SCRIPTS.92G for the TI-92 SCRIPTS.92G was developed by Bert Waits and Franklin Demana of the Ohio State University. They may be freely exchanged and modified with appropriate acknowledgement. They are copyrighted by Bert Waits and Franklin Demana, 1995. INTRODUCTION This TI-92 group file contains 4 text scripts: BOXPYRAM.92T: "Pyramid on top of box" problem. A special case of the "Generalized Bee hive problem". GENBEEHI.92T: A Generalized Bee Hive problem. GR3DREGR.92T: 3D Graph of linear regresion model problem (execute AFTER the REGRESSN.92T script). REGRESSN.92T: Where do regression equations come from? An alternative to a calculator "black-box" method. HOW TO RUN THE SCRIPTS Send SCRIPTS.92G to your calculator. There should be four text objects placed in the MAIN folder (by default... you can send them to a different folder if you want). To execute a script, press the APPS key, followed by 9, followed by 2. This brings up the text editor and allows you to select a script to execute. Once the script is selected, press the F4 key to execute the script, one line at a time (press F4 for each line). The scripts will tell you what is happening at each step of the way.