~~The Legend of Kyrandia~~ Walk-Thru Brought to you by SONiC ______________________________________________________________________________ PART I "The Amulet" Start out by picking up the GARNET and the NOTE from the table, READ note, pick up the apple from the Cualdron, pick up the saw from unde the table. You can now leave the house, after you have reached the ground, walk left 'till you reach the crying lake, PICK up a teardrop. Then walk right until you reach the tree, use teardrop on indentation, DON't Bother chasing the boy. Then walk right till you can't and walk up till you reach the cathedral, go inside, show BRYNN the note and she'll ask you to get a rose. Leave the cathedral and walk down, right, right, right, right, up, get small gem from boy (NOTE: PICK UP ALL GEMS THAT YOU RUN INTO). after you get the gem, go right till you reach the ALTAR, pick up rose and use the small gem with the altar. Go back to the cathedral and give BRYNN the ROSE, she will change the rose into a silver rose and ask you to put it on the ALTAR, so you go back to the ALTAR and use rose with altar. YOU NOW HAVE THE AMULET!! PART ][ "Healing Power" Go left from the altar, and down, down, down, you will reach a cave, go inside. Talk to HERMAN and give him the saw. leave the cave and go up, up, right, and from there make your way to the Cathedral. Notice that BRYNN is gone and go back to the CAVE. Cross the new bridge. (Here is where the PW kicks in...I hope you have the FIX). Walk left and go into the store, talk to DARM, he will REQUIRE a quill. Leave the shop and go down and right, pick up the nut and look at the bird. Go down and right again and pick up the Tulip. Go down, Left, up, left, left, up pick up acorn. Go left and up, pick up nut on tree. Go right, right, down and talk to man. Go right, down, down and use all three nuts on the hole. A flower will pop up and spray you. That is OK, it it gives you the power of healing (the top gem on your amulet will turn yellow). PART ]I[ "The Birthstones" Go up till you reach the bird and use the healing power on the bird, it will drop a feather, pick up the feather and go left and up and give the feather to DARM, he will write you a spell and tell you to find your birthstones, take the spell and leave. Go down, right, down, right and pick up the sunstone (inside the stream). Go left, up, left, left. Use sunstone with dish. HERE IS THE PART WHERE I CAN'T HELP YOU BECUASE THE GAME RANDOMIZES THE ORDER OF GEMS. Drop all the gems on the ground here and go left and up. Get the red stone, the snake will bite you and poison you, get hte gem and use your healing power. Go back to the dish and put the gem on the ground. SAVE HERE!!!!!....you will have to wonder around to find more gems, there are gems on the other side of the bridge also, so go back ther too. there are 12 gems total, but don't get discouraged if you don't find all of them, most of the gems are useless. If you're really stuck try purple gem, Green gem and Red Gem from tree. After you get the right combination the dish will turn into a flute, take it and the green gem, go back to the tree and get another red gem, then return to DARM. Give the flute to DARM and He'll ask you to visit Zanthia. Leave and go down, right, down, down, down, right, right and you will reach a Serpent's head. Go inside, MALCOM will stop you, he'll throw a knife at you, throw the knife back, he will go back inside and build a wall of ice. Use the flute to break the ice and go inside. PART IV "The Cave" This is the hardest part of the game! After entering the cave, go up and look at the bush. Then go back down and right, here you will have to drop most of your stuff (The caves are dark so you need fireberries) take as many as possible and go up. Here you can put a berry down to light up the room (if you carry the berries they will last 3 moves, whereas if you drop a berry in each room it will light up the room itself) go up and you will so a chasm, go back down and left. From here you will have to refer to the map provided, the caverns are very confusing, just remember to light up the rooms just in case you forget to bring a fireberry with you. After you have taken all the rocks, go back to the room with the closed gate, and put all the rocks on the pan, the gate will open. If you have thgwgold coin, you can go out, once you are out of the cave, go to the well ( I think it's left, up, left, up, up..ect..) put the coin in the well, a moon stone will appear, take it and return to the cave, and go back to the moonroom. Here place the moonstone in the hole and the two WHISPS (purple balls) will enter your body, you now have another power (Your bottom stone will turn purple). Go to the room where you dropped your stuff, pick up your stuff and then go to the room marked "L" here, use your ice spell and go across, pick up the key and go to the Chasm and use the purple power, you will turn into a WHISP, now you can fly across. PART VI "Zanthia" Once you have left the cave you will reverse back to your human form, pick up the apple (DON't EAT THIS APPLE!!). Go right, an log will hit you on the head. Whenyou awaken in Zanthia's home, talk to her, she will ask you to get some water for her, take the flask and go left till you reach the fountain, Malcom will steal the enchanted bal and the fountain will die. Go down till you can't anymore and go left till you reach a wall, then go up and up again. Use you the scroll and freeze the fire, get the orb and go back to the fountain, put it bck and get the water, drink the water, you now have another power (left gem turns blue) refill the flask and go back to the house. Give the flask to Zanthia, she will then ask you to get some blueberries, go back to the fountian and go down till you