Hendrix#8 From: The Cactus LIghtpole 524 words First Serial Rights © Cactus Lightpole, 1994 PHREAKING PHUTURE; BETTER BOXING DESIGNS 2-3-94 by:hendrix Boxing, many times it seems like toooooo much work, but now it is time to change all that. In this phile I would like to closely examine the red/blue box. I'm sure the last time most would be phreaks looked at a red box plan they did just that - looked at it. The problem is that the red files in circullation currently are out of date. Not to say that the technical specs are wrong or anything like that, it is just the plain fact that the common lamer cannot interpet some of that s&*t. In addition to crappy scematics, when is the last time you ordered a red box crystal from that cruddy chain of electronics stores??????? Now how long did it take to get the part in question - that is one of the main reasons for this project. Earlier this year (1993 -4) I ordered a crystal for a red box i was building, it took 3 months for that piece of junk in. I was beginning to lose faith in that crappy store. Not to mention the highly overpriced companion that was purchased for use with the crystal (like 27.95). Well i am pissed. Even though i have probably saved $300 or so bucks in ld charges i feel that this overpricing and weird part unavailability is a scam directly designed to deterr phun. So now you say i am a nut , well i just have to say that if u pay $32 for a red box you are the nut my friend . This project was started on 2-1-94 and will probably continue for about 2 - 4 weeks. What is happening is a totally profeesional redesign of our favorite red box. This design will be cheap, made of highly available parts, come with high quality scematics,have the same power efficency of its predecessor, and >>>> will produce 100% phone company spec'd red box tones (operators will no longer say " I am sorry sir your coins are not registering properly " or " what was that????"), and more descreet mounting scenarios . Now you may be wondering where to purchase this stuff, or where to send money and that is when i say .. you can't. It is not for sale....This project was done by volonteers who have enjoyed the benefits of having access to phreak philes all over the world who just want the scene to move on technically. Now this is no claim to having the best new redbox design ever, but it will be the only new design utilizing very modern tecnology, and additionaly , is going to actually come with scematics that even lamers can read - nice . Well all i can say is thanks for reading, and be on the lookout for a new design release within the next month or so from the CL TECH GROUP................bye Brought to you by the Cactus lightpole group : Always thinking of new ways of phucking the telecommunications system