---- begin document ---- ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ AiRSQUAD ³ ³ 1996 ³ ³ Eric Pyke ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ LEFT, RIGHT : LEFT, RIGHT BUTTON SHOT : 2ND ENTER LEV : ENTER BREAK/OFF : ON/OFF Game : AiR SQUAD Screen Use : About 60x38 pixle, rest is for game statics Space : 7992 bytes and pic file 764 byte(both 8756 bytes) Note this : Iïve made the game smaller it was 11kb from start and now itïs 8756 including pic file, you can replace pic file with any other pic file as long as itïs pic0, OK... ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿¿ ³³ COMMING SOON ³³ ³³ ³³ ³³ AiR RAID ³³ ³³ TETRIS ³³ ³³ SUBWARS ³³ ³³ STICKFiGHTER ³³ ³³ COE ³³ ³³ PACMAN ³³ ³³ ... . . more . . .³³ ÀÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÙ ---- begin ASCII ---- \start83\ \comment= \name=ZGOVER \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XSHIPOV.TXT 0\->\I 0\->\M 0\->\N Lbl 1 Line(4+I,60,4+I,59) Line(5+I,59,5+I,58) Line(6+I,60,6+I,59) I+6\->\I If I=36 Then Goto 2 Else Goto 1 End Lbl 2 Line(5+M,57,5+A,5) M+6\->\M If M=36 Then Goto 3 Else Goto 2 End Lbl 3 Line(5+N,57,5+A,5,0) N+6\->\N If N=36 Then Goto 4 Else Goto 3 End Lbl 4 Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0) Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0) Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0) Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0) Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0) Line(4+Q,60-P,4+Q,55-P,0) Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,55-P,0) Line(6+Q,60-P,6+Q,55-P,0) End 0\->\I Lbl 5 Line(4+I,60,4+I,59,0) Line(5+I,59,5+I,58,0) Line(6+I,60,6+I,59,0) I+6\->\I If I=36 Then Goto 6 Else Goto 5 End Lbl 6 F+1\->\F If F=4 Then Text(20,3,"GAME OVER Pause ClrHome Stop Else Text(13,72,F Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=AIRSQUAD \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XSHIP22.TXT ClrDraw AxesOff 1\->\E 1\->\F 12\->\X 1\->\G 0\->\P 0\->\O 0\->\I 0\->\A 2\->\U 40\->\H 0\->\S 3\->\V 0\->\Z 0\->\L 1\->\Xmin 95\->\Xmax 1\->\Ymin 63\->\Ymax RecallPic Pic0 Text(3,12,"AIR Text(9,8,"SQUAD Text(48,60,"MADE BY Text(54,60,"ERIC PYKE Pause ClrDraw prgmZSHIP Lbl A Text(14,4,"INCOMING Text(20,10,"ENEMY Lbl 1 I+1\->\I Line(7,60-I,8,60-I Pt-On(10,60-I Line(12,60-I,13,60-I Pt-On(15,60-I Line(17,60-I,18,60-I Pt-On(20,60-I Line(22,60-I,23,60-I Pt-On(25,60-I Line(27,60-I,28,60-I Pt-On(30,60-I Line(32,60-I,33,60-I If I\>=\1 Then Goto 2 Else Goto 1 End Lbl 2 Line(5,61-I,35,61-I If I\>=\2 Then Goto 3 Else Goto 1 End Lbl 3 Line(2,62-I,38,62-I If I\>=\3 Then Goto 4 Else Goto 1 End Lbl 4 Line(2,63-I,38,63-I If I\>=\4 Then Goto 5 Else Goto 1 End Lbl 5 Line(2,64-I,38,64-I If I\>=\5 Then Goto 6 Else Goto 1 End Lbl 6 Line(2,65-I,38,65-I If I\>=\6 Then Goto 7 Else Goto 1 End Lbl 7 Line(2,66-I,38,66-I If I\>=\7 Then Goto 8 Else Goto 1 End Lbl 8 Line(2,67-I,38,67-I If I\>=\8 Then Goto 9 Else Goto 1 End Lbl 9 Line(2,68-I,38,68-I Text(14,4," Text(20,10," prgmZB1 40\->\H ClrDraw If E=5 Then Goto F Else End prgmZSHIP Goto A Lbl F Text(1,30,"THE END Text(9,1,"WOW, YOUR COOL YOUVE Text(16,1,"CLEARED THE