Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: FTP advertiser addon by Bock
Format: Win OS
Description: A FTP Advertiser addon which displays everything you could possibly want about your FTP site to certain channels. The script is configurable by an nice and easy to use dialog. The readme file is simple but gets the job done, though I would have liked it if it went on to describe the different features of the script. The script is configured via one main dialog window, which lets you set the IP, Port, Login/Pass, Comments, Max Users, almost anything that you would like to display about your FTP server. It also lets you select up to four channels to display the advertisement in - which is a lot better than some which just use every channel (which annoys people like me). The script itself has far to much white space and blank lines in it, along with the use of the / command prefix. Error checking is not evident in the script. If I don't specify any channel names, the script will break. Same for when I don't use numbers in the Ad Delay field. Most of these problems can be simply solved by changing
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