//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// THE //// //// //// //// HHH HHH OOOOOOOOOOO ZZZZZZZZZZ //// //// HHH HHH OOO OOO ZZZ //// //// HHHHHHHHHH OOO OOO ZZZ //// //// HHHHHHHHHH OOO OOO ZZZ //// //// HHH HHH OOO OOO ZZZ //// //// HHH HHH OOOOOOOOOOO ZZZZZZZZZZ BOX //// //// //// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (pronounced hose) Brought to ya by a Phreak Who Cares. OK, so there's a zillion other kinds of boxes that will give you a conference line. What makes this one better? You can assemble it in five seconds if you memorize these instructions! This thing is so EASY to make you probably need to buy one part! All right, lets get to the instructions. Things you need to build it: 2 fone lines in your house 3 modular plug to plug cords (you pick the lengths) 1 modular in-line duplex coupler (cost me $2.99) I found the coupler at Ace hardware. It's part BT-44 from Black Point Products in Richmond, CA (if that helps at all). Anyway, stick a cord in the side of the coupler that has one outlet, and put the other side of that cord into a fone. Then put one cord in the duplex side and connect the other end of it to line #1. Stick the plug of the third cord into the second hole on the duplex side, but don't connect it to your second fone line yet. You should be able to hear a dial tone in your fone now. Now that you have the thing assembled, call some one. Once they're on, talk or do whatever. When you feel like calling another person, tell whoever is on the line to not play with fone buttons, and put the other side of the third cord into your second line. You should still be able to hear the first person you were talking to (maybe a little faintly), and a dial tone. Now dial the other person. That's all there is to it. This works with touch tone, I don't know about those lame rotary dial things, but who has those anyway. Though this may not be your idea of phreaking, I think you usually have to pay extra for a conference line, so it is kind of ripping off the fone co. Anyway, it ranks above hold buttons! //leave me questions or comments //at THE UNSINKABLE TITANIC //(415) 521-9710 !!HOZZUS MAXIMUS!!