GAME!!... Text(25,1,"LOOK OUT FOR AIR SQUAD II, Text(31,1,"AND OTHER SEATECH PRODUCT. Text(39,1,"MAYBE YOU WANT AN END? Text(45,1,"WELL THEN ULL HAVE TO PAY!!... Text(56,1,"!!!A\box\SEATECH\box\HAPPY\box\GAME!!! Pause ClrHome \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=ZSHIP \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XSHIP.TXT Line(1,1,39,1 Line(1,61,39,61 Line(1,1,1,61 Line(39,1,39,61 Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 Text(1,45,"-SCORE: ",Z Text(7,45,"-RANK-: ",E Text(13,45,"-SHIP-: ",F Text(19,45,"-LEVEL: ",G Text(25,45,"-AMMO-: ",H Text(33,45,"...ENEMY..." Text(39,45,"-RANK-: 0 Text(45,45,"-SHIP-: 0 Text(51,45,"SHIELD: 0 Text(57,45,"-AMMO-: 0 If O=1 Then Goto 50 Else End Lbl 1 If X=U Then Text(45,72,O," 0\->\Q 0\->\S 0\->\U 0\->\O 0\->\K \(-)\1\->\I 0\->\P 0\->\M Return Lbl 50 E+1\->\E 1\->\G 0\->\U U+2\->\U 0\->\M 0\->\O 0\->\L 0\->\K 0\->\S 0\->\P Text(45,72,O," Text(19,72,G Text(20,3,"ENTER LEV Text(28,16,G Text(7,72,E Pause Text(20,3," Text(28,16," V+3\->\V Else End If O=U Then U+2\->\U G+1\->\G 0\->\O If X=U Then Goto 1 Else End Text(45,72,O," Text(19,72,G Text(20,3,"ENTER LEV Text(28,16,G Pause Text(20,3," Text(28,16," Else End Lbl 5 1+O\->\O 0\->\S 0\->\P Text(45,72,O int((rand*6)+1\->\M If M=1 Then 0\->\Q Else If M=2 Then 6\->\Q Else If M=3 Then 12\->\Q Else If M=4 Then 18\->\Q Else If M=5 Then 24\->\Q Else If M=6 Then 30\->\Q Else End End End End End End 1\->\K Text(51,72,K int((rand*6)+1\->\M If M=1 Then 1\->\I Text(39,72,I prgmZE1 Z+10\->\Z Text(1,72,Z," Goto 1 Else If M=2 Then 2\->\I Text(39,72,I prgmZE2 Z+20\->\Z Text(1,72,Z," Goto 1 Else If M=3 Then 3\->\I Text(39,72,I prgmZE3 Z+30\->\Z Text(1,72,Z," Goto 1 Else If M=4 Then 4\->\I Text(39,72,I prgmZE4 Z+40\->\Z Text(1,72,Z," Goto 1 Else If M=5 Then 5\->\I Text(39,72,I prgmZE5 Z+50\->\Z Text(1,72,Z," Goto 1 Else If M=6 Then 6\->\I Text(39,72,I prgmZE6 Z+60\->\Z Text(1,72,Z," Goto 1 End End End End End \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=ZKILL \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XKILL.TXT Line(4+Q,60-P,4+Q,56-P,0) Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,56-P,0) Line(6+Q,60-P,6+Q,56-P,0) Line(5+A,8,5+A,59-P) Line(5+A,8,5+A,59-P,0) Text(25,72,H," 0\->\I 0\->\J 0\->\K 0\->\M 0\->\P 0\->\R 0\->\S 0\->\T Text(39,72,I Text(51,72,K \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=ZE6 \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XE6.TXT Lbl 1 Line(4+Q,60-P,6+Q,60-P,0 Pt-Off(5+Q,59-P Line(4+Q,58-P,6+Q,58-P,0 P+V\->\P Line(4+Q,60-P,6+Q,60-P Pt-On(5+Q,59-P Line(4+Q,58-P,6+Q,58-P If P\>=\44 Then prgmZGOVER Return Else End Lbl 2 S+1\->\S If S=3 Then 0\->\S Goto 1 Else End getKey\->\B If B=24 Then Goto 3 Else If B=26 Then Goto 4 Else If B=21 Then Goto 5 Else End End End Goto 2 Lbl 3 If A=0 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A-6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 4 If A=30 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A+6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 5 If H=0 Then Goto 2 Else H-1\->\H If A=Q Then prgmZKILL Return Else End Line(5+A,8,5+A,60 Line(5+A,8,5+A,60,0 Text(25,72,H," Goto 