PENDULUM is a pair of programs to interface the TI-82 with CBL and photometer probe to measure the period of swing of a pendulum with a precision near 0.001 second. With this precision, you can, for example, explore the period as a function of half-angle of swing. ----begin documentation---- Two programs grouped in PENDULUM.82G. Use the File Utilities of TI-Graph Link to ungroup the program files below. ----Program name: PENDULUM.82P Main program to: 1) query the user for some initial estimates of the pendulum period (used to set the CBL sampling rate); 2) set up the CBL to collect triggered data from the photometer probe in Channel 1, 3) prompt the user to begin data collection; 4) collect the data from the photometer probe (approximately 500 data pairs); 5) retrieve the data from the CBL (using GETMORE.82p); 6) analyze the data, looking for three dips in the voltage data to signal the passing of the pendulum near the photometer probe; 7) inform the user if three voltage dips are not detected and retstart the program; 8) display the time values of the three voltage dips and calculate the pendulum period. Variables used: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, A, B, D, I, J, K, P, Q, R, S, T