { if (TryOneUser (entry_ptr, mangle)) { return (1); } } } return (0); } /* SpecSources/crack-fcrypt.c100600 5661 132 57742 5222357201 12254 037777777777 1 0 /* * This program is copyright Alec Muffett 1991 except for some portions of * code in "crack-fcrypt.c" which are copyright Robert Baldwin, Icarus Sparry * and Alec Muffett. The author(s) disclaims all responsibility or liability * with respect to it's usage or its effect upon hardware or computer * systems, and maintain copyright as set out in the "LICENCE" document which * accompanies distributions of Crack v4.0 and upwards. */ /* * Misc defs for the fast password transform optimisations. */ #include "crack.h" #define reg register #define uns unsigned #define unsb uns char #define unsl uns long /* * Types for the different ways to represent DES bit patterns. Bits are * always right justified within fields. Bits which have lower indices in * the NBS spec are stored in the vax bits with less significance (e.g., Bit * 1 of NBS spec is stored in the bit with weight 2 ** 0 to the Vax. */ #define obpb1 unsb /* One bit per byte. */ #define sbpb6 unsb /* Six bits per byte, 6 held. */ #define sbpb6R unsb /* Six bits per byte Reversed order, 6 held. */ #define sbpb24 unsl /* Six bits per byte, 24 held. */ #define ebpb24 unsl /* Eight bits per bit, 24 held. */ #define fbpb4 unsb /* Four bits per byte, 4 held. */ #define fbpb4R unsb /* Four bits per byte Reversed order, 4 held. */ /* * The operation (6 * x) is often better optimised as this (for really * braindead compilers) - AEM */ #ifdef BRAINDEAD6 #define SIX_TIMES(exprn) (((exprn) << 2) + ((exprn) << 1)) #else #define SIX_TIMES(exprn) (6 * (exprn)) #endif /* BRAINDEAD6 */ /* DES transformation type... */ union SDATA { sbpb24 b[2]; sbpb6 c[8]; }; #ifndef FDES_4BYTE /* Thanks to Matt Bishop for this idea -AEM. */ #define SIZEFIX 0 #define INDIRECT(a,b) (a)[b] #else #define SIZEFIX 2 /* "n" where 2^n == sizeof(sbpb24) */ #define INDIRECT(a,b) (*((sbpb24 *)(((unsigned char *) a) + (b)))) #endif /* * These used to be rather slow and frequently used functions - AEM */ #define TF_TO_SIXBIT(tf) \ (sbpb24)((tf & 077L) | \ ((tf & 07700L) << 2) | \ ((tf & 0770000L) << 4) | \ ((tf & 077000000L) << 6)) #define SIXBIT_TO_TF(sb) \ (ebpb24)((sb & 0x3fL) | \ ((sb & 0x3f00L) >> 2) | \ ((sb & 0x3f0000L) >> 4) | \ ((sb & 0x3f000000L) >> 6)) /* * Data segment gathered into one place, try to keep this stuff long aligned * - AEM */ static char iobuf[16]; static obpb1 crypt_block[72]; /* 72 is next multiple of 8 bytes after 66 */ static sbpb24 KS[32]; static sbpb24 S0H[64], S1H[64], S2H[64], S3H[64]; static sbpb24 S4H[64], S5H[64], S6H[64], S7H[64]; static sbpb24 S0L[64], S1L[64], S2L[64], S3L[64]; static sbpb24 S4L[64], S5L[64], S6L[64], S7L[64]; static sbpb24 out96[4]; /* * Start of the real thing */ void fsetkey () { /* * This used to be utterly horrendous. It still is, but it's much, much, * smaller... (and quite a bit faster...) - AEM */ static unsb KeyToKS[] = { 9, 50, 33, 59, 48, 16, 32, 56, 1, 8, 18, 41, 2, 34, 25, 24, 43, 57, 58, 0, 35, 26, 17, 40, 21, 27, 38, 53, 36, 3, 46, 29, 4, 52, 22, 