This file is a compilation of at least 5 minutes of work looking through various text files and notes and buffer captures. All the defaults I could find are on here. Everyone of the accounts could also have NO PASSWORD, so try too. Theres no end to stupidity. The most likely to the no password accounts are the guest and demo accounts. UNIX DEFAULTS Username: Password:,Password:,Password:,ect. ---------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM OPERATOR,MANAGER,SYSTEM,SYSLIB OPERATOR OPERATOR SYSTEST UETP SYSMAINT SYSMAINT,SERVICE,DIGITAL FIELD FIELD,SERVICE GUEST GUEST, DEMO DEMO, DECNET DECNET -partial list- If you have any other default accounts, or ones that keep seeming to pop onto different systems, or if you know some of the default passwords to accounts w/out passwords on this list please update this file.