HP 48SX/GX Music Player Announcement: HP48 Shatters Its Bonds of Musical Mediocrity Numerous dedicated software writers have developed programs to reproduce music on the HP48, but all of their efforts have suffered the vagaries of The BEEP Function, which is hardly suitable for fine music. Now, musicians and critical listeners no longer need grimace in pain as the HP48 chokes out ill-intoned musical strains under the control of BEEP. Author Paul Oelund, an electronics engineer working in flight controls, has extensive experience in design and development of real-time signal processing software. He has brought his expertise to bear on the problem of elevating the HP48 to true musical excellence. The new music software, based on machine-code core program MP, eliminates the distortion-producing jitter effects of the display subsystem for greatly improved timbre, and replaces BEEP with its own proprietary tone- generation subroutine achieving 0.5 microsec (HP48S/SX) or 0.25 microsec (HP48G/GX) resolution. This translates to unrivaled tonal accuracy throughout the entire range of the piano, and beyond. This breakthrough is further enhanced by rhythm timing which is so precise that multiple calculators can play duets and ensembles together with no perceptible drift. The entire performance is under control of MP, so there are never unwanted pauses. Flexibility is unequalled: You can specify a different tempo and/or key for each performance, or re-tune your HP48 to match another instrument. All of this is accomplished with very meager demands upon RAM space. The basic library containing MP occupies less than 2500 bytes. Joplin's "The Entertainer" (complete, over 3.5 minutes long) is coded in only 896 bytes, and Chopin's "Minute" waltz requires less than 680 bytes. Hear the full virtuosity of your HP48. Gather with HP48-owning friends and experience the sublime HP48 ensemble. The program also can be obtain at http://weber.u.washington.edu/~le/hp48