28, 60, 20, 37, 62, 14, 19, 44, 13, 12, 61, 54, 30, 1, 42, 25, 51, 40, 8, 24, 48, 58, 0, 10, 33, 59, 26, 17, 16, 35, 49, 50, 57, 56, 18, 9, 32, 13, 19, 30, 45, 28, 62, 38, 21, 27, 44, 14, 20, 52, 12, 29, 54, 6, 11, 36, 5, 4, 53, 46, 22, 50, 26, 9, 35, 24, 57, 8, 32, 42, 49, 59, 17, 43, 10, 1, 0, 48, 33, 34, 41, 40, 2, 58, 16, 60, 3, 14, 29, 12, 46, 22, 5, 11, 28, 61, 4, 36, 27, 13, 38, 53, 62, 20, 52, 19, 37, 30, 6, 34, 10, 58, 48, 8, 41, 57, 16, 26, 33, 43, 1, 56, 59, 50, 49, 32, 17, 18, 25, 24, 51, 42, 0, 44, 54, 61, 13, 27, 30, 6, 52, 62, 12, 45, 19, 20, 11, 60, 22, 37, 46, 4, 36, 3, 21, 14, 53, 18, 59, 42, 32, 57, 25, 41, 0, 10, 17, 56, 50, 40, 43, 34, 33, 16, 1, 2, 9, 8, 35, 26, 49, 28, 38, 45, 60, 11, 14, 53, 36, 46, 27, 29, 3, 4, 62, 44, 6, 21, 30, 19, 20, 54, 5, 61, 37, 2, 43, 26, 16, 41, 9, 25, 49, 59, 1, 40, 34, 24, 56, 18, 17, 0, 50, 51, 58, 57, 48, 10, 33, 12, 22, 29, 44, 62, 61, 37, 20, 30, 11, 13, 54, 19, 46, 28, 53, 5, 14, 3, 4, 38, 52, 45, 21, 51, 56, 10, 0, 25, 58, 9, 33, 43, 50, 24, 18, 8, 40, 2, 1, 49, 34, 35, 42, 41, 32, 59, 17, 27, 6, 13, 28, 46, 45, 21, 4, 14, 62, 60, 38, 3, 30, 12, 37, 52, 61, 54, 19, 22, 36, 29, 5, 35, 40, 59, 49, 9, 42, 58, 17, 56, 34, 8, 2, 57, 24, 51, 50, 33, 18, 48, 26, 25, 16, 43, 1, 11, 53, 60, 12, 30, 29, 5, 19, 61, 46, 44, 22, 54, 14, 27, 21, 36, 45, 38, 3, 6, 20, 13, 52, 56, 32, 51, 41, 1, 34, 50, 9, 48, 26, 0, 59, 49, 16, 43, 42, 25, 10, 40, 18, 17, 8, 35, 58, 3, 45, 52, 4, 22, 21, 60, 11, 53, 38, 36, 14, 46, 6, 19, 13, 28, 37, 30, 62, 61, 12, 5, 44, 40, 16, 35, 25, 50, 18, 34, 58, 32, 10, 49, 43, 33, 0, 56, 26, 9, 59, 24, 2, 1, 57, 48, 42, 54, 29, 36, 19, 6, 5, 44, 62, 37, 22, 20, 61, 30, 53, 3, 60, 12, 21, 14, 46, 45, 27, 52, 28, 24, 0, 48, 9, 34, 2, 18, 42, 16, 59, 33, 56, 17, 49, 40, 10, 58, 43, 8, 51, 50, 41, 32, 26, 38, 13, 20, 3, 53, 52, 28, 46, 21, 6, 4, 45, 14, 37, 54, 44, 27, 5, 61, 30, 29, 11, 36, 12, 8, 49, 32, 58, 18, 51, 2, 26, 0, 43, 17, 40, 1, 33, 24, 59, 42, 56, 57, 35, 34, 25, 16, 10, 22, 60, 4, 54, 37, 36, 12, 30, 5, 53, 19, 29, 61, 21, 38, 28, 11, 52, 45, 14, 13, 62, 20, 27, 57, 33, 16, 42, 2, 35, 51, 10, 49, 56, 1, 24, 50, 17, 8, 43, 26, 40, 41, 48, 18, 9, 0, 59, 6, 44, 19, 38, 21, 20, 27, 14, 52, 37, 3, 13, 45, 5, 22, 12, 62, 36, 29, 61, 60, 46, 4, 11, 41, 17, 0, 26, 51, 48, 35, 59, 33, 40, 50, 8, 34, 1, 57, 56, 10, 24, 25, 32, 2, 58, 49, 43, 53, 28, 3, 22, 5, 4, 11, 61, 36, 21, 54, 60, 29, 52, 6, 27, 46, 20, 13, 45, 44, 30, 19, 62, 25, 1, 49, 10, 35, 32, 48, 43, 17, 24, 34, 57, 18, 50, 41, 40, 59, 8, 9, 16, 51, 42, 33, 56, 37, 12, 54, 6, 52, 19, 62, 45, 20, 5, 38, 44, 13, 36, 53, 11, 30, 4, 60, 29, 28, 14, 3, 46, 17, 58, 41, 2, 56, 24, 40, 35, 9, 16, 26, 49, 10, 42, 33, 32, 51, 0, 1, 8, 43, 34, 25, 48, 29, 4, 46, 61, 44, 11, 54, 37, 12, 60, 30, 36, 5, 28, 45, 3, 22, 27, 52, 21, 20, 6, 62, 38 }; reg int i; reg unsigned long r; reg unsb *k; k = KeyToKS; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { /* 16-bit tweaks suggested by */ /* inlining speedup tweak suggested by */ /* (strange addition compensates missing TF_TO_SIXBIT) */ r = (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)]; r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << 1; r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << 2; r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << 3; r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << 4; r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << 5; r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (2 + 6); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (2 + 7); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (2 + 8); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (2 + 9); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (2 + 10); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (2 + 11); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (4 + 12); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (4 + 13); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (4 + 14); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (4 + 15); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (4 + 16); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (4 + 17); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (6 + 18); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (6 + 19); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (6 + 20); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (6 + 21); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (6 + 22); r |= (unsigned long) crypt_block[*(k++)] << (6 + 23); KS[i] = r; } } void XForm (saltvalue) sbpb24 saltvalue; { #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN /* Icarus Sparry, Bath - mod AEM */ #define STEP -- #define START &sdata.c[7] #define Dl sdata.b[1] #define Dh sdata.b[0] #else #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN #define STEP ++ #define START &sdata.c[0] #define Dl sdata.b[0] #define Dh sdata.b[1] #endif /* else error */ #endif union SDATA sdata; reg sbpb24 Rl; reg sbpb24 Rh; reg sbpb24 Ll; reg sbpb24 Lh; reg sbpb6 *dp; int loop; int kloop; sbpb24 *kp; reg sbpb24 k; #ifdef FDES_8BYTE reg sbpb24 tmpi; #endif /* FDES_8BYTE */ Ll = Lh = Rl = Rh = 0; for (loop = 25; loop--; /* nothing */ ) { kp = KS; for (kloop = 8; kloop--; /* nothing */ ) { k = (Rl ^ Rh) & saltvalue; #ifndef FDES_8BYTE Dl = (k ^ Rl ^ *kp++) << SIZEFIX; Dh = (k ^ Rh ^ *kp++) << SIZEFIX; #else /* hack to make things work better - matthew kaufman */ /* I haven't tried any of this - I don't have a cray... AEM */ tmpi = (k ^ Rl ^ *kp++); sdata.c[3] = (tmpi >> 24) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[2] = (tmpi >> 16) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[1] = (tmpi >> 8) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[0] = (tmpi) & 0x00ff; tmpi = (k ^ Rh ^ *kp++); sdata.c[7] = (tmpi >> 24) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[6] = (tmpi >> 16) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[5] = (tmpi >> 8) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[4] = (tmpi) & 0x00ff; #endif /* FDES_8BYTE */ dp = START; Lh ^= INDIRECT (S0H, *dp); Ll ^= INDIRECT (S0L, *dp STEP); Lh ^= INDIRECT (S1H, *dp); Ll ^= INDIRECT (S1L, *dp STEP); Lh ^= INDIRECT (S2H, *dp); Ll ^= INDIRECT (S2L, *dp STEP); Lh ^= INDIRECT (S3H, *dp); Ll ^= INDIRECT (S3L, *dp STEP); Lh ^= INDIRECT (S4H, *dp); Ll ^= INDIRECT (S4L, *dp STEP); Lh ^= INDIRECT (S5H, *dp); Ll ^= INDIRECT (S5L, *dp STEP); Lh ^= INDIRECT (S6H, *dp); Ll ^= INDIRECT (S6L, *dp STEP); Lh ^= INDIRECT (S7H, *dp); Ll ^= INDIRECT (S7L, *dp STEP); k = (Ll ^ Lh) & saltvalue; #ifndef FDES_8BYTE Dl = (k ^ Ll ^ *kp++) << SIZEFIX; Dh = (k ^ Lh ^ *kp++) << SIZEFIX; #else tmpi = (k ^ Ll ^ *kp++); sdata.c[3] = (tmpi >> 24) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[2] = (tmpi >> 16) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[1] = (tmpi >> 8) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[0] = (tmpi) & 0x00ff; tmpi = (k ^ Lh ^ *kp++); sdata.c[7] = (tmpi >> 24) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[6] = (tmpi >> 16) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[5] = (tmpi >> 8) & 0x00ff; sdata.c[4] = (tmpi) & 0x00ff; #endif /* FDES_8BYTE */ dp = START; Rh ^= INDIRECT (S0H, *dp); Rl ^= INDIRECT (S0L, *dp STEP); Rh ^= INDIRECT (S1H, *dp); Rl ^= INDIRECT (S1L, *dp STEP); Rh ^= INDIRECT (S2H, *dp); Rl ^= INDIRECT (S2L, *dp STEP); Rh ^= INDIRECT (S3H, *dp); Rl ^= INDIRECT (S3L, *dp STEP); Rh ^= INDIRECT (S4H, *dp); Rl ^= INDIRECT (S4L, *dp STEP); Rh ^= INDIRECT (S5H, *dp); Rl ^= INDIRECT (S5L, *dp STEP); Rh ^= INDIRECT (S6H, *dp); Rl ^= INDIRECT (S6L, *dp STEP); Rh ^= INDIRECT (S7H, *dp); Rl ^= INDIRECT (S7L, *dp STEP); } Ll ^= Rl; Lh ^= Rh; Rl ^= Ll; Rh ^= Lh; Ll ^= Rl; Lh ^= Rh; } /* * for reasons that I cannot explain, if I insert the contents of the * UnXForm function right HERE, making the tweaks as necessary to avoid * using out96[] to pass data, I LOSE 30% of my speed. I don't know why. * Hence, I continue to use out96[]... */ { reg sbpb24 *qp; qp = out96; *qp++ = Ll; *qp++ = Lh; *qp++ = Rl; *qp++ = Rh; } } void UnXForm () { reg sbpb24 Rl; reg sbpb24 Rh; reg sbpb24 Ll; reg sbpb24 Lh; reg obpb1 *ptr; reg long int mask; register long int *lip; Ll = SIXBIT_TO_TF (out96[0]); Lh = SIXBIT_TO_TF (out96[1]); Rl = SIXBIT_TO_TF (out96[2]); Rh = SIXBIT_TO_TF (out96[3]); #ifdef BUILTIN_CLEAR lip = (long int *) crypt_block; for (mask = (sizeof (crypt_block) / sizeof (long int)); mask--; /* - */ ) { *(lip++) = 0L; } #else /* BUILTIN_CLEAR */ bzero (crypt_block, 66); #endif /* BUILTIN_CLEAR */ ptr = crypt_block; mask = 0x000400L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x400000L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000400L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x400000L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000200L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x200000L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000200L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x200000L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000100L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x100000L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000100L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x100000L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000080L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x080000L