Welcome to HamTools from WB5VXK I started this project to help me work DX on ten meters. I tried various maps from several different sources, but they were not accurate, not easy to use, and just not helpful. So I remembered seeing some trigonometric calculations that woudl given two points on Earth, would find the great circle beam heading and distance. While these calculations might not be good enough to guide missles, they should be accurate enough to aim an amateur's beam. At this time there will be two archived files that need to be downloaded. This archive and the file containing the location.dat file. The location.dat file will contain over 2,000 entries which may be printed or searched. If you choose to print the file, have plenty of paper. At 66 lines per page over 30 pages will be required!  Before this program will do anything valuable for you, it is necessary that you give it some station information. There are some other ShareWare programs available that do the same thing mine does, but before you can use them, you MUST register the software so the author can configure the program for you. Not so with this program, choose 9 from the menu and answer the ques tions. The program now knows where, and who you are and will do all the work for you.   To find a city, enter the name or at least the first letter (or few letters) and let the computer match your information to that in the location.dat file. If you have the latitude and lon gitude for a location not in the table, you may add it with this program. If you want to edit the location.dat file, any editor that works with ASCII text files may be used. Any latitudes that are south of the Equator should be entered as a negative lati tude. Any longitudes that are east should be entered as a nega tive number. Latitudes and longitudes have been rounded off to the nearest degree with no minutes. If you want to get more precise, you may divied the number of minutes by 60 to convert to hundredths and add that to the degrees. For example, 29 degrees and 30 minutes would be entered as 29.5 degrees. Good News, good news! (Quote from Dukes of Hazard)  This is just the beginning. I am hoping to create a complete station operating and managing program. Like all software it takes time (and effort), this took one evening for the calcula tions and program, although the location.dat file is going to take several weekends (I don't type very fast). I am planning to add a logging routine, maybe a WAS, DXCC, 10-10, whatever track ing section, a QSL card manager, ham formulas calculator, and whatever else I can think of, or have suggested (if I can figure out how). LAYOUT 000 rB<?Aú\---#----+----+----------------+--------------------+---------@-/---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----B<?Aú---------\----+----------------+--------------------+------@-/------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----B