HOW TO AVOID BEING TRACED ON BOC CALLING CARD CALLS --------------------------------------------------- CONTACT: NOFRIENDS (NOFRIENDS@AOL.COM) When using hacked Bell/GTE/Bell Canada/ALLTEL calling cards, here is a safe way of making your calls: Have your local Bell Operator dial 1-800-288-2880. You'll hear a dial tone. Dial 412-928-2105+0+ACN(Area-Code&Number) You are calling! DONG! ONCOR! Dial the calling card. Your call will go through. ----------------- If your local Bell operator cannot dial 1-800-288-2880, simply dial direct. ONCOR uses WILLTEL's hi-cap service that does not make a list of ANI's. That's why you enter 412-928-2105... to tell it the number you are calling from. Always use the 412-928-2105 as ONCOR only has certain phones set up on their network. If you have any questions, please contact me. This service also blocks any caller ID machines.