raytrace -------- Here are two programs for tracing rays of light through lenses. The first one, RayTrace is for Thin lenses. first you will be prompted for the number of lenses involved in the trace, The Initial Height of the object, The Initial Angle of the ray, and the Initial Distance of the object from the first lens. For a ray that starts at the axis use 0 for the ray height and .1 (an angle in radian measure) for the initial angle. For a parallel ray trace use 0 as the initial angle. More information about the system of lenses is provided from the parallel ray trace. The sign convention is as follows. Rays are traced through a system from left to right. Provided that the object is to the left of the first lens, the initial distance from the object to the first lens is a positive number. Final object distances are with respect to the last lens. The power of a lens is measured in diaopters. For example, if a lens has a radius of 40 mm then its lens power is 1/40 diaopters. The ynu program is used for tracing rays through lenses with thickness where the refractive index must be taken into account. All of the sign conventions are the same for the Ynu trace as they are for the thin lens ray trace. However, both of these programs are fairly specialized meet the needs of an optics class I attended recently. So please feel free to: Send questions or comments to Clif Burnes gt0370b@prism.gatech.edu