305-625-3333.zip    Cycle tone sweeper.                                                                 Sadena Meti

914-268-99011.zip   Male Voice: "You have reached Congers DMS 100 Central                PLA
                                 Office. ANAC's 268, 267, 261, 979, and  711."

914-268-99012.zip   Male Voice: "914, 268, 267, 261. Congers DMS 100                        PLA
914-359-9901.zip    Female Voice: "You have reached the 5ESS Orange                           PLA
                                Brook New York Verification Center (?). Servicing codes 359,
                                398 and 365."

914-868-9901.zip    Female Voice: "You have reached a 55 ESS machine."                       PLA

941-232-9901.zip    Male Voice: "Yes. You have reached the Daytona DNS 100              PLA
                                Central Office Exchange 232. Thank you very much."
loop high1.zip         A high end of a loop.                                                                     Jennifer

loop_low1.zip          A low end of a loop.                                                                     Jennifer


People have visited this page since Monday, March 30,1998.
This page was created on Sunday, October 26, 1997 and
last revised on Monday, March 30,1998.