can't go anymore and go left till you reach a rock wall, go up and go left till you reach another wall, then go up, you should see a stream with a rainbow, take a few blueberries, you can eat a few if you wish. Go back to Zanthia's home, she won't be there, drop your gems here (Red and blue gems that it [I hope you got them]). pick up the rug on the right and click on the trap door. PART VII "The Potions" Go up till you can't go and go left till you reach the forest, then go up. You should be at a beach, take the flowers and look at the horses. Go back to the trap door and click on the stump, pick up the rainbow stone. Use the trap door again. Now you should be in Zanthia's house again and a flask should be on the floor. Put the blueberry in the cauldron (if you don't have any left, go back and get one), then put in the blue gem. the potion will turn DEEP BLUE, fill 3 flasks with the potion. Now put the red flower and the red gem in the cauldron, the colour should now be DEEP RED, fill 4 flasks with the red potion. Then put the Tulip and the Emerald in the cauldron, the potion will turn a weird colour, fill 3 flasks with the potion. NOTE: IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET MORE FLASKS, YOU JUST WALK OUT OF THE ROOM AND ANOTHER FLASK WILL APPEAR! After you get all the potions (3 BLUE, 4 RED, 3 YELLOW) Go through the trap door and go down, down, left, down, down, right, up. you should be at a HUGE crystal structure wit htwo holes the shape of flasks. Put 2 blue flasks in, then 2 yellow, then 2 red, take the potions, now put 1 blue 1 red, and 1 red and 1 yellow, take those potions. go back to Zanthia's house and go out to the fountain, go down, left, here you should see a flating chalise, use your BLUE power on it, you will deminish the sheild on it, but a little elf will take it, walk right and use your purple potion. When your inside, give him the apple. He will tell you where to get the chalise. Go out and get the chalise. Then go back to Zanthia's house and use the trap door, then go to the beach (with the horses and the pentagon). From the beach, get another flower and step onto the pentagon, then drink the orange potion (REd Yellow mix). You will turn into a flying horse. PART VIII "The castle" From where you land, Go right and put the flower on the grave. your mother will appear and she will give you the power of invisibility. Go right again and go to the castle. Use your invisibility (Red button) and use your key to open the gate (the key is from the caves). After you enter Malcom will talk to you, after the warnings go left, up, right, from here you go to the next hole on the left hand side, you should be in a room with a big head, pull out the book with "O" on the lable, then click on the head, you will revolve around into a dungeon, go back out (you will revolve back) Do this over and over again till you spell O- P-E-N then it will revolve itself, get the crown and enter the dungeon. Change into the WHISP and go up till you can't, then go right till and up till you can't, then go left, you should arrive at a Green sheild. Wait until you turn back into human form. then use your BLUE power on the sheild. Go up and left, lift the floor panel that's visible and get the key. Go back out, and go to the right. Now go to the top right hole, go right again, you should be in the kitchen (or a room) get anything you can, click everywhere. Now leave and go down till you reach the entrance, now go up the stairs. Go left, up, right, and up to the top left hole, go in, HERMAN should meet you here, use your healing power on him and go left. Pick up as much as possible, IF YOU RUN OUT OF SPACE you can drop any of your potions the're useless now. Go right, right and enter the bottom right hole check it out, then go back out to the balcony and go to the top righ door. go in and pick up everything you can. NOTE: WHEN I SAY THE TOP I MEAN THE UPPER SIDE NOT THE VERY TOP!. There is a room with some bells, go to that room and pick up the hammer next to the bells, then hit this sequence, Bottom, Top, upper middle, lower middle. The painting should raise and another key will appear, take it and go down the stairs and in to the dining room. (from the bottom of the stairs go left, up, and right). use both keys in the locked door, it will open and you will enter a room with three pillows, put the following in this order: 1. Scepter 2. Crown 3. Chalice The door will open! PART IX "The End" After the door opens, Malcom will insult you, so you will punch him and walk into the room, here use your invisibility and walk to the right, there is a mirror there, walk right in front of it, Malcom will shoot at you but the shot will bounce off the mirror and will hit him and turn him to stone. YOU HAVE FINISHED THE GAME. Sit back and watch the ending. O--O--O--O--O--O | | | | | C--O--O--O--O--M--B--O--O--O R | | | | | | | | | | O--O O--B--O--O R--O--O--O--O--B--O | | | | | | | | | | G--B O--R--O--O O--O O--O--O--E O | | | | | | | | | | | B--O O O--B O B--O B--O O--O | | | | | | | O--O--O--O--O O--O--O--O--L | | | | | | | O--O--O--O--R--B--O--O | | O--O--O THERE IS 1 MORE ROCK...BUT I DON'T REMEMBER WHERE....SO THE BEST BET IS TO SEARCH THE PLACE...WHICH IS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO ANYWAYS. NOTE: MOST ROCKS ARE CLOSE TO BERRY BUSHES KEY: G - Is the gate B - Is a Berry Bush C - Is the Chasm M - Is the MoonRoom R - Is a rock E - Is Emerald Room L - Is the Lava Room (Can't reach it till you are a WHISP) | - Are just Moves (not Rooms) The map is kind of confusing, but it works for me, just trace the pathways and make sure you light up your path. If there are any discrepensies..well...I'm sorry this was a rough map. I hope you found this cheat helpful. ((:SONiC:))