MSG# TYPE TO FROM AT DATE TITLE 4505 ALL 0 N5CSU 0 MURPHY 09/02 22:36 Hurricane Frequencies HURRICANE RADIO INFORMATION FILE from Rich Casey, N5CSU Following is a list of short wave frequencies worth monitoring for the latest hurricane information, especially those in or near the Gulf of Mexico. All require a short wave receiver with BFO for single sideband reception. * AMATEUR RADIO NETWORKS MHz Net Name -------------------------------------------------- 3.862 Mississippi Emergency Net 3.935 Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net (0100Z) 3.940 Florida Hurricane Net 3.943 West Gulf Emergency Net 3.955 South Texas Emergency Net 3.965 Alabama Emergency Net 7.268 Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net (day frequency) 7.290 7290 Net 14.313 Maritime Mobile Service Net 14.325 Hurricane Information Net (#1 choice for info) * GOVERNMENT NETWORKS & FREQUENCIES MHz Frequency Use --------------------------------------------------- 4.430 Coast Guard Tropical Storm Bulletins 6.508 Coast Guard Tropical Storm Bulletins 7.507 Hurricane network 8.767 Coast Guard Tropical Storm Bulletins 9.380 Hurricane network 13.115 Coast Guard Tropical Storm Bulletins 13.260 Hurricane network * WWV WEATHER BULLETINS 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz Weather bulletins at 8, 9 an 10 minutes after the hour * WEATHER TELETYPE 4.0615 MHz 8.140 MHz 13.624 MHz 18.675 MHz Thanks to the D/FW Frequency List for some freqs. Additions, changes and questions are welcomed. Send them via STARTEXT, or via the TEXNET Packet Message Server. Rich Casey, N5CSU relay from TEXNET de KF5ZC