2 \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=ZE5 \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XE5.TXT Lbl 1 Line(4+Q,59-P,4+Q,58-P,0 Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,59-P,0 Line(6+Q,59-P,6+Q,58-P,0 P+V\->\P Line(4+Q,59-P,4+Q,58-P Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,59-P Line(6+Q,59-P,6+Q,58-P If P\>=\44 Then prgmZGOVER Return Else End Lbl 2 S+1\->\S If S=4 Then 0\->\S Goto 1 Else End getKey\->\B If B=24 Then Goto 3 Else If B=26 Then Goto 4 Else If B=21 Then Goto 5 Else End End End Goto 2 Lbl 3 If A=0 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A-6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 4 If A=30 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A+6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 5 If H=0 Then Goto 2 Else H-1\->\H If A=Q Then prgmZKILL Return Else End Line(5+A,8,5+A,60 Line(5+A,8,5+A,60,0 Text(25,72,H," Goto 2 \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=ZE4 \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XE4.TXT Lbl 1 Line(4+Q,60-P,4+Q,58-P,0 Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,59-P,0 Line(6+Q,60-P,6+Q,58-P,0 P+V\->\P Line(4+Q,60-P,4+Q,58-P Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,59-P Line(6+Q,60-P,6+Q,58-P If P\>=\44 Then prgmZGOVER Return Else End Lbl 2 S+1\->\S If S=5 Then 0\->\S Goto 1 Else End getKey\->\B If B=24 Then Goto 3 Else If B=26 Then Goto 4 Else If B=21 Then Goto 5 Else End End End Goto 2 Lbl 3 If A=0 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A-6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 4 If A=30 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A+6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 5 If H=0 Then Goto 2 Else H-1\->\H If A=Q Then prgmZKILL Return Else End Line(5+A,8,5+A,60 Line(5+A,8,5+A,60,0 Text(25,72,H," Goto 2 \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=ZE3 \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XE3.TXT Lbl 1 Line(4+Q,60-P,4+Q,59-P,0 Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,58-P,0 Line(6+Q,60-P,6+Q,59-P,0 P+V\->\P Line(4+Q,60-P,4+Q,59-P Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,58-P Line(6+Q,60-P,6+Q,59-P If P\>=\44 Then prgmZGOVER Return Else End Lbl 2 S+1\->\S If S=6 Then 0\->\S Goto 1 Else End getKey\->\B If B=24 Then Goto 3 Else If B=26 Then Goto 4 Else If B=21 Then Goto 5 Else End End End Goto 2 Lbl 3 If A=0 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A-6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 4 If A=30 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A+6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 5 If H=0 Then Goto 2 Else H-1\->\H If A=Q Then prgmZKILL Return Else End Line(5+A,8,5+A,60 Line(5+A,8,5+A,60,0 Text(25,72,H," Goto 2 \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=ZE2 \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XE2.TXT Lbl 1 Pt-Off(4+Q,60-P Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,57-P,0 Line(6+Q,60-P,5+Q,60-P,0 P+V\->\P Pt-On(4+Q,60-P Line(5+Q,60-P,5+Q,57-P Line(6+Q,60-P,5+Q,60-P If P\>=\44 Then prgmZGOVER Return Else End Lbl 2 S+1\->\S If S=7 Then 0\->\S Goto 1 Else End getKey\->\B If B=24 Then Goto 3 Else If B=26 Then Goto 4 Else If B=21 Then Goto 5 Else End End End Goto 2 Lbl 3 If A=0 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A-6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 4 If A=30 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A+6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 5 If H=0 Then Goto 2 Else H-1\->\H If A=Q Then prgmZKILL Return Else End Line(5+A,8,5+A,60 Line(5+A,8,5+A,60,0 Text(25,72,H," Goto 2 \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=ZE1 \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XE1.TXT Lbl 1 Line(4+Q,60-P,4+Q,59-P,0 Line(5+Q,59-P,5+Q,58-P,0 Line(6+Q,60-P,6+Q,59-P,0 P+V\->\P Line(4+Q,60-P,4+Q,59-P Line(5+Q,59-P,5+Q,58-P Line(6+Q,60-P,6+Q,59-P If P\>=\44 Then prgmZGOVER Return Else End Lbl 2 S+1\->\S If S=8 Then 0\->\S Goto 1 Else End getKey\->\B If B=24 Then Goto 3 Else If B=26 Then Goto 4 Else If B=21 Then Goto 5 Else End End End Goto 2 Lbl 3 If A=0 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A-6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 4 If A=30 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A+6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 5 If H=0 Then Goto 2 Else H-1\->\H If A=Q Then prgmZKILL Return Else End Line(5+A,8,5+A,60 Line(5+A,8,5+A,60,0 Text(25,72,H," Goto 2 \stop83\ \start83\ \comment= \name=ZB1 \file=C:\GAME\AIRSQUAD\XB1.TXT 0\->\Q 0\->\S 0\->\U 0\->\O E*2+5\->\H E*2\->\K 0\->\I 0\->\P Text(1,45,"-SCORE: ",Z," Text(7,45,"-RANK-: ",E Text(13,45,"-SHIP-: ",F Text(19,45,"-LEVEL: ",G Text(25,45,"-AMMO-: ",H," Text(39,45,"-RANK-: ",E," Text(45,45,"-SHIP-: 1"," Text(51,45,"SHIELD: ",K Text(57,72,"UN.L" Text(33,45,"...BOSS ",E,"... Lbl 1 I+E\->\I If I\>=\10 Then 0\->\I If A=Q Then prgmZGOVER Else Line(5+Q,47,5+Q,7 Line(5+Q,47,5+Q,7,0 End Else End Pt-Off(4+Q,50 Pt-Off(6+Q,50 Line(3+Q,49,7+Q,49,0 Pt-Off(5+Q,48 Pt-Off(3+Q,48 Pt-Off(7+Q,48 Line(4+Q,47,6+Q,47,0 Pt-Off(5+Q,46 If 30=Q Then 1\->\S Else End If 0=Q Then 0\->\S Else End If S=0 Then Q+6\->\Q Else End If S=1 Then Q-6\->\Q Else End Pt-On(4+Q,50 Pt-On(6+Q,50 Line(3+Q,49,7+Q,49 Pt-On(5+Q,48 Pt-On(3+Q,48 Pt-On(7+Q,48 Line(4+Q,47,6+Q,47 Pt-On(5+Q,46 Lbl 2 O+1\->\O If O=3 Then 0\->\O Goto 1 Else End getKey\->\B If B=24 Then Goto 3 Else If B=26 Then Goto 4 Else If B=21 Then Goto 5 Else End End End Goto 2 Lbl 3 If A=0 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A-6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 4 If A=30 Then Goto 2 Else Line(3+A,4,3+A,5,0 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6,0 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7,0 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6,0 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5,0 A+6\->\A Line(3+A,4,3+A,5 Line(4+A,5,4+A,6 Line(5+A,4,5+A,7 Line(6+A,5,6+A,6 Line(7+A,4,7+A,5 End Goto 2 Lbl 5 If H=0 Then Goto 2 Else H-1\->\H If A=Q Then Line(5+A,8,5+A,45) Line(5+A,8,5+A,45,0) Z+50\->\Z K-1\->\K Text(25,72,H," Text(1,72,Z," Text(51,72,K," If K=0 Then 1\->\O Return Else End Goto 2 Else End Line(5+A,8,5+A,50 Line(5+A,8,5+A,50,0 Text(25,72,H," Goto 2 \stop83\