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000080L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x080000L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000010L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x010000L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000010L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x010000L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000008L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x008000L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000008L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x008000L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000004L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x004000L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000004L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x004000L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000002L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x002000L; if (Rl & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Ll & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x000002L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; mask = 0x002000L; if (Rh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; if (Lh & mask) *ptr = 0x01; ptr++; } char * fcrypt (pw, salt) char *pw; char *salt; { /* Table lookups for salts reduce fcrypt() overhead dramatically */ static sbpb24 salt0[] = { 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; static sbpb24 salt1[] = { 1152, 1216, 1280, 1344, 1408, 1472, 1536, 1600, 1664, 1728, 1792, 1856, 1920, 1984, 2048, 2112, 2176, 2240, 2304, 2368, 2432, 2496, 2560, 2624, 2688, 2752, 2816, 2880, 2944, 3008, 3072, 3136, 3200, 3264, 3328, 3392, 3456, 3520, 3584, 3648, 3712, 3776, 3840, 3904, 3968, 4032, 0, 64, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024, 1088, 1152, 1216, 1280, 1344, 1408, 1472, 1536, 1600, 1664, 1728, 1792, 1856, 1920, 1984, 2048, 2112, 2176, 2240, 2304, 2368, 2048, 2112, 2176, 2240, 2304, 2368, 2432, 2496, 2560, 2624, 2688, 2752, 2816, 2880, 2944, 3008, 3072, 3136, 3200, 3264, 3328, 3392, 3456, 3520, 3584, 3648, 3712, 3776, 3840, 3904, 3968, 4032, 0, 64, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024, 1088, 1152, 1216, 1280, 1344, 1408, 1472, 1536, 1600, 1664, 1728, 1792, 1856, 1920, 1984, 2048, 2112, 2176, 2240, 2304, 2368, 2432, 2496, 2560, 2624, 2688, 2752, 2816, 2880, 2944, 3008, 3072, 3136, 3200, 3264, 3328, 3392, 3456, 3520, 3584, 3648, 3712, 3776, 3840, 3904, 3968, 4032, 0, 64, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024, 1088, 1152, 1216, 1280, 1344, 1408, 1472, 1536, 1600, 1664, 1728, 1792, 1856, 1920, 1984, 2048, 2112, 2176, 2240, 2304, 2368, 2432, 2496, 2560, 2624, 2688, 2752, 2816, 2880, 2944, 3008, 3072, 3136, 3200, 3264, 3328, 3392, 3456, 3520, 3584, 3648, 3712, 3776, 3840, 3904, 3968, 4032, 0, 64, 128, 192, 256 }; /* final perutation desalting */ static obpb1 final[] = { 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, /* Truncate overflow bits at 256 */ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 }; reg int i, j, k; reg long int *lip; sbpb24 saltvalue; #ifdef BUILTIN_CLEAR