Date: 6 Jan 89 01:00:33 GMT Subject: "US Scanner News" Magazine? In article <>, (jacq > ..... Can you > post the address for the RCMA Newsletter? I've been wanting a > subscription to this newletter for years, but couldn't find an address > for them. The RCMA (Radio Communications Monitoring Ass'n) is the world's largest scanner club. I joined RCMA in 1983, after 18 years of being an amateur radio operator, and belonging to amateur radio clubs, never realizing there were any scanner clubs! Founded in 1975, the RCMA prides itself on being the "first national and international organization of monitor radio listeners." There are several regional chapters which hold regular meetings, and a monthly newsletter of about 95 pages. Although the focus is on VHF and UHF ranges, there is coverage of HF utility stations below 30 MHz. I write the "Radio Monitoring Tools and Techniques" column for RCMA. You can obtain more information about RCMA membership from: RCMA General Manager P.O. Box 542 Silverado, CA 92676 USA Bob Parnass AJ9S, AT&T Bell Laboratories - att!ihuxz!parnass - (312)979-5414