P u b l i c S e r v i c e M I S C O N C E P T I O N S R U N N E R P O S I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N P E R M I T T E D The subject of runner positional information at marathons and other races has been misunderstood for several years. ARRL 7th edition FCC Rule Book Chapter 7-6 reprints a letter from the FCC responding to proposals of the New York Marathon. Most of the response from the FCC applies to race events in general (about logistical and medical communications). The segment about LEAD-RUNNER POSITIONAL INFORMATION was in response to SPECIFIC proposals of the New York group. This has led to a lot of misunderstanding. The New York Marathon HAMS wanted to BROADCAST race progress via HAM radio directly to the general public. They proposed a "Race Progress" net monitored and fed directly to loud-speakers and PA systems so the general public could directly hear the race progress via Amateur Radio. This IS PROHIBITED, n o t because it is runner position information but because it is BROADCASTING. (The original proposal was read to me By Mr. Small of FCC PRB Washington.) Additionally the New York Marathon proposed that HAMS feed race progress to the PRESS and MEDIA. This is BUSINESS and PROHIBITED HAM communication. It is NOT prohibited because it is RACE PROGRESS but because it is business (i.e. news gathering primarily for press and media). if the information is only for those watching on the course and the finish line area PA announcer (and NOT for any Press or Media) then it is OK to run on amateur radio." ANY Amateur Communication primarily intended to be broadcast directly to the general public and/or directly fed to the press (as in news gathering) at races and 'thons is prohibited. This is not limited to runner positional information. For most OTHER PURPOSES runner positional information and Race Progress information IS PERMITTED on Amateur Radio. It is fun! It is great practice It helps keep those HAMs who are involved informed of the event progress too. If your club has been involved with races or 'thons the question of runner positional information has probably been a controversial subject. I hope this helps clarify the matter. In any case, if you have questions concerning legality of certain circumstances please seek competent advice from knowledgeable sources. For further reference, see QST October 1988, Emergency Communication: Is It Legal? starting on page 54. This subject is dealt with on page 56. de K1HLZ ARRL EMASS PIO 3/89