*********************************************************************** * Sec-8.txt: File 11 of 15 (SP 800-1) * * * * This file contains the Section 8 of the Bibliography of * * Computer Security Publications January 1980 - October 1989, * * National Institute of Standards and Technology Special * * Publication Number 800-1. * * * * Compiler: Rein Turn * * Editor: Lawrence E. Bassham III * * * *********************************************************************** 8. Cryptography This section cites publications on the theoretical and practical aspects of cryptography, cryptanalysis, and cryptographic protocols. ACE-81 "American Council of Education Report on the Public Cryptography Study Group," Communications of the ACM, July 1981, pp, 435-450. Key Words: policy, research. ADA-87 Adams, C.M. "Security-Related Comments Regarding McEliece's PublicKey Cryptosystem," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM- 88), pp. 224-228. Key Words: evaluation, public-key. ADL-82 Adleman, L.M., "On Breaking the Iterated Merkle-Hellman Public-Key Cryptosystem," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 303-313. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. ADL-82a Adleman, L.M. "Implementing an Electronic Notary Public," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 259-265. Key Words: signatures, design. ADL-83 Adleman, L.M. "On Breaking Generalized Knap-sack Public-key Cryptosystems," Proceedings, 15th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1983, pp. 402-412. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. AGN-87 Agnew, G.B. "Random Sources for Cryptographic Systems," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (8: CHA- 88a), pp. 77-81. Key Words: random, techniques. AGN-88 Agnew, G.B., R.C. Mullin, and S.A. Vanstone "An Interacrtive Data Exchange Protocol Based on Discrete Exponentionation," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 159- 176. Key Words: methods, protocols. AHI-87 Ahituv, N., Y. Lapid, and S. Neumann "Processing Encrypted Data," Communications of the ACM, September 1987, pp. 777-780. Key Words: techniques. AKL-82 Akl, S.G. "Digital Signatures with Blindfolded Arbitrators Who Cannot Form Alliances," Proc. 1982 IEEE Symp. Sec. and Privacy, (5: IEE-82), pp. 129-135. Key Words: signatures, methods. AKL-83 Akl, S.G. "On the Security of Compressed Encodings," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA- 84b), pp. 209-230. Key Words: analysis, codes. AKL-83a Akl, S.G. "Digital Signatures: Tutorial Survey," IEEE Computer, February 1983, pp. 14-24. Key Words: signatures, general. AKL-84 Akl, S.G., and H. Meijer "A Fast Pseudo Random Permu-tation Generator with Applica-tions to Cryptography," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 269- 275. Key Words: random, techniques. ALP-83 Alpern, B., and B. Schneider "Key Exchange Using `Keyless Cryptography'," Information Processing Letters, 1983, pp. 79-81. Key Words: keys, techniques. AMI-81 Amirazizi, H.R., E.D. Karnin, and J.M. Reyneri "Compact Knapsacks are Polyno-mially Solvable," Proc. Crypto '81, Santa Barbara, CA, 1981, (8: GER- 82), pp. 17-24. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. AND-82 Andelman, D., and J. Reeds "On the Cryptanalysis of Rotor Machines and Substitution-Permutation Networks," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, No. 4, 1982, pp. 578-584. Key Words: analysis, hardware. ASM-83 Asmuth, C., and J. Blum "A Modular Approach to Key Safeguarding," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, March 1983, pp. 208-210. Key Words: methods, keys. AVA-88 Avarne, S. "Cryptography -- Combatting Data Compromise," Security Management, October 1988, pp. 38-43. Key Words: threats, methods. AYO-83 Ayoub, F. "The Design of Complete Encryption Packages Using Cryptographically Equivalent Permutations," Computers & Security, November 1983, pp. 261-267. Key Words: methods, design. BAL-85 Baldwin, R.W., and W.C. Gramlich "Cryptographic Protocol for Trustable Match Making," Proc. 1985 IEEE Symp. Sec. and Privacy, (5: IEE-85), pp. 92-100. Key Words: protocols, methods. BAN-83 Banary, I., and Z. Furedi "Mental Poker with Three or More Players," Information and Control, 1983, pp. 84-93. Key Words: protocols, methods. BEK-82 Beker, H., and F. Piper Cipher Systems: The Protection of Communications, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982. Key Words: book, techniques, methods, general. BEL-89 Bellare, M., and S. Goldwasser "New Paradigms for Digital Signatures for Smart Cards," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: BRA-90), 1989. Key Words: signatures, methods. BEN-82 Bennett, C.H., et al. "Quantum Cryptography, or Unforgeable Subway Tokens," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 267-275. Key Words: authentication, case. BEN-84 Bennet, C.H., and G. Brassard "Update on Quantum Cryptography," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 475- 480. Key Words: techniques, methods. BEN-85 Bennet, C.H., G. Brassard, and J.-M. Robert "How to Reduce Your Enemy's Information," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 468-476. Key Words: methods, theory. BEN-86 Benaloh, J.C. "Cryptographic Capsules: A Disjunctive Primitive for Interactive Protocols," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 213-222. Key Words: methods, protocols. BEN-86a Benaloh, J.C. "Secret Sharing Homomorphisms: Keeping Shares of a Secret Secret," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL- 87), pp. 251-260. Key Words: methods, protocols. BEN-87 Bennett, J. "Analysis of the Encryption Algorithm Used in the WordPerfect Word Processing Program," Cryptologia, October 1987, pp. 206-210. Key Words: methods, case. BEN-89 Bender, A., and G. Castagnoli "On the Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: BRA-90), 1989. Key Words: methods, theory. BER-84 Berger, R., et al. "A Provably Secure Oblivious Transfer Protocol," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 379- 386. Key Words: oblivious, protocols. BER-85 Berger, R., et al. "A Framework for the Study of Cryptographic Protocols," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL- 86), pp. 87-103. Key Words: model, protocols. BET-82 Beth, T., and T. Ioth "Algorithm Engineering for Public Key Algorithms," Proc. 1982 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Priv., (5: IEE-82), pp. 458-466. Key Words: algorithms, design. BET-83 Beth, T. (Ed.) Cryptography, Proceedings, Burg Feuerstein Conference 1982, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1983. Key Words: proceedings, general. BET-86 Beth, T., et al. (Eds.) Advances in Cryptology, Proceedings, Eurocrypt '85, Linz, Austria, April 1985, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 209 Springer- Verlag, New York, 1986 Key Words: proceedings, general. BET-88 Beth, T. "Efficient Zero-Knowledge Identication Scheme for Smart Cards," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 77-84. Key Words: authentication, zero. BEU-87 Beutelspacher, A. "Perfect and Essentially Perfect Authentication Schemes," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (8: CHA-88a), pp. 167-170. Key Words: authentication, methods. BLA-80 Blakely, G.R. "One Time Pads Are Key Safeguarding Schemes, Not Cryptosystems," Proc. 1980 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Priv., (5: IEE-80), pp. 108-113. Key Words: methods, keys. BLA-80a Blakely, G.R. "Safeguarding Cryptographic Keys," Proc. 1980 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Priv., (5: IEE- 80), pp. 108-113. Key Words: methods, keys, BLA-84 Blakely, G.R., and D.L. Chaum (Eds.) Advances in Cryptology: Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, August 1984, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., No. 196, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984. Key Words: proceedings, general. BLA-84a Blakely, G.R., and C. Meadows "Security of Ramp Schemes," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA- 84a), pp. 242-268. Key Words: analysis, methods. BLA-84b Blakely, G.R. "Information Theory Without the Finiteness Assumption, I: Cryptosystems as Group- Theoretic Objects," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 314-338. Key Words: analysis, theory. BLA-85 Blakely, G.R. "Information Theory Without the Finiteness Assumption, II: Unfolding the DES," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 282-337. Key Words: DES, analysis, theory. BLA-85a Blakely, G.R., C. Meadows, and G.B. Purdy "Fingerprinting Long Forgiving Messages," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 180-189. Key Words: methods, theory. BLA-86 Blakely, G.R., and R.D. Dixon "Smallest Possible Message Expansion in Threshold Schemes," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 266-274. Key Words: methods, theory. BLA-87 Blakely, G.R., and W. Rundell "Cryptosystems Based on an Analog of Heat Flow," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 306-329 Key Words: models, methods. BLO-82 Blom, R. "Non-Public-key Distribution," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 231-236. Key Words: keys, management. BLO-84 Blom, R. "An Upper Bound on the Key Equivocation for Pure Ciphers," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, 1984, pp. 82-84. Key Words: methods, theory. BLO-84a Blom, R. "An Optimal Class of Symmetric Key Generation Systems," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET- 85), pp. 335-338. Key Words: keys, theory. BLU-82 Blum, M. "Coin Flipping by Telephone," Proc., IEEE Spring Computer Conference, 1982, pp. 133-137. Key Words: protocols, case. BLU-83 Blum, M. "How to Exchange (Secret) Keys," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, May 1983, pp. 175-193. Key Words: protocols, keys. BLU-84 Blum, M., and S. Micali "How to