February 5, 1995 This is a list of backdoors to various BBS's this list is ONLY to warn SysOp's and Co-SysOp's of the danger...I will not take responsibility if for some reason the bad guys get a hold of this file and by no means will I replace your fucken computer after the bad guys trash it!!! This is only to warn all you SysOp's out there...If you don't like it get better BBS software!!! That's about it for now... Acid BBS Backdoors From Main Menu: TripOnThis File Menu: TripOnThis Message Menu: TripOnThis Doors Menu: AccessDenied Celerity BBS Backdoors From Main Menu: Zeebraa7 File Menu: ForLeafs Message Menu: Thurber Charisma BBS Backdoors From Matrix Menu: Buzz-Ed Main Menu: Freekees File Menu: U_Stupid_Asshole! BBS List: IHearWeaselz Extreme BBS Backdoors From Matrix Menu: FireStorm Main Menu: DieThief File Menu: Bach-Rulez Message Menu: Bach-Rulez Doors Menu: SaladBowl BBS List: Bach-Rulez Fusion BBS Backdoors From Main Menu: BartDude File Menu: Dingbats LSD BBS Backdoors From Matrix Menu: JellyDoughnuts Main Menu: RogerWilco File Menu: MeeMeeMeean Message Menu: HellAwaits Oblivion/2 BBS Backdoors From Main Menu: HeyYouGuys File Menu: Deadwood Message Menu: IndiansRule Renegade BBS Backdoors From Main Menu: //King Cott Tag BBS Backdoors From Login Prompt: Me The Aventurer Anywhere Else: //CallItBadLuck Telegard BBS Backdoors From Main Menu: I_Perfected_WWIV File Menu: I_Perfected_WWIV Message Menu: I_Perfected_WWIV Reading E-Mail: Blacklist Vision/2 BBS Backdoors From Matrix Menu: Vision-X_Blows File Menu: ClingOnToMe Vision-X BBS Backdoors From Matrix Menu: WeHateThieves! Main Menu: Slavelord_Sux File Menu: BrakeThe_Rulez! ANSI Gallery: [Upload a trojan called Vision-X.EXE] This file was Uploaded by Shaggy...Not all these Backdoors may be active for only two reasons the SysOp may have fixed the Backdoors already or a new release of software is being used... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ *Call These Awesome BBS's!!! * * * *The Lost Souls Node 1 445-6811 * *Visual Scream Node 1 499-8886 * *The Zoo Node 1 458-2188 * *Berkshire County BBS Node 1 743-1778 Nodes 2+3 743-9928 * *The Void!!! Node 1 743-2373 * \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/