VRS II 4TEL training guide -------------------------- UNCONTROLLED INFORMATION NOT AUTHORITIVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY -------------------------- TERADYNE VRS II User Handbook 4T-111-72 Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIST OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INRODUCTION PAGE 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 USING VRS II 1.1 1.3 USING THIS MANUAL 1.1 CHAPTER 2 LOGGING INTO VRS 11 PAGE 2.1 LOGGING INTO VRS II PAGE 2.1.1 Directory Number Testing 2.1 2.1.2 Equipment Number Testing 2.2 2.2 UNIVERSAL COMMANDS 2.3 2.3 TIMEOUT 2.3 CHAPTER 3 PRIMARY COMMANDS PAGE 3.1 PRIMARY COMMANDS 3.1 3.2 CHANGE PHONE NUMBER 3.1 3.2.1 Change to Directory Number 3.2 3.2.2 Change to Equipment Number 3.3 3.3 EXTENDED TEST 3.4 3.4 COMPLETION TEST 3.4 3.5 HANG UP 3.5 3.6 REPEAT LAST RESULTS 3.5 3.7 HELP 3.5 3.8 DEMAND TEST 3.6 CHAPTER 4 SUBSCRIBER BUSY OPTIONS PAGE 4.1 SUBSCRIBER BUSY MEU 4.1 4.2 ELECTRONIC MONITOR 4.1 4,3 OVERRIDE AND TEST 4.1 4.4 WAIT FOR IDLE 4.1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Voice Response System or VRS II provides the man in the fieldwith access to 4 TEL, enabling him to make use of the smae facilities available tothe RSC. By means of single pushbutton commands and spoken responses, the faultsmanis able to perform line test, interactions and othe rprocedures on the faulty line. 1.2 USING VRS II Access to VRS II requires the use of a handset with MF facilities. By dialing the appopriate number and entering a unique ID code, the faultsman willbe logged into the VSR 11 system. By means of a voice synthesiser, VRS II talks to the faultsman, who is then able to chose by means of single MF pushbutton commands from a menuof options. The complete menu can also be spoken to assist new users, whilst allowing more experienced users to progress directly with operating theVRS II once they have mastered the simple command structure. VRS II can also be used as a completion tool for testing the line once repair has been made, and logging it's completion back to the Repair Centre. 1.3 USING THIS MANUEL This manuel has been writen with the new user in mind, following each step required to access the VSR II and explaing the commands available to the faultsman at each step. Commands are given in the correct sequence, andthe appropriate voice responses which the faultsman would hear are also displayed. The convention chosen to represent the communication between the user and the VSR II is shown on the righthand side of the page in heavy italic print. (it's not actually sorry). An example of this is given below: Your Action VRS II Response Key # "Demand test" "The line is being accessed" "The line is being tested" (Results) "4 TEL Service Primary Commands" "Please enter a Primary Command" CHAPTER 2 LOGGING INTO VRS II 2.1 LOGGING IN TO VRS II To call VRS II, dial the appropriate number: VRS II will answer with a 3 - level tone. Enter your VRS II AccessID code: N.B. The # must follow the code to complete the entry. When VRS II recognises the ID code , it will speak an informationmessage: "This is the Teradyne 4Tel system" If the VRS has NOT been configured for equipment number testing,VSR II will proceed directly with Directory Number testing, as desribed in paragraph2.1.1 below. If however the VRS has been configured for Equipement Number testing,VRS will next asks you to choose between a Directory Number test and an Equipwment Number test: "To test a Directory number enter 1" "To test an Equipwment Number enter 2" "Please make a selection" Choose the test type by entering either a 1 or a 2. 2.1.1 DIRECTORY NUMBER TESTING If aDirectory Number number testing has been selected VRS will askyou to enter the exchange prefix of the line number to be tested: Enteer the appropriate exchange prefix, followed by the terminating#" VRS will repeat the exchange prefix, and then ask for the line numberto be tested: "Please enter a phone number" VRS II will repest the phone number. If the VRS has been configured to operate over the 4TEl Data Network,VRS will attempt to establish a connection to the SAC via the data network,and will say "Connecting to network, please wait" The previous message will NOT be spoken if the VRS is not configuredto operate over the 4Tel Data Network. For either configuration, when a connection to the SAC has been madeVRS II will say: "4TEL service Primary Commands" "Please enter a Primary Command" You have now gained access to the full VRS II system and are readyto enter the various commands required to test the line. 2.1.2 Equipement Number Testing If Equipement Number testing has been selected, VRS II will ask youto enter the exchange prefix of the line number to be tested. "Please enter a prefix" Enter the appropriate exchange prefix, following by the terminating#: VRS II will repeat