Generate Cryptographically Strong Sequences of Pseudo-Random Bits," SIAM Journal of Computation, November 1984. Key Words: mathods, random. BLU-84a Blum, M., and S. Goldwasser "An Efficient Probabiliastic Public-Key Encryption Scheme which Hides All Partial Infromation," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 289-299. Key Words: algorithm, zero. BOO-85 Book, R.V., and F. Otto "The Verifiability of Two- Part Protocols," Proc. Eurocrypt '85, Linz, 1985, (8: PIC-86), pp. 254-260. Key Words: verification, protocols. BRA-81 Brassard, G. "A Time-Luck Tradeoff in Relativized Cryptography," Journal of Computer and System Science, 1981, pp. 280-311. Key Words: methods, design. BRA-82 Brassard, G. "On Computationally Secure Authentication Tags Requiring Short Shared Keys," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 79-85. Key Words: authentication, keys. BRA-83 Brassard, G. "A Note on the Complexity of Cryptography," IEEE Trans. on Informat. Theory, November 1983, pp. 232-233. Key Words: complexity, theory. BRA-83a Brassard, G. "Relativized Cryptography," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, 1983, pp. 877-894. Key Words: methods, general. BRA-86 Brassard, G., and C. Crepeau "Non-Transitive Transfer of Confidence: A Perfect Zero- Knowledge Interactive Protocol for SAT and Beyond," Proceedings, 27th IEEE Annual Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science, 1986, pp. 188-195. Key Words: protocols, zero. BRA-86a Brassard, G., C. Crepeau, and J.-M. Robert "All-Or-Nothing Disclosure of Secrets," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 234-238. Key Words: methods, theory. BRA-88 Brandt, J., I.B. Damgard, and P. Landrock "Anonymous and Verifiable Registration in Databases," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 167- 76. Key Words: authentication, methods, theory. BRA-88a Brassard, G. Modern Cryptology: A Tutorial, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 325, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1988 Key Words: book, general. BRA-90 Brassard, G. Advances in Cryptology, Proceedings of Crypto-89, Santa Barbara, CA, August 1989, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1990. Key Words: proceedings, general. BRI-82 Brickell, E.F. "A Fast Modular Multiplication Algorithm with Application to Two-Key Cryptography," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 51- 60. Key Words: RSA, techniques. BRI-82a Brickell, E.F., J.A. Davis, and G.J. Simmons "A Preliminary Report on the Cryptanalysis of Merkle- Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystems," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 289-301. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. BRI-83 Brickell.E.F. "Solving Low Density Knapsacks" Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA-84b), pp. 25-38. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. BRI-83a Brickell, E.F., and G.J. Simmons "A Status Report on Knapsack Based Public-key Cryptosystems," Congressus Numerantium, Vol. 37, 1983, pp. 3-72. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. BRI-84 Brickell, E.F. "A Few Results in Message Authentication" Congress Numerantium, December 1984, pp. 141-154. Key Words: authentication, methods, theory. BRI-84a Brickell, E.F. "Breaking Iterated Knapsacks," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 342- 358. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. BRI-85 Brickell, E.F., and J.M. DeLaurentis "An Attack on a Signature Scheme Proposed by Okamoto and Shiraishi," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL- 86), pp. 28-32. Key Words: analysis, signatures. BRI-86 Brickell, E.F., J.H. Moore, and M.R. Purtill "Structure in the S-Boxes of the DES," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 3-32. Key Words: DES, analysis. BRI-87 Brickell, e.F. "On Privacy Homomorphisms," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (8: CHA-88a), pp. 117- 125. Key Words: methods, theory. BRI-87a Brickell, E.F., et al. "Gradual and Verifiable Release of a Secret," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 156-166. Key Words: verification, methods. BRI-87b Brickell, E.F., P.J. Lee, and Y. Yacobi "Secure Audio Teleconference," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 418- 426. Key Words: techniques, design. BRI-88 Brickell, E.F., and A.M. Odlyzko "Cryptanalysis: A Survey of Recent Results," Proceedings of the IEEE, May 1988, pp. 578-593. Key Words: analysis, methods. BRI-88a Brickell, E.F., and D.R. Stinson "Authentication Codes with Multiple Arbitrers," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (8: CHA-88a), pp. 51- 55. Key Words: authentication, codes. BRI-89 Brickell, E.F., and D.M. Davenport "On the Classification of Ideal Secret Sharing Systems," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: BRA- 90), 1989. Key Words: methods, theory. BUC-82 Buck, R.C. "The Public Cryptography Study Group," Computers & Security, November 1982, pp. 249-254. Key Words: policy, research. BUC-88 Buchmann, J., and H.C. Williams "A Key-Exchange System Based on Imaginary Quadratic Fields," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1988, pp. 107-118. Key Words: methods, keys, theory. BUC-89 Buchmann, J.A., and H.C. Williams "A Key Exchange System Based on Real Quadratic Fields," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: BRA- 90), 1989. Key Words: methods, keys, theory. CAD-86 Cade, J.J. "A Modification of A Broken Public-Key Cipher," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 64-83. Key Words: methods, design. CAR-86 Carroll, J.M., and S. Martin "The Automated Cryptanalysis of Substitution Ciphers," Cryptologia, October 1986, pp. 193-209. Key Words: analysis, methods. CAR-87 Carroll, J.M., and L. Robbins "The Automated Cryptanalysis of Polyalphabetic Ciphers," Cryptologia, October 1987, pp. 193-205. Key Words: analysis, methods. CAR-88 Carroll, J.M., and L.E. Robbins "Using Binary Derivatives to Test an Enhancement of DES," Cryptologia, October 1988, pp. 193-208. Key Words: DES, evaluation. CHA-81 Chaum, D.L. "Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms," Communications of the ACM, February 1981, pp. 84-88. Key Words: methods, protocols. CHA-82 Chaum, D. "Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 199-203. Key Words: signatures, theory. CHA-83 Chaum, D., R.L. Rivest, and A.T. Sheridan (Eds.), Advances in Cryptology: Proc. of Crypto-82, Santa Barbara, CA, August 1982, Plenum Press, New York, 1983. Key Words: proceedings, general. CHA-84 Chaum, D. (Ed.), Advances in Cryptology: Proc. of Crypto-83, Sata Barbara, CA, August 1983, Plenum Press, New York, 1984. Key Words: proceedings, general. CHA-85 Chaum, D., and J.-H. Evertse "Cryptanalysis of DES with a Reduced Number of Rounds Sequences of Linear Factors in Block Ciphers," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 192-211. Key Words: DES, analysis, design. CHA-85a Chaum, D. "Security Without Identification: Transaction System to Make Big Brother Obsolete," Communications of the ACM, October 1985, pp. 1030-1044. Key Words: techniques, theory. CHA-86 Chaum, D., and J.-H. Evertse "A Secure and Privacy- Protecting Protocol for Transmitting Personal Infromation Between Organizations," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 118- 167. Key Words: protocols, design. CHA-86a Chaum, D. "Demonstrating the a Public Predicate Can Be Satisfied Without Revealing Any Infromation About How," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL- 87), pp. 195-199. Key Words: protocol, theory, zero. CHA-86b Chaum, D., et al. "Demonstrating Possession of a Discrete Logarithm Without Revealing It," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 200- 212. Key Words: protocol, theory, zero. CHA-87 Chaum, D., I.B. Damgard, and J. Van de Graaf "Multiparty Computations Ensuring of Each Party's Input and Correctness of the Result," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), Key Words: protocols, theory. CHA-87a Chaum, D. "Blinding for Unaticipated Signatures," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (CHA-88a), pp. 227-233. Key Words: signatures, methods. CHA-87b Chaum, D., J.-H. Evertse, and J. van de Graaf "An Improved Protocol for Demonstrating Posession of a Discrete Logarithm and Some Generalizations," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (CHA-88a), pp. 127- 141. Key Words: protocols, theory. CHA-88 Chaum, D., and W.L. Price (Eds.) Advances in Cryptology: Eurocrypt '87 Proceedings, Amsterdam, April 1987, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 304, Springer- Verlag, New York, 1988. Key Words: proceedings, general. CHA-88a Chaum, D. "The Dining Cryptographers Problem: Unconditional Sender and Receiver Untraceability," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1988, pp. 65-75. Key Words: protocols, theory. CHA-88b Chaum, D. "Elections with Unconditionally Secret Ballots and Disruption Equivalent to Breaking RSA," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 177-182. Key Words: RSA, protocols. CHA-89 Chaum, D. "Undeniable Signatues" Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: BRA-90), 1989. Key Words: signatures, methods. CHA-89a Chaum, D. "The Spymaster's Double- Agent Problem: Multiparty Computations Secure Unconditionally from All Minorities and Cryptographically from Majorities," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: BRA- 90), 1989. Key Words: protocols, theory. CHO-84 Chor, B. and R.L. Rivest "A Knapsack Type Public- key Cryptosystem Based on Arith metic in Finite Fields," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA- 84a), pp. 54-65. Key Words: methods, knapsack. CHO-85 Chor, B., et al. "Verifiable Secret Sharing and Achieving Simultaneity in the Presence of Faults," Proceedings, 