P u b l i c S e r v i c e M I S C O N C E P T I O N S We have received a few inquires sparked by the last few editions of the ARRL FCC RULE BOOK section on "Thou Shalt Not...". As EMASS PIC I encourage HAM groups participating in Public Service Communications to use the opportunity to promote our hobby, enhance Goodwill and publicize (advertise) Ham Radio. Chapter 7-1 of the rule book indicates that receiving Goodwill, Publicity and Advertising can be considered indirect payment for Amateur operation (FCC rules 97.112). Some clarification may be necessary. As I understand it the prohibition is based on EXCHANGING communications for payment. HAMS can NOT accept material compensation for Amateur Radio work and that includes money, goods, food, goodwill, publicity, advertising and so forth. You can NOT agree to provide Amateur Communications with the expectation of receiving compensation. You can NOT ask for publicity etc. in exchange for your HAM activities. You can NOT say, "Yes we'll provide Ham communications IF you arrange for a TV interview of our HAM representative". You can NOT barter or trade for your Amateur Radio services. This does get complicated sometimes. What I advocate is taking advantage of the opportunities available at the event to promote our hobby (after you have already agreed to participate in HAM communications). This includes asking for a mention or paragraph in the event program, press kit and application forms. Credit from the Public Address announcer. Marking prominent HAM stations with banners or signs. Wearing identification apparel (badges, name plates, vests, hats, armbands etc.) that display the words HAM RADIO or Amateur Radio. Amateur Radio information table for handouts and sign-up for the ARRL prospective HAM mailing. And more. Most event sponsors are eager to let US promote our hobby and are very cooperative. If a TV camera crew wants an interview with Hams of course it is OK. Usually other volunteer groups involved with the event get mentions in the program and on the PA - and HAMS can too. Those other groups have banners and so can Hams. You can NOT trade your services for those things. If you have questions concerning legality of certain circumstances please seek competent advice from knowledgeable sources. Do NOT call the FCC with your question. Refer to The FCC Rule Book 8th edition by ARRL chapter 7, for advice on dealing with your inquiry. Al Carp, K1HLZ ARRL EMA PIC