lip = (long int *) crypt_block; for (i = (sizeof (crypt_block) / sizeof (long int)); i--; /* - */ ) { *(lip++) = 0L; } #else /* BUILTIN_CLEAR */ bzero (crypt_block, 66); #endif /* BUILTIN_CLEAR */ for (i = 0; (k = *pw) && i < 64; pw++) { crypt_block[i++] = (k >> 6) & 01; crypt_block[i++] = (k >> 5) & 01; crypt_block[i++] = (k >> 4) & 01; crypt_block[i++] = (k >> 3) & 01; crypt_block[i++] = (k >> 2) & 01; crypt_block[i++] = (k >> 1) & 01; crypt_block[i++] = (k >> 0) & 01; i++; /* have to skip one here (parity bit) */ } fsetkey ( /* crypt_block */ ); #ifdef BUILTIN_CLEAR lip = (long int *) crypt_block; for (i = (sizeof (crypt_block) / sizeof (long int)); i--; /* - */ ) { *(lip++) = 0L; } #else /* BUILTIN_CLEAR */ bzero (crypt_block, 66); #endif /* BUILTIN_CLEAR */ iobuf[0] = salt[0]; iobuf[1] = salt[1]; saltvalue = salt0[iobuf[0]] | salt1[iobuf[1]]; saltvalue = TF_TO_SIXBIT (saltvalue); XForm (saltvalue); UnXForm (); for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) { k = 0; for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { k = (k << 1) | crypt_block[SIX_TIMES (i) + j]; } iobuf[i + 2] = final[k]; } iobuf[i + 2] = 0; if (iobuf[1] == 0) { iobuf[1] = iobuf[0]; } return (iobuf); } /********* INITIALISATION ROUTINES *********/ fbpb4 lookupS (tableno, t6bits) unsl tableno; sbpb6R t6bits; { static fbpb4R S[8][64] = { 14, 4, 13, 1, 2, 15, 11, 8, 3, 10, 6, 12, 5, 9, 0, 7, 0, 15, 7, 4, 14, 2, 13, 1, 10, 6, 12, 11, 9, 5, 3, 8, 4, 1, 14, 8, 13, 6, 2, 11, 15, 12, 9, 7, 3, 10, 5, 0, 15, 12, 8, 2, 4, 9, 1, 7, 5, 11, 3, 14, 10, 0, 6, 13, 15, 1, 8, 14, 6, 11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2, 13, 12, 0, 5, 10, 3, 13, 4, 7, 15, 2, 8, 14, 12, 0, 1, 10, 6, 9, 11, 5, 0, 14, 7, 11, 10, 4, 13, 1, 5, 8, 12, 6, 9, 3, 2, 15, 13, 8, 10, 1, 3, 15, 4, 2, 11, 6, 7, 12, 0, 5, 14, 9, 10, 0, 9, 14, 6, 3, 15, 5, 1, 13, 12, 7, 11, 4, 2, 8, 13, 7, 0, 9, 3, 4, 6, 10, 2, 8, 5, 14, 12, 11, 15, 1, 13, 6, 4, 9, 8, 15, 3, 0, 11, 1, 2, 12, 5, 10, 14, 7, 1, 10, 13, 0, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4, 15, 14, 3, 11, 5, 2, 12, 7, 13, 14, 3, 0, 6, 9, 10, 1, 2, 8, 5, 11, 12, 4, 15, 13, 8, 11, 5, 6, 15, 0, 3, 4, 7, 2, 12, 1, 10, 14, 9, 10, 6, 9, 0, 12, 11, 7, 13, 15, 1, 3, 14, 5, 2, 8, 4, 3, 15, 0, 6, 10, 1, 13, 8, 9, 4, 5, 11, 12, 7, 2, 14, 2, 12, 4, 1, 7, 10, 11, 6, 8, 5, 3, 15, 13, 0, 14, 9, 14, 11, 2, 12, 4, 7, 13, 1, 5, 0, 15, 10, 3, 9, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 11, 10, 13, 7, 8, 15, 9, 12, 5, 6, 3, 0, 14, 11, 8, 12, 7, 1, 14, 2, 13, 6, 15, 0, 9, 10, 4, 5, 3, 12, 1, 10, 15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0, 13, 3, 4, 14, 7, 5, 11, 10, 15, 4, 2, 7, 12, 9, 5, 6, 1, 13, 14, 0, 11, 3, 8, 9, 14, 15, 5, 2, 8, 12, 3, 7, 0, 4, 10, 1, 13, 11, 6, 4, 3, 2, 12, 9, 5, 15, 10, 11, 14, 1, 7, 6, 0, 8, 13, 4, 11, 2, 14, 15, 0, 8, 13, 3, 12, 9, 7, 5, 10, 6, 1, 13, 0, 11, 7, 4, 9, 1, 10, 14, 3, 5, 12, 2, 15, 8, 6, 1, 4, 11, 13, 12, 3, 7, 14, 10, 15, 6, 8, 0, 5, 9, 2, 6, 11, 13, 8, 1, 4, 10, 7, 9, 5, 0, 15, 14, 2, 3, 12, 13, 2, 8, 4, 6, 15, 11, 1, 10, 9, 3, 14, 5, 0, 12, 7, 1, 15, 13, 8, 10, 3, 7, 4, 12, 5, 6, 11, 0, 14, 9, 2, 7, 11, 4, 1, 9, 12, 14, 2, 0, 6, 10, 13, 15, 3, 5, 8, 2, 1, 14, 7, 4, 10, 8, 13, 15, 12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 6, 11, }; sbpb6 fixed6bits; fbpb4R r; fbpb4 fixedr; fixed6bits = (((t6bits >> 0) & 01) << 5) + (((t6bits >> 1) & 01) << 3) + (((t6bits >> 2) & 01) << 2) + (((t6bits >> 3) & 01) << 1) + (((t6bits >> 4) & 01) << 0) + (((t6bits >> 5) & 01) << 4); r = S[tableno][fixed6bits]; fixedr = (((r >> 3) & 01) << 0) + (((r >> 2) & 01) << 1) + (((r >> 1) & 01) << 2) + (((r >> 0) & 01) << 3); return (fixedr); } void init (tableno, lowptr, highptr) unsl tableno; sbpb24 *lowptr, *highptr; { static unsb P[] = { 15, 6, 19, 20, 28, 11, 27, 16, 0, 14, 22, 25, 4, 17, 30, 9, 1, 7, 23, 13, 31, 26, 2, 8, 18, 12, 29, 5, 21, 10, 3, 24, }; static unsb E[] = { 31, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 0, }; static obpb1 tmp32[32]; static obpb1 tmpP32[32]; static obpb1 tmpE[48]; int j, k, i; int tablenoX4; reg sbpb24 spare24; tablenoX4 = tableno * 4; for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) { k = lookupS (tableno, j); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { tmp32[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tmp32[tablenoX4 + i] = (k >> i) & 01; } for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { tmpP32[i] = tmp32[P[i]]; } for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) { tmpE[i] = tmpP32[E[i]]; } lowptr[j] = 0L; highptr[j] = 0L; for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { lowptr[j] |= (unsigned long) tmpE[i] << i; } for (k = 0, i = 24; i < 48; i++, k++) { highptr[j] |= (unsigned long) tmpE[i] << k; } spare24 = lowptr[j]; /* to allow for macro expansion */ lowptr[j] = TF_TO_SIXBIT (spare24); spare24 = highptr[j]; /* to allow for macro expansion */ highptr[j] = TF_TO_SIXBIT (spare24); } } int init_des () { init (0L, S0L, S0H); init (1L, S1L, S1H); init (2L, S2L, S2H); init (3L, S3L, S3H); init (4L, S4L, S4H); init (5L, S5L, S5H); init (6L, S6L, S6H); init (7L, S7L, S7H); return (0); } 0004L; if (Rl & mask) *ptTODO100600 5661 132 535 5222357074 5710 0 0 1 0 * replace recover/checkpoint code in entirety * make work over rsh link entirely * dictionaries shipped from central machine * code shipped from central machine (!) * regexp rules (is this really necessary ? what syntax the commands ?) * bottles of glenmorangie always welcome * multiprocessing ability - most of these will be in v5.0 - alec ) char *pw; char *salt; { /* Table lookups for salts reduce fcrypt() overhead dramatically */ static sbpb24 salt0[] = { 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2340, 2304, 2368, 2048, 2112, 2176, 2240, 2304, 2368, 2432, 2496, 2560, 2624, 2688, 2752, 2816, 2880, 2944, 3008, 3072, 3136, 3200, 3264, 3328, 3392, 3456, 3520, 3584, 3648, 3712, 3776, 3840, 3904, 3968, 4032, 0, 64, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024, 1088, 1152, 1216, 1280, 1344, 1408, 1472, 1536, 1600, 1664, 1728, 1792, 1856, 1920, 1984, 2048, 2112, 2176, 2240, 2304, 2368, 2432, 2496, 2560, 2624, 2688, 2752, 2816, 2880, 2944, 3008, 3072, 3136, 3200, 3264, 3 Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253