Yahtzee is a game (based on the board game Yahtzee) for the HP48.

Download the file in binary, go into the directory, and press BEGIN.  
Press 1 and the game will start.  Use the left-arrow to move the selector 
dot to the left and select that die, the right-arrow to move the dot to 
the right and select that die, Enter to deselect the dice, (and to select 
it again), the up-arrow to roll the selected dice, and the down-arrow to 
score the dice without rolling any more.  After two re-rolls (or after 
pushing the down-arrow key) you get to choose which category to score the 
roll in.  Use the left and right arrows to move the selector and Enter to 
select the category.

Pressing right-shift and then the left or right arrow keys will make the 
selector move two spaces instead of one.

After all categories have been scored and if you scored high enough to 
make the high score list, you can type in your name.  After doing so, 
press Enter.

To clear the high scores, press CLHS in the Yahtzee directory.

Yahtzee uses PGROB and UPGROB, copyright Erik Bryntse.

I would appreciate any $ for this game (age 14!).  If you have any 
comments, please e-mail me.  Have fun!

Yahtzee is (c) copyright 1994 by Kendrick Kay

Noncommercial distribution allowed, provided that this copyright message 
is preserved, and any modified versions are clearly marked as such.

e-mail address:  kkay@csra.net
Kendrick Kay
3723 Wexford Drive
Martinez, GA  30907