Matrix.83g is a group file containing CHOLESKY.83P, LUFACT.83P and QRFACT.83P. CHOLESKY.83P computes Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive definite matrix. The result is returned as [A]. Cholesky Decomposition decomposes a symmetric positive definite real matrix, A into a lower triangular matrix L, such that A = L*transpose(L). Note that a matrix is positive definite if and only if, transpose(x)*A*x > 0, for any real non-zero vector x. If the matrix does not satisfy the positive definite requirement, INVALID MATRIX, will be displayed. An reference for this algorithm is: Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, by David S. Watkins, Section 1.5. The algorithm is based on the "outer-product" formulation. LUFACT.83P computes LU decomposition of a general matrix using partial pivoting. The lower triangular portion, L, is returned as [A], the upper triangular portion, U, is returned as [B] and the pivot list is returned as piv. LU Decomposition decomposes a general matrix A into two matrices, L and U, such that L*U = A(piv,:). Here, A(piv,:) indicates a re-ordering of the rows of A, so that they match the produce L*U. Following the decomposition, L is a lower triangular matrix with 1's along the main diagonal and U is an upper triangular matrix. One of the primary uses of LU factorization is to allow one to solve a system of simultaneous equations using back substitution. QRFACT.83P computes the QR decomposition of a general matrix using the modified Gram-Schmidt procedure. The unitary matrix Q is returned in [A] and the upper triangular matrix R is returned in [B]. The number of rows of the input matrix must be at least as large a the number of columns. QR Decomposition decomposes a general matrix A into two matrices, Q and R, such that Q*R = A. The Q matrix is unitary and the R matrix is upper triangular. If A is m-by-n, then Q is m-by-n, transpose(Q)*Q = identity(m) and R is n-by-n. Some of the uses of QR decomposition is in the solution to least squares problems and as a building block for the QR algorithm, which is used to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix.