Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: Auto-Join v4 98 4.98
Format: Win OS
Description: French addon that allows you to automatically join certain channels on connect, depending on which network you are connecting to (DALnet, Undernet or EFnet). The author didn't include a readme file, so you'll have to figure out which one of the three remote files to install. Since they are called auto-join.mrc, auto-join2.mrc and auto-join3.mrc, I just to load auto- join.mrc .. thankfully, it worked ;) On first installation, the script loaded all the other files and then gave me an error of: "* /dialog: 'ydomination.config.dialog' name in use". The script is configured in a nice & clean dialog window that allows you to join up to 8 channels at one time. There are still a few bugs, but at least the script works now. You have to have all channels in order though, meaning that if you don't have a channel filled in for spot 2, then spot 3 won't work, etc. It will also give you an error of: "* /join: insufficient parameters (line 29, auto-join.mrc)" because the author forgot to unset certain variab
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