26th IEEE Annual Symposium on the Foundations of Comp. Sci., 1985, pp. 383-395. Key Words: protocols, methods. CHO-88 Chor, B., and R.L. Rivest "A Knapsack-Type Public- key Cryptosystem Based on Arithmetic in Finite Fields," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, September 1988, pp. 901-909. Key Words: methods, knapsack, theory, public-key. CHO-89 Chor, B., and E. Kushilevitz "Secret Sharing over Infinite Domains," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989, (8: BRA-90). Key Words: methods, theory. CLJ-84 "Government and Cryptography," Computer/Law Journal, Winter 1984, pp. 573-603. Key Words: policy, research. COH-85 Cohen, J., and M. Fischer "A Robust and Verifiable Cryptographically Secure Election System," Proceedings, 26th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computing, 1985, pp. 372- 382. Key Words: methods, protocols. COO-80 Cooper, R.H. "Linear Transformations in Galois Fields and Their Applications to Cryptography," Cryptologia, Vol. 4, 1980, pp. 184-188. Key Words: algorithms, theory. COO-84 Cooper, R.H., W. Hyslop, and W. Patterson "An Application of the Chinese Remainder Theorem to Multiple-Key Encryption in Data Base Systems," Proc. IFIP/Sec. '84, Toronto, 1984, (2: FIN-85), pp. 553-556. Key Words: methods, theory. COP-84 Coppersmith, D. "Another Birthday Attack," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL- 86), pp. 14-17. Key Words: analysis, methods. COP-85 Coppersmith, D. "Cheating at Mental Poker," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL- 86), pp. 104-107. Key Words: threats, protocols. COP-87 Coppersmith, D. "Cryptography," IBM Journal of Research and Development, March 1987, pp. 244-248. Key Words: methods, general. COS-81 Costas, J.P. "The Hand-Held Calculator as a Cryptographic Terminal," Cryptologia, April 1981, pp. 94-117. Key Words: methods, hardware. CRE-85 Crepeau, C. "A Secure Poker Protocol that Minimizes the Effect of Player Coalitions," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 73-86. Key Words: methods, protocols. CRE-87 Crepeau, C. "Equivalence Between Two Flavors of Oblivious Transfer," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 350-354. Key Words: oblivious, theory. DAV-80 Davies, D.W., W.L. Price, and G.I. Parkin "Evaluation of Public-key Cryptosystems," Information Privacy (U.K.), March 1980, pp. 138-154. Key Words: evaluation, public-key. DAV-80a Davies, D.W., and D.A. Bell "Protection of Data by Cryptography," Information Privacy, (U.K.), May 1980, pp. 106-125. Key Words: techniques, case. DAV-82 Davies, D.W. "Some Regular Properties of Data Encryption Standard Algorithm," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 89-96. Key Words: DES, analysis. DAV-82a Davies, D.W., and G.I.P. Parkin "The Average Cycle Size of the Key Stream in Output Feedback Encipherment," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA- 83b), pp. 97-98. Key Words: DES, analysis. DAV-82b Davida, G.I., and Y.Yeh "Cryptographic Relational Algebra," Proc. 1982 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-82), 1982, pp. 111-116 Key Words: algorithms, theory. DAV-83 Davies, D.W. "Use of the `Signature Token' to Create a Negotiable Document, Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: CHA-84b), 1983, pp. 377-382. Key Words: signatuers, methods. DAV-83a Davis, J.A., and D.B. Holdridge "Factorization Using the Quadratic Sieve Algorithm," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: CHA-84b), 1983, pp. 103-113. Key Words: analysis, techniques. DAV-83b Davio, M., et al., "Analytical Characteristics of the DES," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA-84b), pp. 171-202. Key Words: DES, analysis, methods. DAV-84 Davio, M., Y. Desmedt, and J.-J. Quisquater "Propagation Characteristics of the DES" Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET- 85), pp. 62-73. Key Words: DES, analysis. DAV-84a Davis, J.A., D.B. Holdridge, and G.J. Simmons "Status Report on Factoring (At the Sandia Laboratories)," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 183- 215. Key Words: RSA, analysis, methods. DAV-87 Davida, G.I., and G.G. Walter "A Public-key Analog Cryptosystem," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (CHA-88a), pp. 144- 147. Key Words: methods, public- key. DAV-87a Davida, G.I, and B.J. Matt "Arbitration in Tamper Proof Systems," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 216-222. Key Words: signatures, methods. DAV-87b Davida, G.I., and F.B. Dancs "A Crypto-Engine," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 257-268. Key Words: methods, design. DAV-88 Davis, J.A, and D.B. Holdridge "Factorization of Large Integers on a Massively Parallel Computer," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 235-243. Key Words: analyis, techniques. DEA-87 Deavours, C.A., Cryptology Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Artech House, Norwood, MA, 1987. Key Words: book, general. DEA-89 Deavours, C.A., et al. (Eds.) Cryptology: Machines, History, and Methods, Artech House, Norwood, MA, 1989. Key Words: book, general. DEJ-85 deJonge, W., and D. Chaum "Attacks on Some RSA Signatures," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 18-27. Key Words: RSA, analysis, signatures. DEJ-86 de Jonge, W., and D. Chaum "Some Variations on RSA Signatures & Their Security," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL- 87), pp. 49-59. Key Words: RSA, signatures. DEL-84 DeLAurentis, J.M. "A Further Weakness in the Common Modulus Protocol for the RSA Cryptoalgorithm," Cryptologia, July 1984, pp. 253-259. Key Words: RSA, analysis, threats, protocols. DEL-84a Delsarte, P., et al. "Fast Cryptanalysis of Matsumoto-Imai Public-key Scheme," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET- 85), pp. 142-149. Key Words: analysis, public- key. DEM-82 DeMillo, R., N. Lynch, and M. Merritt "Cryptographic Protocols," Proc., 14th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computation, 1982, pp. 383-400. Key Words: protocols, general. DEM-83 DeMillo, R.A., et al. "Applied Cryptology, Cryptographic Protocols, and Computer Security Models," Proceedings, 29th Symposium on Applied Mathematics, American Mathematical Soc., 1983. Key Words: models, protocols. DEM-83a DeMillo, R., and M. Merritt "Protocols for Data Security," IEEE Computer, February 1983, pp. 39-50. Key Words: protocols, general. DEN-82 Denning, D.E. Cryptography and Data Security, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1982. Key Words: book, methods, models. DEN-83 Denning, D.E., "The Many-Time Pad: Theme and Variations," Proc. 1983 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Priv., (5: IEE-83a), pp. 23-30. Key Words: techniques, case. DEN-84 Denning, D.E. "Digital Signatures with RSA and Other Public-Key Cryptosystems," Communications of the ACM, April 1984, pp. 388- 392. Key Words: RSA, signatures. DEN-88 Den Boer, B. "Cryptanalysis of F.E.A.L.," Proc. Crypto '88, Santa Barbara, CA, 1988, pp. 293- 299. Key Words: analysis, algorithm. DES-84 Desmedt, Y.G., et al. "A Critical Analysis of Security of Knapsack Public- key Algorithms," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, July 1984, pp. 601-611. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. DES-84a Desmedt, Y., et al. "Dependence of Output on Input in DES: Small Avalanche Characteristics," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA- 84a), pp. 359-376. Key Words: DES, design, analysis. DES-85 Desmedt, Y. "Unconditionally Secure Authentication Schemes and Practical and Theoretical Consequences," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 42- 55. Key Words: authentication, theory. DES-85a Desmedt, Y., and A.M. Odlyzko "A Chosen Text Attack on the RSA Cryptosystem and Some Discrete Logarithm Schemes," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 516-522. Key Words: RSA, analysis, threats. DES-86 Desmedt, Y., and J.-J. Quisquater "Public-Key Systems Based on the Difficulty of Tampering," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 111- 117. Key Words: public-key, design. DES-86a Desmedt, Y. "Is There A Ultimate Use of Cryptography?," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 459- 463. Key Words: policy, general. DES-87 De Santis, A., S. Micali, and G. Persiano "Non-Interactive Zero- Knowledge Proof Systems," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM- 88), pp. 52-72 Key Words: theory, zero. DES-87a Desmedt, Y.G., et al. "Special Uses and Abuses of the Fiat-Shamir Passport Protocol" Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 21-39 Key Words: thretas, protocols. DES-87b Desmedt, Y.G. "Society and Group Oriented Cryptography: A New Concept," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 120-127. Key Words: policy, methods. DES-88 Desmedt, Y.G. "Subliminal-Free Authentication and Signature," Proc. Crypto '88, Santa Barbara, CA, 1988, pp. 23-33. Key Words: authentication, methods. DES-88a De Soete, M. "Some Constructions for Authentication-Secrecy Codes," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 57-75. Key Words: authentication, codes. DES-89 Desmedt, Y.G. "Making Conditionally Secure Cryptosystems Unconditionally Abuse-Free in a General Context," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: BRA-90), 1989. Key Words: methods, design. DIF-81 Diffie, W. "Cryptographic Technology: Fifteen Year Forecast," Proc. Crypto '81, Santa Barbara, CA, 1981, (8: GER-82), pp. 84-108. Key Words: methods, gneral. DIF-88 Diffie, W. "The First Ten Years of Public-Key Cryptography," Proceedings of the IEEE, May 1988, pp. 560-577. Key Words: public-key, methods. DOL-81 Dolev, D., A.C. Yao "On the Security of Public Key Protocols," Proc., 22nd Annual Symp. on the Foundations of Comp. Sci., 1981. Key Words: analysis, public- key. DOL-82 Dolev, D., and A. Wigderson "On the Security of Multi- Party Protocols in Distributed Systems," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 167-175. Key Words: analysis, protocols. DOL-82a Dolev, D., S. Even, and R.M. Karp "On the Security of Ping- Pong Algorithms," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 177-186. Key Words: analysis, algorithms. DOL-83 Dolev, D., and A.C. Yao "On the Security of Public- key Protocols," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, March 1983, pp. 198-208. Key Words: analysis, protocols. EIE-83 Eier, R., and H. Lagger "Trapdoors in Knapsack Cryptosystems," Proc. Burg Feuerstein Conf., 1982, (8: BET-83), pp. 316-322. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. ELG-82 ElGamal, T. "A Public-key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 10- 18. Key Words: methods, signatures. ELG-85 ElGamal, T. "A Public-key Cryptosystem and Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, July 1985, pp. 469- 472. Key Words: methods, signatures. ELK-83 El-Kateeb, A., and S. Al-Khayatt "Public-key Cryptosystems," Information Age (UK), October 1983, pp. 232-237. Key Words: publi-key, general. ESC-84 Escobar, C.B. "Nongovernmental Cryptology and National Security: The Government Seeking to Restrict Research," Computer/Law Journal, Winter 1984, pp. 573-603. Key Words: policy, research. EST-85 Estes, D., et al. "Breaking the Ong-Schorr- Shamir Signature Scheme for Quadratic Number Fields," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL- 86), pp. 3-13. Key Words: analysis, signatures. EVE-82 Even, S., O. Goldreich, and A. Lempel "A Randomized Protocol for Signing Contracts" Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 205-210. Key Words: signatures, random, protocols. EVE-85 Even, S., O. Goldreich, and A. Shamir "On the Security of Ping- Pong Protocols when Implemented Using the RSA," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 58-72. Key Words: RSA, analysis, protocols. EVE-85a Even, S., and O. Goldreich "On the Power of Cascade Ciphers," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, 1985, pp. 108-116. Key Words: evaluation, methods. EVE-85b Even, S., O. Goldreich, and A. Lempel "A Randomized Protocol for Signing Contracts," Communications of the ACM, June 1985, pp. 637- 647. Key Words: siagnatures, random. EVE-87 Evertse, J.-H. "Linear Structures in Block Ciphers," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (CHA-88a), pp. 249-266. Key Words: analysis, methods. EVE-89 Even, S., O. Goldreich, and S. Micali "On Line/Off Line Digital Signatures," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: BRA- 90), 1989. Key Words: signatures, methods. FAM-83 Fam, B.W. "Improving the Security of Exponential Key Exchange," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA- 84b), pp. 359-368. Key Words: methods, keys. FEI-85 Feigenbaum, J. "Encrypting Problem Instances," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 477-488. Key Words: methods, theory. FEI-88 Feige, U., A. Fiat, and A. Shamir "Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Identity," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1988, pp. 77-94. Key Words: authentication, zero. FEL-85 Fell, H., and W.Diffie "Analysis of a Public-key Approach Based on Polynomial Substitution," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL- 86), pp. 340-349. Key Words: analysis, public- key. FEL-87 Feldman, P. "A Practical Scheme for Non-Interactive Verifiable Secret Sharing," Proc., 28th IEEE Annual Symp. on the Foundation of Comp. Science, 1987, pp. 427-437. Key Words: methods, protocols. FIA-86 Fiat, A., and A. Shamir "How to Prove Yourself: Practical Solutions to Identification and Signature Problems," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 186-194. Key Words: signatures, methods. FIS-81 Fischer, E. "Measuring Cryptographic Performance with Production Processes," Cryptologia, July 1981, pp. 158-162. Key Words: evaluation, methods. FOR-84 Fortune, S. "Poker Protocols," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 454-464. Key Words: protocols, case. FOS-82 Foster, C.C. Cryptanalysis for Microcomputers, Hayden Book Co., Rochelle Park, NJ, 1982. Key Words: book, PC, methods. GAL-85 Galil, Z., S. Haber, and M. Yung "Symmetric Public-Key Encryption," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 128- 137. Key Words: public-key, methods. GAL-85a Galil, Z., S. Haber, and M. Yung "A Private Interactive Test of a Boolean Predicate and Minimum-Knowledge Public- Key Cryptosystems," Proc., 26th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computing, 1985, pp. 360-371 Key Words: evaluation, public-key. GEO-89 Georgiu, G. "A Method to Strengthen Ciphers," Cryptologia, April 1989, pp. 151. Key Words: methods, techniques. GER-82 Gersho, A. (Ed.) Advances in Cryptology: A Report on Crypto 81, August 1981, ECE Rept. No. 82-02, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, August 20, 1982. Key Words: proceedings, methods. GIF-82 Gifford, D.K. "Cryptographic Sealing for Information Security and Authentication," Communications of the ACM, April 1982, pp. 274- 286. Key Words: authentication, methods. GIR-88 Girault, M., R. Cohen, and M. Campana "A Generalized Birthday Attack," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 129-156. Key Words: analysis, threat. GOD-85 Godlewski, P., and G.D. Cohen "Some Cryptographic Aspects of Womcodes," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 458- 467. Key Words: methods, codes. GOL-82 Goldwasser, S., S. Micali, and A. Yao "On Signatures and Authentication," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 211-215. Key Words: signatures, GOL-82a Goldwasser, S., and S. Micali "Probabilistic Encryption and How to Play Mental Poker Keeping Secret All Partial Information," Proceedings, 14th Annual ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, May 1982, pp. 365-377. Key Words: methods, protocols. GOL-82b Goldwasser, S., S. Micali, and P. Tong "How to Establish a Private Code on a Public Network," Proceedings, 23d Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computing, 1982, pp. 134-144. Key Words: methods, codes. GOL-83 Goldreich, O. "A Simple Protocol for Signing Protocols," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA-84b), pp. 133-135. Key Words: signatures, protocols. GOL-83a Goldwasser, S., S. Micali, and A. Yao "Strong Signature Schems," Proc., 15th Annual ACM Symp. on Theory of Comp., 1983, pp. 431-439. Key Words: methods, signatures. GOL-84 Goldreich, O., S. Goldwasser, and S. Micali "On the Cryptographic Applications of Random Functions," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 276-288. Key Words: methods, random. GOL-84a Goldreich, O. "On Concurrent Identification Protocols," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET- 85), pp. 387-396. Key Words: methods, protocols. GOL-84b Goldwasser, S., and S. Micali "Probabilistic Encryption," Journal of Comp. and System Science, April 1984, pp. 270- 299. Key Words: methods, theory. GOL-85 Goldwasser, S., S. Micali, and R.L. Rivest "A `Paradoxical' Solution to the Signature Problem," Proc., 25d Annual IEEE Symp.on Found. of Comp., 1984, pp. 441-448. Key Words: signatures, theory. GOL-86 Goldreich, O. "Two Remarks Concerning the Goldwasser-Micali-Rivest Signature Scheme" Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 104-110. Key Words: analysis, signatures. GOL-86a Goldreich, O., S. Micali, and A. Wigderson "How to Prove All NP Statements in Zero- Knowledge and Methodology of Cryptographic Protocol Design," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 171-185. Key Words: protocols, zero. GOL-86b Goldreich, O. "Toward a Theory of Software Protection," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 426-439. Key Words: software, theory. GOL-87 Goldreich, O. "Towards a Theory of Software Protection and Simulation by Oblivious RAMs," Proceedings, 19th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1987, pp. 182- 194. Key Words: theory, software. GOL-87a Goldreich, O., and R. Vainish "How to Solve a Protocol Problem: An Efficiency Improvement," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 73- 86 Key Words: methods, protocols. GOL-89 Goldwasser, S., et al. "Efficient Identification Schemes Using Two Prover Interactive Proofs," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, (8: BRA-90), 1989. Key Words: authentication, methods. GOO-84 Goodman, R.M.F., and A.J. McAuley "A New Trapdoor Knapsack Public-key Cryptosystem," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 150- 158. Key Words: public-key, knapsack. GOR-81 Gordon, J.A. "Towards a Design for Cryptosecure Susbstitution Boxes," Proc. Crypto '81, Santa Barbara, CA, 1981, (8: GER-82), pp. 53-63. Key Words: methods, design. GRO-84 Groscot, H. "Estimation of Some Encryption Functions Implemented into Smart Cards," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 470-479. Key Words: analysis, methods. GUA-87 Guam, P. "Cellular Automaton Public Key Cryptosystem," Complex Systems, 1987, pp. 51-56. Key Words: methods, case. GUI-88 Guillou, L.C., and J. Quisquater "A Practical Zero-Knowledge Protocol Fitted to Security Microprocessor Minimizing Both Transmission and Memory," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN- 89), pp. 123-128. Key Words: design protocols, zero. GUI-89 Guillou, L., et al. "Public-Key Techniques: Randomness and Redundancy," Cryptologia, April 1989, pp. 167. Key Words: public-key, random GUN-88 Gunther, C.G. "A Universal Algorithm for Homophonic Coding," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 405-414. Key Words: algorithms, coding. GUN-89 Gunther, C.G. Advances in Cryptology: Eurocrypt '88 Proceedings, Davos, Switzerland, May 1988, Lecture Notes in Comp. Science