diffyq ------ 1. dirfld( ) This graphs a direction field for a first-order differential equation in the form dx/dt = f(t,x). The user is asked to type in the right-hand side of the equation and has the option to set the graphing window from within the program. Once the direction field has been plotted, the program pauses. Pressing enter brings a menu that allows the user to give an initial value, change the window, give a new equation, or end the program. If initial value is chosen, a solution curve through that point will be drawn with either a thick or think pen. Multiple solution curves can be graphed by specifying different initial values. 2. bigdot( ) This is a subroutine that allows solution curves to be graphed with a thick pen. 3. twodir( ) This is a similar to dirfld( ), except that it is used with a system of two first-order equations: dx/dt = f(x,y) and dy/dt = g(x,y). 4. phaser( ) Given a system of two first-order equations, the program will produce two graphs side by side. First is the time series graph, both functions x(t) and y(t) are graphed against the independent variable t. The second graph is a trajectory in the phase plane with x on the horizontal axis, y on the vertical. The user will specify the right-hand sides of the two equations, window settings for both graphs, and an initial point. When graphing the phase plane, the calculator will pause to allow the user to decide whether or not to continue graphing. If NO is selected, the calculator pauses again. A final enter will restore the screen to full screen and erase the graphs.