Category: Windows Hacking, Desktop Tools, Win2000 Nt
Title: Netman
Format: NT
Description: NetMAN is a comprehensive utility for managing Windows NT-based networks. Centralized Registry Editor, Explorer, Share Manager, User Manager, Service Controller, Process Viewer, etc for any machine on the network. Use NetMANs Service Controller to Install/Control services remotely, Edit/Fix registries across the network, LogOff/ShutDown machines, etc. Features: Machine Statistics - IP address, Full name, Type of operating system and its version, Name of users logged on to the machine, Drives on machine; NetMAN Share Manager - Shares on the remote machine and their types, Creating and Managing shares and their permissions, Mapping shares as your local drives, View connected users to those shares and alternatively disconnect them; NetMAN User Manager - Lists all user groups on remote machine, Lists all the members belonging to the User group; NetMAN Service Controller - Services installed, Status of each Service, Start/pause/stop services, Remove (uninstall) services; NetMAN ProcessViewer - Runn
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