No. 330, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989. Key Words: proceedings, general. HAR-83 Harari, S. "Secret Sharing Systems in Digital Communications," in Longo, G. (Ed.), Secure Digital Systems, Springer, Wien, 1983, pp. 105-110. Key Words: techniques, design. HAR-84 Harari, S. "Non-Linear Non- Commutative Functions for Data Integrity," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 25-32. Key Words: integrity, theory. HAR-89 Harn, L., and T. Keisler "Two New Efficient Cryptosystems Based on Rabin's Scheme: Alternatives to the RSA Cryptosystem," Proc. 5th Security Applicat. Conf., (4: IEE-89c), 1989, pp. 254-262. Key Words: methods, public- key. HEL-80 Hellman, M.E. "A Cryptoanalytic Time- Memory Tradeoff," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, July 1980, pp. 401-406. Key Words: analysis, design. HEL-81 "On the Necessity of Cryptoanalytic Exhaustive Search," Proc. Crypto '81, Santa Barbara, CA, 1981, (8: GER-82), pp. 1-5. Key Words: analysis, methods. HEL-82 Hellman, M.E., and J.M. Reyneri "Distribution of Drainage in DES," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 129-131. Key Words: DES, design, methods. HEN-81 Henry, P.S. "Fast Encryption Algorithm for the Knapsack Cryptographic System," Bell System Technical Journal, May-June 1981, pp. 767-773. Key Words: algorithm, knapsack. HEP-86 Hepshey, J.E., R.K. Yarlanda Data Encryption and Protection, Plenum Press, New York, 1986. Key Words: book, general. HER-83 Herlestam, T. "On the Complexity of Certain Crypto Generators," Proc. IFIP/Sec. '83, Stockholm, 1983, (2: FAK- 83), pp. 305-308. Key Words: complexity, methods. HUA-88 Huang, Y.J., and F. Cohen "Some Weak Points of One Fast Cryptographic Checksum Algorithm and Its Improvement," Computers & Security, October 1988, pp. 503-505. Key Words: vulnerabilities, algorithms, check-sum. IMP-87 Impagliazzo, R., and M. Yung "Direct Minimum-Knowledge Computations," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 40- 51 Key Words: methods, zero. ING-81 Ingemarsson, I., and C.K. Wong "A User Authentication Scheme for Shared Data Based on a Trap-Door One- Way Function," Information Processing Letters, April 13, 1981, pp. 63-67. Key Words: authentication, trap-door, methods. ING-82 Ingemarsson, I., D.T. Tang, and C.K. Wong "A Conference Key Distribution System" IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, 1982, pp. 714-720. Key Words: methods, keys, case. JAM-86 James, N.S., R. Lidl, and H. Niederreiter "Breaking the Cade Cipher," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL- 87), pp. 60-63. Key Words: analysis, case. JAM-88 Jamnig, P. "Securing the RSA- Cryptosystem Against Cycling Attacks," Cryptologia, July 1988, pp. 159-164. Key Words: RSA, analysis, threats. JAN-82 Janardan, R., and K.B. Lakshmanan "A Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on the Matrix Cover NP-Complete Problem," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 21-37. Key Words: public-key, methods. JAN-87 Jansen, C.J.A., and D.E. Boekee "Modes of Block Cipher Algorithms and Their Protection Against Active Eavesdropper," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (8: CHA-88a), pp. 281- 286. Key Words: therats, methods, algorithms. JIN-88 Jingmin, H., and L. Kaicheng "A New Probabilistic Encryption Scheme," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 413-418. Key Words: methods, design. JOR-81 Jordan, J.P. "A Variant of a Public-key Cryptosystem Based on Goppa Codes," Proc. Crypto '81, Santa Barbara, CA, 1981, (8: GER-82), pp. 25- 30. Key Words: methods, public- key. JOR-87 Jorissen, F., J. Vandewalle, and R. Govaerts "Extension of Brickell's Algorithm for Breaking High Density Knapsacks," Proc. Eurocrypt '87, Amsterdam, 1987, (8: CHA-88a), pp. 109- 115. Key Words: analysis, algorithms. JUE-82 Jueneman, R.R. "Analysis of Certain Aspects of Output Feedback Mode," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA- 83b), pp. 99-127. Key Words: DES, analysis, design. JUE-83 Jueneman, R.R., S.M. Matyas, and C.H. Meyer, "Authentication with Manipulation Detection Codes," Proc. 1983 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Priv., (5: IEE- 83a), pp. 33-54. Key Words: authentication, codes. JUE-86 Juenemam, R.R. "A High Speed Manipulation Detection Code," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 327-346. Key Words: methods, codes, threats. JUR-83 Jurgensen, H., and D.E. Matthews "Some Results on the Information Theoretic Analyses of Cryptosystems," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA- 84b), pp. 303-356. Key Words: analysis, theory, design. KAH-80 Kahn, D. "Cryptography Goes Public," IEEE Communications Magazine, March 1980, pp. 19-28. Key Words: public-key, general. KAH-82 Kahn, D. "The Grand Lines of Cryptology's Development," Computers & Security, November 1982, pp. 245- 248. Key Words: methods, general. KAH-84 Kahn, D. Kahn on Codes, Macmillan, New York, 1984. Key Words: book, general. KAH-84a Kahn, D. "Cryptology and the Origins of Spread Spectrum," IEEE Spectrum, September 1984, pp. 70-80 Key Words: methods, general. KAK-83 Kak, S.C. "Joint Encryption and Error Correction," Proc. 1983 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-83a), pp. 55-60. Key Words: methods, codes. KAK-84 Kak, S.C. "On the Method of Puzzles for Key Distribution," Internat. Journal of Computer and Information Science, April 1984, pp. 103-109. Key Words: methods, keys. KAL-84 Kaliski, B.S. "Wyner's Analog Encryption Scheme: Results of a Simulation," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 83- 94. Key Words: KAL-85 Kaliski, B.S., Jr., R.L. Rivest, and A.T. Sherman "Is the Data Encryption Standard a Group?," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1988, pp. 3-36. Key Words: DES, design, theory. KAL-85a Kaliski, B.S. Jr, R.L. Rivest and A.T. Sherman "Is DES a Pure Cipher?," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL- 86), pp. 212-226. Key Words: DES, design, theory. KAR-83 Karnin, E.D., et al. "On Secret Sharing Systems," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, 1983, pp. 35-41. Key Words: methods, general. KAR-84 Karnin, E.D. "A Parallel Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem," IEEE Trans. on Computers, May 1984, pp. 404-408. Key Words: algorithm, knapsack. KES-88 Kesim, S.N. "Encryption: Security with Ciphers," Security Management, October 1988, pp. 45-47. Key Words: methods, general. KOB-87 Koblitz, N. A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography, Springer, New York, 1987. Key Words: book, general. KOB-87a Koblitz, N. "Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems," Mathematics of Computation, 1987, pp. 203-209. Key Words: methods, theory. KOB-89 Koblitz, N. "Hyperelliptic Cryptosystem," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1989, pp. 139-150. Key Words: methods, theory. KON-80 Konheim, A.G., et al. "The IPS Cryptographic Programs," IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1980, pp. 153-283. Key Words: methods, software. KON-81 Konheim, A.G. Cryptography - A Primer, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1981. Key Words: book, general. KON-84 Konheim, A.G. "Cryptanalysis of ADFGVX Encryption Systems," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 339-341. Key Words: analysis, method, case. KOT-84 Kothari, S.C. "Generalized Linear Threshold Scheme," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 231-241. Key Words: methods, theory. KOY-87 Koyama, K., and K. Ohta "Identity-Based Conference Key Distribution Systems," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM- 88), pp. 175-184. Key Words: methods, keys. KOY-88 Koyama, K., and K. Ohta "Security of Improved Identity-Based Key Distribution System," Proc. Eurocrypt-87, pp. 11-19. Key Words: methods, keys. KRA-86 Kranakis, E. Primality and Cryptography, Wiley, New York, 1986. Key Words: book, general. KUR-88 Kurosawa, K., T. Ito, and M. Takeuchi "Public Key Cryptosystem Using a Reciprocal Number with the Same Intractability as Factoring a Large Number," Cryptologia, October 1988, pp. 225-233. Key Words: methods, public- key. LAG-83 Lagarias, J.C. "Knapsack Public Key Cryptosystems and Diophantine Approximations," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA- 84b), pp. 4-23. Key Words: public-key, knapsack. LAI-89 Laih, C.-S., et al. "Linearly Shift Knapsack Public Key Cryptosystem," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, May 1989, pp. 534-539. Key Words: methods, knapsack. LAK-83 Laksmivarahan, S. "Algorithms for Public-Key Cryptosystems: Theory and Applications," in M. Yovits, (Ed.), Advances in Computers, Vol. 22, Academic Press, New York, 1983, pp. 45-108. Key Words: public-key, methods. LAM-81 Lamport, L. "Pasword Authentication with Insecure Communications," Communications of the ACM, November 1981, pp. 770-772. Key Words: authentication. LEE-88 Lee, P.J., and E.F. Brickell "An Observation on the Security of McElice's Public- Key Cryptosystem, Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988 (8: GUN-89), pp. 275-280. Key Words: analysis, public- key. LEI-84 Leighton, A.C., and S.M. Matyas "The History of Book Ciphers," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 101-113. Key Words: methods, general. LEN-81 Lennon, R.E., et al. "Cryptographic Authentication of Time-Invariant Quantities," IEEE Trans. on Communications, June 1981, pp. 773-777. Key Words: authentication. LEU-84 Leung, A.K. "Sequenec Complexity as a Test for Cryptographic Systems," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 468-474. Key Words: methods, complexity. LEV-85 Levin, L. "One-Way Functions and Pseudo-random Generators," Proc., 17th Annual ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, 1985, pp. 363- 365. Key Words: Methods, one- way, LEV-87 Levine, J., and R. Chandler "Some Further Applications of Permutation Polynomials," Cryptologia, October 1987, pp. 211-218. Key Words: methods, theory. LID-83 Lidl, R., and W.B. Muller "Permutation Polynomials in RSA Cryptosystems," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA-84b), pp. 293-301. Key Words: RSA, methods, theory. LID-84 Lidl, R. "On Cryptosystems Based on Polynomials and Finite Fields," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 10-15. Key Words: methods, theory. LON-82 Longpre, L. "The Use of Public-Key Cryptography for Signing Checks," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 187-197. Key Words: signatures, public-key. LUB-87 Luby, M., and C. Rackoff "A Study of Password Security," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 392-397. Key Words: methods, general. MAD-84 Madryga, W.E. "A High Performance Encryption Algorithm," Proc. IFIP/Sec. '84, Toronto, 1984, (2: FIN-85), pp. 557-570. Key Words: methods, algorithm. MAG-89 Magliveras, S.S., and N.D. Memon "Algebraic Properties of the PGM Cryptosystem" Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989 (8: BRA-89). Key Words: methods, theory, case. MAS-84 Massey, J.L., and R.A. Rueppel "Linear Ciphers and Random Sequence Generators with Multiple Clocks," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 74-87. Key Words: methods, design. MAS-88 Massey, J.L. "An Introduction to Contemporary Cryptology," Proceedings of the IEEE, May 1988, pp. 533-549. Key Words: methods, theory, general. MAT-86 Matyas, S.M. "Public Key Registration," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL- 87), pp. 451-458. Key Words: methods, public- key. MAT-88 Matsumoto, T., and H. Imai "Public Quadratic Polynomial-Tuples for Efficient Signature Verification and Message Encryption," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN- 89), pp. 419-453. Key Words: methods, signatures. MCC-88 McCurley, K.S. "A Key Distribution System Equivalent to Factoring," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1988, pp. 95-105. Key Words: methods, keys, case. MCE-81 McElicie, R.J., and D.V. Sarwate "On Sharing Secrets and Reed-Solomon Codes," Communications of the ACM, September 1981, pp. 583-584. Key Words: theory, codes. MEA-87 Meadows, C., and D. Mutchler "Matching Secrets in the Absence of a Continuously Available Trusted Authority," IEEE Trans. on Software Engr., February 1987, pp. 289-292. Key Words: methods, protocols. MEA-88 Meadows, C., "Some Threshold Schemes Without Central Key Distribution," Proc. Crypto '88, Santa Barbara, CA, 1988 (8: GOL-89b). Key Words: methods, keys. MEI-82 Meijer, H., and S. Akl "Digital Signature Schemes," Cryptologia, October 1982, pp. 329-338 Key Words: methods, signatures. MEI-85 Meijer, H., and S. Akl "Two New Secret Key Cryptosystems," Proc. Eurocrypt '85, Linz, 1985, (8: PIC-86), pp. 96-102. Key Words: methods, algorithms. MEI-88 Meier, W., and O. Staffelbach "Fast Correlation Attacks on Stream Ciphers," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 301-314. Key Words: analysis, methods. MEI-89 Meier, W., and O. Staffelbach "Fast Correlation Attacks on Certain Stream Ciphers," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1989, pp. 159-176. Key Words: analysis, methods. MER-80 Merkle, R.C. "Protocols for Public Key Cryptosystems," Proc. 1980 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-80), pp. 122-134. Key Words: protocols, public-key. MER-81 Merkle, R.C. "On the Security of Multiple Encryptions," Communications of the ACM, July 1981, pp. 465- 467. Key Words: analysis, methods. MER-82 Merritt, M. "Key Reconstruction," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 321-375. Key Words: methods, keys, design. MER-82a Merkle, R.C. Security, Authentication, and Public-Key Systems, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1982. Key Words: book, public- key. MER-87 Merkle, R.C. "A Digital Signature Based on a Conventional Encryption Function," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 369-378. Key Words: methods, signatures. MER-89 Merkle, R.C. "A Certified Digital Signature," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989, (8: BRA-89). Key Words: signatures, case. MER-89a Merkle, R.C. "One Way Hash Functions and the DES," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989, (8: BRA-89). Key Words: DES, methods, design. MEY-82 Meyer, C.H., and S.M. Matyas Cryptography - A New Dimension in Computer Data Security, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982. Key Words: book, general, theory, methods, keys. MIC-86 Micali, S., et al. "The Notion of Security for Probabilistic Cryptosystems," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL- 87), pp. 381-392. Key Words: methods, theory. MIC-89 Micali, S. "Digital Signatures: The Evolution of a Fundamental Primitive," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989, (8: BRA-89). Key Words: signatures, theory. MIL-85 Miller, V.S. "Use of Elliptic Curves in Cryptography," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 415- 426. Key Words: methods, theory. MOO-85 Moore, T.E., and S.E. Tavares "A Layered Approach to the Design of Private Key Cryptosystems," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 227- 245. Key Words: methods, design, case. MOO-86 Moore, J.H., and G.J. Simmons "Cycle Structures of the DES with Weak and Semiweak Keys," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 187-205. Key Words: DES, analysis, design. MOO-87 Moore, J.H., and G.J. Simmons "Cycle Structure of the DES for Keys Having Palindromic (or Anti-palindromic) Sequences of Keys," IEEE Trans. of Software Engr., February 1987, pp. 262-273. Key Words: DES, analysis, design. MOR-81 Morrison, D.R. "Subtractive Encryptors -- Alternatives to the DES," Proc. Crypto '81, Santa Barbara, CA, 1981, (8: GER- 82), pp. 42-52. Key Words: DES, methods, case. MUL-84 Mullin, A.A. "A Note on the Mathematics of Public-Key Cryptosystems," Computers & Security, February 1984, pp. 45-47. Key Words: public-key, theory. NIE-85 Niederreiter, H. "A Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on Shift Register Sequences," Proc. Eurocrypt '85, Linz, 1985, (8: PIC-86), pp. 35-39. Key Words: methods, public- key. OCO-87 O'Connor, L.J. and J. Seberry The Cryptographic Significance of the Knapsack Problem, Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1987. Key Words: book, knapsack, analysis, theory. ODL-84 Odlyzko, A.M. "Cryptanalytic Attacks on the Multiplicative Knapsack Cryptosystem and on Shamir's Fast Signature System, IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, July 1984, pp. 594-601. Key Words: analysis, knapsack, signatures. ODL-84a Odlyzko, A.M. "Discrete Logarithms in Finite Fields and Their Cryptographic Significance," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 225- 314. Key Words: methods, theory. ODL-87 Odlyzko, A.M., (Ed.) Advances in Cryptology, Proceedings of Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, August 1988, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 263, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1987. Key Words: proceedings, general. OKA-85 Okamoto, T., and A. Shiraishi "A Fast Signature Scheme Based on Quadratic Inequalities," Proc. 1985 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, 1985, (5: IEE-85), pp. 123- 133. Key Words: methods, signatures. OKA-85a Okamoto, E., and K. Nakamura "Lifetimes of Keys in Cryptographic Key Management Systems," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 246-259. Key Words: keys, management. OKA-86 Okamoto, E. "Proposal for Identity-Based Key Distribution Systems," Electronics Letters, Nov. 20, 1986, pp. 1283-1284. Key Words: methods, keys. OKA-87 Okamoto, E. "Key Distribution Systems Based on Identification Information," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 194- 202. Key Words: keys, management. OKA-88 Okamoto, E. "Substantial Number of Cryptographic Keys and Its Application to Encryption Design," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 361-373 Key Words: methods, keys, design. OKA-88a Okamoto, T. "A Digital Multisignature Scheme Using Bijective PublicKey Cryptosystems," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, November 1988, pp. 432-441. Key Words: methods, signatures. OKA-89 Okamoto, E., and K. Ohta "Disposable Zero-Knowledge Authentications and Their Application to Untraceable Electronic Cash," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989 (8: BRA-89). Key Words: methods, zero, design. ONG-83 Ong, H., and C.P. Schorr "Signatures through Approximate Representations by Quadratic Forms," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA-84b), pp. 117-132. Key Words: methods, signatures. ONG-84 Ong, H., C. Schnorr, and A. Shamir "Efficient Signature Schemes Based on Polynomial Equations," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 37-46. Key Words: methods, signatures. PAT-87 Patterson, W. Mathematical Cryptology for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians, Rowman & Littlefield, Totowa, NJ, 1987. Key Words: book, theory. PFI-87 Pfitzmann and M. Waidner "Networks Without User Observability," Computers & Security, April 1987, pp. 158-166. Key Words: methods, case. PIC-86 Pichler, F. (Ed.) Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Eurocrypt '85, Linz, Austria, April 1985, Lecture Notes in Comp. Science, No. 219, Springer- Verlag, New York, 1986. Key Words: proceedings, general. PIE-84 Pieprzyk, J.P. "Algebraical Structures of Cryptographic Transformations," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 16-24. Key Words: algorithms, theory. PIE-85 Pieprzyk, J.P. "On Public-Key Cryptosystems Built Using Polynomial Rings," Proc. Eurocrypt '85, Linz, 1985, (8: PIC-86), pp. 73-78. Key Words: methods, public- key. PIE-85a Pieprzyk, J.P., D.A. Rutowski "Modular Design of Information Encipherment for Computer Systems," Computers & Security, September 1985, pp. 211- 218. Key Words: methods, design. PIE-85b Pieprzyk, J.P., D.A. Rutkowski "Design of Public Key Cryptosystems Using Idempotent Elements," Computers & Security, December 1985, pp. 297-308. Key Words: design, public- key. PIP-89 Piper, F., and M. Walker "Linear Ciphers and Spreads," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1989, pp. 185-188. Key Words: methods, theory. POE-85 Poet, R. "The Design of Special- Purpose Hardware to Factor Large Integers," Computer Physics Communications, 1985, pp. 337-341. Key Words: analysis, hardware. POM-83 Pomerance, C., et al., "New Ideas for Factoring Large Integers," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA-84b), pp. 81- 86. Key Words: analysis, algorithms. POM-85 Pomerance, C. "The Quadratic Sieve Factoring Algorithm," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, (8: BET-85), pp. 169-182. Key Words: analysis, algorithms. POM-88 Pomerance, C., (Ed.) Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, August 1988, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 293, Springer, New York, 1988. Key Words: proceedings, general. POR-84 Porter, S. "Cryptology and Number Sequences: Pseudorandom, Random, and Perfectly Random," Computers & Security, February 1984, pp. 43-44. Key Words: algorithms, theory. PRE-89 Preneel, B., et al. "A Chosen Text Attack on the Modified Cryptographic Checksum Algorithm of Cohen and Huang," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989, (8: BRA-89). Key Words: analysis, checksum. PRO-84 Proctor, N. "A Self-Synchronizing Cascaded Cipher System with Dynamic Control of Error Propagation," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 174- 190. Key Words: methods, design. QUI-85 Quisquater, J.-J., Y. Desmedt, and M. Davio "The Importance of `Good' Key Scheduling Schemes (How to Make a Secure DES Scheme with <48-Bit Keys>?)," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 537-542. Key Words: DES, methods, design. QUI-87 Quisquater, J.-J. "Secret Distribution of Keys for Public-Key Systems," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM- 88), pp. 203-208. Key Words: public-key, keys. QUI-89 Quisquater, J., and J. Delescaille "How Easy Is Collision Search? New Results and Applications to DES," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989 (8: BRA-89). Key Words: DES, methods, design. QUI-89a Quisquater, J.-J., and K.Vedder "A Signature with Shared Verification Scheme," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989 (8: BRA-89). Key Words: verification, signature. QUI-89b Quisquater, J.-J., (Ed.) Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Eurocrypt- 89, Houthalen, Belgium, April 10-13, 1989, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989. Key Words: proceedings, gneral. RAO-84 Rao, T.R.N. "Joint Encryption and Error Correction Schemes," Proc., 11th Intern. Symp. on Comp. Arch., May 1984. Key Words: methods, codes. RAO-86 Rao, T.R.N., and K.-H. Nam "Private-Key Algebraic-Coded Cryptosystems," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 35- 48. Key Words: methods, codes. RAO-87 Rao, T.R.N. "On Struik-Tilburg Cryptanalysis of Rao-Nam Scheme," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 458-461. Key Words: analysis, methods, case. RAO-89 Rao, T.R.N., and K.H. Nam "Private-Key Algebraic-Code Encryptions," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, July 1989, pp. 829-833. Key Words: methods, codes. REE-84 Reeds, J.A., and J. Manferdelli "DES Has No Per Round Linear Factors," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 377- 389 Key Words: DES, analysis, design. RIT-81 Ritts, R.R. "Data Encryption Basics and the Cipher Feedback Method," Telecommunications, June 1981, pp. 39-44. Key Words: methods, theory. RIV-82 Rivest, R.L., and A.T. Sherman "Randomized Encryption Technique," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA-83b), pp. 145-163. Key Words: methods, design, random. RIV-84 Rivest, R.L., and A. Shamir "How to Expose an Eavesdropper," Communications of the ACM, April 1984, pp. 393- 395. Key Words: analysis, threat, methods. RUB-81 Rubin, F. "Decrypting a Stream Cipher Based on J-K Flip-Flops," Cryptologia, January 1981, pp. 51-57. Key Words: analysis, methods. RUB-87 Rubin, F. "Foiling an Exhaustive Key- Search Attack," Cryptologia, April 1987, pp. 102-107 Key Words: analysis, methods. RUE-86 Rueppel, R. Analysis and Design of Stream Ciphers, Springer Verlag, New York, 1986. Key Words: book, analysis, design. RUE-88 Rueppel, R. "Key Agreements Based on Function Composition," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 3-10. Key Words: methods, keys. RUG-84 Ruggiu, G. "Cryptology and Complexity Theories," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET- 85), pp. 3-9. Key Words: methods, complexity. SAL-88 Salomaa, A. "A Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on Language Theory," Computers & Security, February 1988, pp. 83-87. Key Words: methods, theory. SCH-84 Schnorr, C.P., and W. Alexi "RSA-bits are 0.5 + e Secure," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 113-126. Key Words: RSA, analysis, theory. SEB-89 Seberry, J., and J. Pieprzyk Cryptography: An Introduction to Computer Security, Prentice-Hall, New York, 1989 Key Words: book, general. SGA-83 Sgarro, A. "Error Probabilities for Simple Substitution Ciphers," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, 1983, pp. 190-198. Key Words: methods, analysis, theory. SGA-84 Sgarro,A. "Equivocations for Homophonic Ciphers," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 51-61. Key Words: methods, theory. SHA-80 Shamir, A. "The Cryptographic Security of Compact Knapsacks," Proc. 1980 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-80), pp. 94-98 Key Words: analysis, knapsack. SHA-80 Shamir, A.,,and R.E. Zippel "On the Security of the Merkle-Hellman Cryptographic Systems," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, May 1980, pp. 339- 340. Key Words: analysis, knapsack. SHA-81 Shamir, A., R.L. Rivest, and L. Adleman "Mental Poker," in Klarner, D.E. (Ed.), Mathematical Gardner, Wadsworth, NY, 1981, pp. 37-43. Key Words: methods, protocols. SHA-83 Shamir, A. "On Generation of Computationally Strong Pseudo-Random Sequences," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, May 1983, pp. 38- 44. Key Words: algorithms, random. SHA-84 Shamir, A. "A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Breaking the Basic Merkle-Hellman Cryptosystem," IEEE Trans. of Inform. Theory, September 1984, pp. 525-530. Key Words: analysis, algorithm, knapsack. SHA-84a Shamir, A. "Identity-Based Cryptosystems and Signature Schemes," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 45-53. Key Words: methods, signatures. SIE-84 Siegenthaler, T. "Correlation-Immunity of Nonlinear Combining Functions for Cryptographic Applications," IEEE Trans. of Inform. Theory, September 1984, pp. 776-780. Key Words: algorithms, theory. SIE-85 Siegenthaler, T. "Decrypting a Class of Sream Ciphers Using Ciphertext Only," IEEE Trans. on Computers, January 1985, pp. 81-85. Key Words: analysis, methods. SIM-80 Simmons, G.J. "Secure Communications in the Presence of Pervasive Deceit," Proc. 1980 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-80), pp. 84-93. Key Words: therats, methods. SIM-81 Simmons, G.J. "A System for Point-of-Sale or Access, User Authntication and Identification," Proc. Crypto '81, Santa Barbara, CA, 1981, (8: GER-82), pp. 31-37. Key Words: authentication. SIM-81a Simmons, G.J. "Half a Loaf Is Better than None: Some Novel Message Integrity Problems," Proc. 1981 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-81), pp. 65- 69. Key Words: authentication. SIM-82 Simmons, G.J., and D. Holdridge "Forward Search as a Cryptanalytic Tool Against Public Key Privacy Channel," Proc. 1982 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-82), pp. 117-128. Key Words:analysis, public- key. SIM-82a Simmons, G.J. "A Game Theory Model of Digital Message Authentication," Congressus Numerantium, 1982, pp. 413- 424. Key Words: authentication, models. SIM-83 Simmons, G.J. "The Prisoners' Problem and the Subliminal Channel," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA- 84b), pp. 51-67. Key Words: analysis, methods. SIM-83a Simmons, G.J. "Verification of Treaty Compliance Revisited," Proc. 1983 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-83a), pp. 61- 66. Key Words: verification, methods. SIM-84 Simmons, G.J. "Authentication Theory/Coding Theory," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 411-431. Key Words: authentication, codes, theory. SIM-84a Simmons, G.J. "The Subliminal Channel and Digital Signatures," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET-85), pp. 364-378. Key Words: theory, signaturtes SIM-84b Simmons, G.J. "Message Authentication: A Game on Hypergraphs," Congressus Numerantium, 1984, pp. 161-192. Key Words: models, authentication. SIM-85 Simmons, G.J. "A Secure Subliminal Channel (?)" Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 33- 41. Key Words: methods, theory. SIM-85a Simmons, G.J. "How to (Selectively) Broadcast a Secret," Proc. 1985 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-85), pp. 108-113. Key Words: methods, protocols. SIM-86 Simmons, G.J. "Cryptology," Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., Chigaco, IL, 1986, pp. 913-924B. Key Words: methods, general. SIM-87 Simmons, G.J. "An Impersonation-Proof Identity Verification Scheme," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 211-215. Key Words: authentication, case. SIM-87a Simmons, G.J. "A Natural Taxonomy for Digital Information Authentication Schemes," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM- 88), pp. 269-288 Key Words: authentication, theory. SIM-88 Simmons, G.J. "Authentication Codes that Permit Arbitration," Congressus Numerantium, March 1988, pp. 275-290. Key Words: authentication, codes. SIM-88a Simmons, G.J. "How to (Really) Share a Secret," Proc. Crypto '88, Santa Barbara, CA, 1988 (8: GOL-89b). Key Words: methods, protocols. SIM-88b Simmons, G.J., and G.B. Purdy "Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Identity and Veracity of Transaction Receipts," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 35. Key Words: protocols, zero. SIM-89 Simmons, G.J. "Prepositioned Shared Secret and/or Shared Control Schemes," Proc. Eurocrypt '89, Houthalen, 1989, (8: QUI-89). Key Words: methods, protocols. SIM-89a Simmons, G.J. "A Protocol to Provide Verifiable Proof of Identity and Unforgeable Transaction Receipts," IEEE J. Selected Areas in Comm., May 1989, pp. 435-447. Key Words: methods, protocols. SLO-82 Sloane, N.J.A. "Error-Correcting Codes and Cryptology, Part 1," Cryptologia, April 1982, pp. 128-153. Key Words: methods, codes. SLO-82a Sloane, N.J.A. "Error-Correcting Codes and Cryptology, Part 2," Cryptologia, July 1982, pp. 258-278. Key Words: methods, codes. SME-84 Smeets, B.J.M. "On the Use of the Binary Multiplying Channel in a Private Communication Channel," Proc. Eurocrypt '84, Paris, 1984, (8: BET- 85), 339-348. Key Words: methods, design. SME-85 Smeets, B. "A Comment on Niedereiter's Public-Key Cryptosystem," Proc. Eurocrypt '85, Linz, 1985, (8: PIC-86), pp. 40-42. Key Words: analysis, public- key. SPE-83 Spencer, M.E., and S.E. Tavares "A Layered Broadcast Cryptographic System," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA-84b), pp. 157-170. Key Words: methods, case. STI-87 Stinson, D.R., and S.A. Vanstone "A Combinatorial Approach to Threshold Schemes," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 330-339. Key Words: methods, keys. STI-87a Stinson, D.R. "A Construction of Authentication/Secrecy Codes from Certain Combinatorial Designs," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 255-366. Key Words: authentication, codes, design, case. STI-88 Stinson, D.R. "Some Constructions and Bounds for Authentication Codes," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1988, pp. 37-64. Key Words: authentication, theory design, codes. STI-88a Stinson, D.R. "A Construction for Authentication/Secrecy Codes from Certain Combinatorial Designs," Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1988, pp. 119-127. Key Words: authentication, codes, design, theory. STR-87 Struik, R. , and J. van Tilburg "The Rao-Nam Scheme in Insecure Against a Chosen Plaintext Attack," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 445-457. Key Words: analysis, case. TAN-87 Tanaka, H. "A Realization Scheme for the Identity-Based Cryptosystem," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 340- 349. Key Words: methods, design. TED-84 Tedrick, T. "Fair Exchange of Secrets," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA- 84a), pp. 434-438. Key Words: methods, protocols. TOM-86 Tompa, M., and H. Woll "How to Share a Secret With Cheaters," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 261-265. Key Words: methods, protocols. TSU-89 Tsujii, S., and T. Itoh "An ID-Based Cryptosystem Based on Discrete Logarithm Problem," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, May 1989, pp. 467-473. Key Words: methods, case. VAL-88 Vallee, B., et al. "How to Break Okamoto's Cryptosystem by Reducing Lattice Bases," Proc. Eurocrypt '88, Davos, 1988, (8: GUN-89), pp. 281-291. Key Words: analysis, methods. VAN-85 van Tilborg, J., and D.E. Boekee "Divergence Bounds on Key Encryption and Error Probability in Cryptanalysis," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL- 86), pp. 489-513. Key Words: methods, keys, theory. VAN-87 van de Graaf, J., and R. Peralta "A Simple and Secure Way to Show the Validity of Your Public Key," Proc. Crypto '87, Santa Barbara, CA, 1987, (8: POM-88), pp. 128- 134. Key Words: methods, public- key. VAN-88 van Tilborg, J. An Introduction to Cryptology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, 1988. Key Words: book, general. VAR-85 Varadharajan, V. "Extension of RSA Cryptosystems to Matrix Rings," Cryptologia, April 1985, pp. 140-153. Key Words: RSA, theory, case. VAR-85a Varadharajan, V. "Trapdoor Rings and Their Use in Cryptography," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 369-395. Key Words: methods, theory. WAG-84 Wagner, N.R. "A Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on the Word Problem," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 19-36. Key Words: methods, case. WAG-84a Wagner, N. "Search for Public-Key Cryptosystems," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 91- 98. Key Words: methods, public- key. WAG-85 Wagner, N.R., P.S. Putter, and M.R. Cain "Using Algorithms as Keys in Stream Ciphers," Proc. Eurocrypt '85, Linz, 1985, (8: PIC-86), pp. 149-155. Key Words: methods, keys. WAG-86 Wagner, N. "Large-Scale Randomization Techniques," Proc. Crypto '86, Santa Barbara, CA, 1986, (8: ODL-87), pp. 393- 404. Key Words: methods, random. WEB-85 Webster, A.F., and S.E. Tavares "On the Design of S-Boxes," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL- 86), pp. 523-534. Key Words: DES, analysis, design. WEI-83 Weingarten, F.W. "Controlling Cryptographic Publication," Computers & Security, Jan. 1983, pp. 41- 48. Key Words: policy, research. WIL-80 Williams, H.C. "A Modification of the RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem," IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, November 1980, pp. 726-729. Key Words: RSA, methods, design. WIL-82 Willett, M. "A Tutorial on Public Key Cryptosystems," Computer & Security, January 1982, pp. 72-79. Key Words: methods, public- key. WIL-84 Williams, H.C. "Some Public-Key Crypto- Functions As Intractable as Factorization," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 66- 70. Key Words: methods, public- key. WIL-85 Williams, H.C. "An M3 Public-Key Encryption Scheme," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 358-368. Key Words: methods, public- key. WIL-86 Williams, H. (Ed.) Advances in Cryptology, Proceedings of Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, August 1985, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 218, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986 Key Words: proceedings, general. WIN-82 Winternitz, R.S. "Security of a Keystream with Secret Initial Value," Proc. Crypto '82, Santa Barbara, CA, 1982, (8: CHA- 83b), pp. 133-137. Key Words: analysis, methods. WIN-83 Winternitz, R.S. "Producing a One-Way Hash Function from DES," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA-84b), pp. 203-207. Key Words: DES, methods, design. WIN-84 Winternitz, R.S. "A Secure One-Way Hash Function Built from DES," Proc. 1984 IEEE Symp. Sec., (5: IEE-84), pp. 121-126. Key Words: DES, methods, design. WIN-87 Winternitz, R., and M. Hellman "Chosen-Key Attacks on a Block Cipher," Cryptologia, January 1987, pp. 16-20. Key Words: analysis, methods. WOL-85 Wolfram, S. "Cryptography with Cellular Automata," Proc. Crypto '85, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985, (8: WIL-86), pp. 429-432. Key Words: methods, case. WUN-83 Wunderlich, M.C. "Factoring Numbers on the Massively Parallel Computer," Proc. Crypto '83, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983, (8: CHA-84b), pp. 87-102. Key Words: analysis, methods, hardware. WUN-83a Wunderlich, M.C. "Recent Advances in the Design and Implementation of Large Integer Factorization Algorithms," Proc. 1983 IEEE Symp. Sec. & Privacy, (5: IEE-83a), pp. 67-71. Key Words: analysis, algorithms. YAC-89 Yacobi, Y., and Z. Shmuley "On Key Distribution Systems," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989 (8: BRA-89). Key Words: methods, keys. YAG-85 Yagisawa, M. "A New Method for Realizing Public-Key Cryptosystems," Cryptologia, October 1985, pp. 360-371. Key Words: methods, public- key. YAM-86 Yamamoto, H. "On Secret Sharing Communication Systems with Two or Three Channels," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, May 1986. Key Words: methods, protocols. YAO-82 Yao, A.C. "Theory and Applications of Trapdoor Functions," Proc., 23d IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Comp. Science, November 1982, pp. 80-91. Key Words: methods, theory. YAO-82a Yao, A.C. "Protocol for Secure Computation," Proc., 23d IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, November 1982, pp. 160-164. Key Words: methods, protocols. YAO-86 Yao, A.C. "How to Generate and Exchange Secrets," Proc., 27th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, October 1986, pp. 162-167. Key Words: methods, protocols. YUK-89 Yu, K.W., and T.L. Yu "Data Encryption Based on Time Reversal Algorithms," The Computer Journal, (U.K.), June 1989, pp. 241- 245. Key Words: methods, algorithms. YUN-84 Yung, M. "Cryptoprotocols: Subscription to a Public Key, the Secret Blocking and the Multi-Player Mental Poker Game," Proc. Crypto '84, Santa Barbara, CA, 1984, (8: BLA-84a), pp. 439-453. Key Words: methods, protocols. ZHE-89 Zheng, Y., T. Matsumoto, and H. Imai "On the Construction of Block Ciphers and Not Relying on Any Unproved Hypotheses," Proc. Crypto '89, Santa Barbara, CA, 1989 (8: BRA-89). Key Words: methods, design. ZOR-87 Zorbette, G. "Breaking the Enemy's Code," IEEE Spectrum, September 1987, pp. 47-51. Key Words: analysis, methods. *********************************************************************** * End of segment 11 of 15 (SP 800-1) * ***********************************************************************