Category: Windows Hacking, Chat Tools, Aim Exploits
Title: Aim Crack
Format: Win9x/Me/NT/2000
Description: AIM Crack - Removes the banner ads on AOL Instant Messangers. Directions: 1) Shut down AOL Instant Messenger COMPLETELY even out of the Windows Tray. 2) Put go into your AIM directory (Default: C:\Program Files\AIM95) and rename the existing advert.ocm to advert.ocm.bak 3) Put the advert.ocm file (you just got) into the AIM directory 4) Reload AIM and ALL BANNERS SHOULD BE GONE! This has been tested and found to be working on the the following versions of AIM: 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.3
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