the exchange prefix, and then ask for the appropriate concentrator ID. "Please enter concentrator ID" Enter the appropriate concentrator ID, followed by the terinating#. Note: If the concetrator ID is not applicable, simply enter the terminating#. This informs the VRS II that a concentrator ID is not to be used. VRS II will repeat the concentrator ID (if entered), and then askfor the equipement number to be tested: "Please enter an equipement number" VRS II will repeat the equipment. If the VRS has been configured to operate over the 4Tel Data Network,VRS will attempt to esablish a connection to the SAC via the data network, and willsay: "Connecting to network, please wait" The previous message will NOT be spoken if the VRS is not configuredto operate over the 4Tel Data Network. For either configuration, when connection to the SAC has been made,VRS II will say: "4TEL service Primary Commands" "Please enter a Primary Command" You have now gained access to the full VRS II system and are readyto enter the various commands required to test the line. 2.2 UNIVERSAL COMMANDS The meaning of VRS II keyed commands will vary depending on the levelof testing. however, throughout the time you will be using the VRS II, four universal commands will always be available. * Stop everthing and return VRS II to "Primary Commands" 8 Logoff, which must be used before clearing down VRS II requests"Please hang up" 9 Repeat the last test results again. 0 List all valid commands. 2.3 TIMEOUT If the 8 is not keyed , the VRS II input port will be held busy fortwo minutes whilst waiting for the next command. Option 8, Logff, ensures that VRSII is cleared down completely, alloing other user (i.e legit ones ;)) to accessthe system. CHAPTER 3 PRIMARY COMMANDS 3.1 PRIMARY COMMANDS Having successfully logged in, VRS II will request: "Please enter a primary command" As well as the Universal Commands cover int he previous Chapter,yyu are now at the primary level and can input any one of these primary level commands: 1 Change Phone Nmber 2 Extended Test 7 Completion Test 8 Hang Up 9 Repeat Last Results 0 Help # Demand Test * Primary Commands 3.2 CHANGE PHONE NUMBER (Key 1) Invoking this command causes the system to prompt the user for a new lineor equipement number. This new number specifies the line which subsequentcommands will test. After completing this command, the system returns to the Primary commands displayed above. Procedures for changing the line to to be etsedare as follows: Your Action VRS II Response Key 1 "Change phone number" Note: if the VRS has NOT been configured for Equipment testing, theVRS will proceed as for a Directory Number selection. If however the VRS has been configured for testing the VRS will prompt for a selection between Directory Number and Equipement Number testing, as follows: "To test a Directory Number enter 1" "To test an Equipement number enter 2" "Please make a selection" The next sequence of user actions and VRS II responses will dependupon the users selection to the last prompt. 3.2.1 Change to Directory Number Your Action VRS II Response Key 1 for Directory Numbers "Pleas enter a prefix" Enter prefix required Prefix is repeated Followed by a # "Please enter a phone number" Enter the line number to be tested (line number is repeated) followed by the terminating # "4TEL Service Primary Commands" "Please enter a Primary Command" 3.2.2 Change to equipment Number Your Action VRS II Response Key 2 for Equipment Numbers "Please enter a prefix" Enter prefix required Prefix is repeated Followed by a # "Please enter a Concentator ID" Enter the concentrator Id followed by the terminating # (concentator ID is repeated) Note: If a concentrator ID is not applicable simply enter the terminating# "Pleae enter an Equipment Number" Enter the equipment number to be (equipment number is repeated) tested followed by the terminating # "4TEL Service Primary Commands" "Please enter a Primary Command" 3.3 EXTENDED TEST (Key 2) This command is similar to Demand Test except that following the test, the user reamians in the Extended test Menu. Full details of the options available through Extended Tests are cover in Chapter 5. the procedure for using the Extended Test Command is as follows: Your Action VRS II Response Key 2 "Extended Test" "The line is being accessed" "The line is being tested" (Results) "Extended Test" "Please enter a command" 3.4 COMPLETION TEST (Key 7) This command is similar to Demand Test except that upon completion of the test, the results are logged as a "Completion Test" verifyingthe line's conditionand simplifying the closing of the job. Procedures for using the Completion TestOption areas follows: Your Action VRS II Response Key 7 "Completion test" "The line is being accessed" "The line is being tested" (Results) "4TEL Service Primary Commands" "Please enter a Primary Command"